Children's dresses crochet master class for beginners


How to tie a beautiful baby dress for a little fashionista, if you are just learning the basics of knitting? Here you will be helped by photo and video lessons (MK) from the best masters in the network and their step by step explanation of the whole process with the most valuable comments. For beginner skilled workers experienced ladies advise to start with the most simple models, so do not immediately start knitting complex sundresses.

Crocheted children's dresses with schemes - master class for beginners

It's never too late to start learning how to knit, especially if you like to make pleasant surprises for your relatives. And today you can learn this for free!

How to knit a simple summer dress

Step by step for the skilled workers with a little bit of experience is the lesson of the simplest outfit for a one-year-old child for the warm season, when the sun warms.

The model is performed for young girls 8-12 months, fastens on the back. Skirt knit transverse detail.

Materials: 2 skeins of Linha Camila Fashion yarn (cotton, 100 g / 500 m.) Cream color, green yarn remnants, hook 1.75 mm., Needle, 65 cm. Satin ribbon 5 mm. Cream-colored wide, 42 yellow beads., 6 buttons.


Skirt: fit in transverse detail. Dial a chain of air loops 31 cm long. Alternate single crochets and double crochets according to scheme 1, carry out shortened rows according to scheme 1. Thus knit 152 rows (or 15 repeats) - that is, to a height of 49 cm. Short side ( belt) and 81 cm. long side (hem). Finish the job.

Yoke: on the belt line dial knit 112 st. b / n (1 column on 1 row). Split back and before.

Knit under the scheme 2. 1/2 back: knit over the first 28 columns. Continue to knit according to the scheme - 15 rows (including the already knitted first row). Run downs for the neck according to the scheme - 5 rows. Continue to knit under the pattern to the 17th row of the pattern. Repeat rapport until the 25th row of work. Finish the job. Repeat for the other half of the back mirror.

Before:knit over the central 56 columns. Continue to knit according to the scheme - 12 rows (including the already knitted first row). In the 13th row, leave the central 18 posts for the neckline, knit the sides separately, completing the tailpieces for the neck, to the height of the backrest. Finish the job.

Assembly: sew the shoulders.


1. On a cut on a back and cut of a mouth to knit 1 row with columns without nakida. Distribute 6 buttons for holes along the left side of the back: the first along the edge of the neck of the back, the last 9 cm above the bottom of the dress, the rest between them. Knit the second row of columns without nakida, (1 v / n., Skip 1 column, Art. B / n in the next column) - for each hole. Knit third row of crochets. Finish the job.

2. Tie the row at the bottom of the dress with a single crochet.

3. Tie each armhole according to scheme 2.

Decorations: if you do not know how to decorate, tie 14 floral motifs and 14 leaves according to the scheme. Attach on each gorgeous flower 3 beads in the center, sew a leaf, attach to the dress according to the scheme. Tie a ribbon in the center of the bow in front.

Crochet baby dress (scheme and description) for 2-3 years.

Pretty simple, but elegant openwork with ruffles for the summer. You can add a belt and decor in the form of beads.

Materials: Nako Estiva yarn (50% cotton, 50% bamboo, 100 g / 375 m.) - 1 skein of white color and 1 skein of beige color, hook of 2.5 mm.


Back: Beige thread dial a chain of air loops 45 cm long, knit mesh according to pattern 3. At a height of 22 cm knit 1-6 rows of frills according to pattern 2 (dress hem). Connect the thread to the dialed chain (to the upper edge), knit 1-6 rows of frills. Repeat another 2 sections of frills between the upper and lower sections. Connect the white thread to the dialed chain, knit the yoke of the back according to the scheme 1. When the height of the coquette is 13 cm, reduce on each side 2 groups of V-columns for armholes. At a height of 46 cm. Subtract the central 7 groups of V-columns for the neck. Knit the sides separately. At a height of 47 cm. Finish the work.

Before: start like a back. When the height of the coquette is 20 cm., Reduce the central 3 groups of V-columns for the neck. Knit the sides separately, continuing to decrease 3 columns (not groups, but columns!) - 2 times, 2 columns - 1 time. At a height of 47 cm. Finish the work.

Assembly: sew the sides from the bottom to the armholes, sew the shoulders. Binding of the neck: beige thread to tie a neck trace. way: * 4 tbsp. w / n from one loop, skip 1 cm., repeat from * in a circle, finish connecting. column. Tie armholes in the same way.

Crochet baby dress (video in Russian)

The video lesson is perceived by someone more easily, so we collected interesting master classes for you on YouTube to create a crochet baby dress.

Idea with a round yoke for a girl of 3 months

This model may be suitable for christening (as an ornament, look at the satin belt, which looks beautiful with openwork patterns).

I would like to note that the coquette for a children's dress is crocheted, taking into account the fact that the neckline must stretch very well.

So, knit with Svetlana Bersanova beautiful pink dress.

Combined of fabric and motifs (model from Chinese masters)

Fabric and beautiful lace trim in combination look very original. Finishing hem completed the ensemble, so this garment can even try on the graduation party in the garden.

Pineapple Red Robe

This dress looks good and in white color, which adds elegance.

Marshmallow with raglan sleeves

The most interesting can be found in the blogs "Mamochkin channel", and we paid attention to the outfit "Zephyr" for girls 2-3 years.

MK - square yoke crochet
