Diet after appendicitis: what is possible and what is absolutely impossible. Basic principles and an exemplary diet menu after appendicitis


Appendicitis - This is a very common surgical disease, which is an inflammation of the appendix (appendage of the cecum).

The disease can occur at any age, but most often it affects people from 10 to 30 years old.

If the diagnosis of appendicitis is confirmed, an immediate operation to remove the appendix is ​​carried out (appendecomia).

The main principles of the diet after appendicitis

Dieting after surgery is an important link to recovery. Diet after appendicitis must be observed. within 3-4 weeks - until complete recovery and healing of sutures. Depending on the recovery period, four stages of dietwhich differ among themselves by types of products and dishes. However, for the entire period of the diet, there are a number of basic principles that must be adhered to for a speedy recovery:

  • fractional nutrition 5-6 times a day,
  • small portions
  • liquid or grated food (mashed potatoes, mousses, jellies, cereals, soufflés or soups),
  • only processed foods (baked, steamed, boiled),
  • comfortable temperature of consumed dishes (exclude cold and hot).
  • good nutrition, including the whole spectrum of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Diet for the first time after removal of appendicitis

In the first day after surgery, the intestines need time to recover. Therefore, the first 12 hours after surgery is only allowed to moisten the lips with water, if necessary. If the general condition is satisfactory, in the next 12 hours it is allowed to drink water or rice broth, chicken secondary broth.

2-3 days after the removal of appendicitis

Eating during this period should be done with caution, in small portions, watching the intestinal motility and consulting a doctor. Diet after appendectomy for 2-3 days may include:

  • Secondary chicken or vegetable broth,
  • mashed potatoes, squash or pumpkin
  • mashed boiled chicken,
  • rice broth or liquid rice porridge,
  • nonfat yogurt without additives.

For this period after surgery from the diet completely excluded:

  • bean
  • smoked meats
  • high-fiber foods (cabbage, corn, nuts, bread),
  • milk,
  • fried, fatty, pickled and salty foods,
  • fat,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • spicy dishes, spices, seasonings,
  • alcohol,
  • strong tea and coffee
  • any solid food.

Example of a diet menu after appendicitis for 2-3 days:

1 meal:

Baked pumpkin puree.

Rosehip broth.

2 meal:

Vegetable broth based on potatoes, onions, cauliflower.

3 meal:

Steamed cod mousse.

Zucchini puree.

4 meal:

Baked apple puree.

5 meal:

Low-fat yogurt, without additives.

6 meal:

Jelly from fruits.

Week after surgery: diet after appendicitis

The diet after appendicitis at this stage is aimed at creating favorable conditions for recovery and healing of the intestine and the restoration of its work.

It is important to avoid constipation. Following the dietary principles of the first three days, allowed to add:

  • fiber foods (carrots, baked apples, dried fruits, cereals, cereals, cooked on the water),
  • low-fat meats (chicken, rabbit, veal),
  • low-fat fish (preferably marine),
  • 10-15g butter,
  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream).

Particular attention should be paid to water consumption. This will prevent dehydration and additional stress on the body, as well as help normalize bowel function. It is recommended to use 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Most should be non-carbonated water, the smaller should be herbal and green teas, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices without sweeteners. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before and after meals to maintain water balance. Strong tea and coffee, shop juices, any carbonated drinks should be excluded.

An example of a diet after appendicitis in the first week:

1 meal:

Oatmeal on water with dried apricots, grated.

2 meal:

Baked apple.

Herbal tea.

3 meal:

Steamed chicken meatballs in their own juice.

Boiled beetroot puree.

4 meal:

Soup mashed carrots, zucchini, potatoes with fresh parsley or dill.

5 meal:

Liquid rice porridge in milk with a slice of butter.

Berry compote (not concentrated).

6 meal:


First month after surgery: diet after appendicitis

The end of the diet after appendicitis should be smooth so as not to cause additional stress to the restored body only. After the first week of the diet, the list of allowed foods expands, gently preparing the body for a return to the previous diet.

Vegetables. Potatoes, onions, carrots, leeks, celery, pumpkin, zucchini, beets. It is allowed to eat these vegetables, either separately, boiled, stewed or in the form of mashed potatoes, and adding them to soups, casseroles, omelets.

It is useful to add fresh herbs (dill, basil, parsley) in the finished dishes, as they contribute to digestion.

Fruits. You can eat raspberries, oranges, currants, tangerines, apples, peaches, strawberries. You should pay attention to fruits with large grains or hard peels, peeling them before eating.

Side dishes. Porridge made from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal in water or in diluted milk. Pasta casseroles, vegetables. It is allowed to add mushrooms.

Meat. They use lean dietary meat - chicken, beef, rabbit, veal, turkey fillet.

A fish. Preference is given to low-fat varieties of marine fish - cod, chum salmon, sea bass, pollock, flounder, saffron cod, tuna.

Floury. You can eat stale black and gray bread, stale white bread, inedible crackers.

Milk products. Fat-free or diluted milk, non-fat cream, yogurt without fillers, kefir, low-fat grated curd are allowed.

Sweets. Marmalade, marshmallows, fruit jellies, honey, candied fruits and dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, figs, prunes).

The drinks. Herbal and green teas, weak coffee and black tea with milk, sweet cocoa, decoction of rose hips or dried blueberries, compote, fruit jelly.

Following a diet after appendicitis in the first month is very important - the diet affects the composition of the intestinal microflora, re-forming it. Any excesses should be avoided - strongly sweet or salty, large portions, concentrated dishes.


  • bean
  • butter, cream products,
  • spicy, fried and smoked dishes,
  • okroshka, soups with frying, borsch,
  • fat milk and cheese,
  • mayonnaise and sauces,
  • dark chocolate,
  • carbonated drinks.

Should limit consumption corn, bananas and potatoes due to the high content of starch, as well as pears, nectarines and grapes due to the high sugar content.

An approximate diet menu after appendicitis for the first month:

Day 1:


Steam omelet with onions, bell peppers and parsley.

Green tea.

2 breakfast:

Steamed vegetables (carrots, potatoes, zucchini).

Raspberry fruit drink.


Pollock fish soup with a small amount of millet.

Gray "yesterday" bread.

Fruit compote.


Liquid buckwheat porridge on the water.

Boiled beef, twisted by a meat grinder.

Rosehip broth.


Yogurt with peach, dates and figs.


Herbal tea.

Fruit jelly.

Day 2:


Rosehip broth.

Oatmeal in diluted milk with dates.

2 breakfast:

Pasta casserole.

Fruit jelly.


Chicken fillet soup with buckwheat, carrots, potatoes and parsley.

Brown bread rusks.


Green tea.


Mashed potatoes from boiled carrots and pumpkins.

Oven baked flounder.

Baked apple.

Fruit compote.


Curd casserole with peach.

Weak cocoa.


Herbal tea.

Baked apple, peach and pumpkin puree.

Day 3:


Rubbed low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of honey.

Herbal tea.

2 breakfast:

Braised mushrooms with vegetables.

The blast (uzvar).


Soup mashed cauliflower and zucchini with dill.

Steamed omelet

Fruit jelly.


Rice porridge in water with added butter.

Knits from a rabbit.

Green tea.


Fruit salad of apple, half banana, orange, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.



Crackers made of gray or white bread.

Day 4:


Grated baked pumpkin with a little honey.

Weak cocoa.

2 breakfast:

Oatmeal on water with dried apricots and prunes.

Green tea.


Soup on perch broth with rice, carrots, parsley.

Gray "yesterday" bread.

Weak black tea (possible with milk).

Fruit jelly.


Liquid mashed potatoes and carrots with the addition of greens.

Veal meatballs.

Berry compote.


Crackers made of white or gray bread.


Green tea.


Herbal tea with an orange slice.

Baked apple.

Day 5:


Grated cottage cheese with berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants).

Green tea.

2 breakfast:

Baked vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin).

Rosehip broth.


Soup mashed onions, carrots, mushrooms and parsley.

Low-fat yogurt with dates, dried apricots.

Dried blueberry broth.


Oven baked chicken with pumpkin and carrots.

Weak black tea.



Buckwheat porridge in milk.

Fruit compote.


Herbal tea.

Cottage cheese casserole.

Day 6:


Weak cocoa.

Oatmeal in milk with dried apricots and honey.

2 breakfast:

Vegetable omelet with zucchini, potatoes, onions and herbs.

Green tea with an orange slice.


Chicken secondary broth.

Rusks made from black or gray bread.

Buckwheat porridge on the water.

Fruit jelly.


Boiled pollock.

Mashed potatoes from boiled carrots and herbs.

Berry compote.



Milk Steam Pudding.

Green tea.


Baked apple with dried apricots.


Day 7:


Herbal tea.

Fruit salad of peach, strawberry, banana halves, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

2 breakfast:

Pumpkin porridge in diluted milk with rice.

Berry compote.


Soup mashed pumpkin, carrot, potato, zucchini with dill.

Fruit jelly.

Green tea.


Steamed fish cutlets from chum.

Pasta casserole.

Dried blueberry broth.



Cottage cheese casserole.

Green tea.


Baked apple and prune puree.


After a month, they return to the previous diet, limiting for 2 months:

  • fatty, smoked, spicy dishes,
  • grapes, grape juices,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol.


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