The meaning of the male name Eugene - interesting facts and general characteristics of a person with that name


The origin and roots of the name of Eugene

This beautiful name appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

Name "Eugene": Russian with Greek roots.

Religion adopting this name: Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Previously, this name was found in use most often in the French manner - Eugene, Owen or Eugene.

The abbreviated form of the name is Eugene: Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Genya, Gog, Zhora.

Female form name: Eugene

When parsing this name, you might think that the name means "genius" or "genius." In fact, quite a lot of famous and talented people bear this name, however, translated from Greek, it sounds like "noble." In a more literal translation, this name means "a person with good genes."

Initially, this name was carried only by men, and over time, a female name appeared from him - Eugene. From history, we know that in those distant times, only noble children were named after Eugene, since this name was considered to be "elite."

Character and abilities of Eugene

Who is the smartest, kindest and quietest boy in the class? Of course this is a small and obedient Zhenya! A child with that name has a very gentle and noble character. The appearance of the guys with this name is most often with pleasant, soft facial features. From childhood, Eugene grows as a dreamer and romantic. Showing resourcefulness, this fidget is able to come up with a game and attach to it all the boys of his yard! Eugene loves to be in the role of a rescuer or the main character who will certainly defeat evil.

He prefers noisy, active games, where all the forces are thrown to salvation and whether helping anyone. Thanks to such a character trait, Zhenya enjoys not only authority among boys, but also girls show their attention to him, trying to attract the attention of a little "justice fighter". This is a very good feature of little Eugene, saying that since childhood he has a sense of responsibility and kindness that he shows to the people around him.

At school, Eugene is an obedient, intelligent and assiduous student. At an early age, he shows an interest in the exact sciences. Boys with this name most often love mathematics, chemistry, physics and foreign languages. Also noted is a love of poetry and various types of art. It’s easy to captivate Zhenya, any information, the main thing is that the student understands that this is something that will surely come in handy for him in life. He is smart and assiduous, but as soon as he understands and sees the pressure of the teacher, he will immediately abandon the subject and it is unlikely that he will succeed in imposing something on him. Boys with this name are often fond of poetry, and often delight their loved ones with good school performance. Most of the children graduate with honors.

However, over time, the matured Eugene rethinks everything and leaves all the noisy companies and vibrant activities. Changes the internal thinking and makes decisions deliberately, without fuss. Often shows ingenuity, making a quick decision. In emergency situations, Eugene is able to compromise. More often than not, everything is resolved peacefully: without quarrels, mutual insults and insults. Often such decisions are made to the detriment of any of their interests, but Zhenya is ready to give in to come to a mutual agreement between the two parties.

Having matured, Zhenya can change his soft and kind nature and become quick-tempered, but often it depends on the people around him. He does not like provocateurs, and stubbornness of character can include them in opposition to them. In general, Eugene is a responsible, responsive and serious young man, a character whom over the years becomes fair and requires due attention. If in his presence someone decides to offend his family or friends, Eugene is able to show his firm character in their defense and even use force. When he sees the support of people close to him, he is capable of committing risky acts.

Interesting facts about the name of Eugene

The patron saints of Eugene:

Eugene of Mauritius (presbyter, priest martyr 02/19).

Eugene Vifinsky (the holy martyr is also reverend 12.02).

Eugene Melitinsky (martyr 20.11).

The mascot is a spiral.

The color scheme is all brown.

Stone pearls.

The fate of people named Eugene

The characteristic features of kindness, honesty and nobility are manifested in Eugene from an early age, and it does not matter in what family he is brought up with (with two parents or not). And on the contrary, if Eugene grows up without a father, then you can be sure that this boy will grow up even earlier and take all the responsibilities upon himself. Zhenya is support and support primarily for mom. Boys with this name have a very thin thread connecting it with their mother! He cannot be called his mother’s son, but he appreciates and respects the woman raising him (even if this grandmother or foster mother).

You don’t have to worry about the fate of a person with that name. Due to his soft, compliant, but fair nature, Eugene is respected among men and incredibly popular among women! Despite universal love and recognition, Eugene is not a dummy. In any situation, he behaves modestly and restrainedly. He does not need to conquer girls with external beauty, a fashionable style in clothes or insolence and self-confidence. It is enough for him to take advantage of the innate charm and show education so that all the girls see him as the man of their dreams.

Friendship with Eugene

For a boy named Zhenya, one of the most important moments is family ties. And often the best friend or girlfriend becomes a brother or sister. Eugene is very important to feel a solid shoulder and the support of a loved one. In friendship, Eugene is an indispensable and sensitive friend and comrade. This person will never betray and will not go to vileness, for the sake of any benefit. And if he sees an injustice or a lie in relation to his near and dear ones - he will not keep silent. One can say about such a person - this is a true friend!

Eugene does not lie, and can not tolerate toadies and liars in his environment. Itself never participates in deceit or any kind of scam. The minimum percentage of men with this name find themselves in places of deprivation of liberty, because they believe that everything in this life should be achieved on their own.

Love and family relations Eugene

Well-considered decisions, self-control, consistency and endurance are the most important values ​​in the life of Eugene. He, for example, is likely to look after a girl he likes for several years before he can tell her about his feelings and intentions. He is a romantic and a visionary, and therefore his chosen one can count on the fact that Zhenya will surprise her with each new day with something new and interesting. While his comrades are ready to take the female sex by storm.

He is conservative and therefore does not scatter his attention and compliments. Zhenya will show her courtship and attention only to that girl who really won his heart. Often in the features of young women, Eugene seeks external and internal resemblance to his mother. Indeed, since childhood, tender and warm feelings for everyone around him have been laid in his heart precisely thanks to his mother. And when choosing a chosen one, he will definitely choose a girl with similar facial features and character.

Often Eugene is a monogamous and an excellent family man. Consciously approaches marriage and most often it happens in adulthood from 25 to 30 years. This does not mean that he wants to take a walk - changing women like gloves. He takes great care in choosing a companion and therefore makes his choice consciously and accurately. He can not be surprised by his bright appearance and combat makeup. Zhenya is primarily concerned about the inner world of his companion. We need common topics and interests, in the discussion of which he likes to reason and evaluate the opinion of the interlocutor. His wife can be a smart and versatile person. With others, he is simply not interested.

In family relationships, he is a faithful husband and the best father. He loves both boys and girls equally. Children are foreground for him. There are such cases that "Eugene father" to some extent can pay more attention to children than to his wife. He is a sensitive and caring dad, who, being at home after a hard day, will not show his tiredness in any way, but will fulfill all the whims of his children. From statistics, we know that single fathers with the name Eugene are the most responsible and serious guardians. They bring up their children in love, tenderness and care, but in necessary situations they are ready to apply perseverance and character in the upbringing of the child.

Eugene (Zhenya) name compatibility

Favorable female names for creating family relationships:

Alina, Alevtina, Arianda, Amalia, Vera, Vitalina, Greta, Julia, Evdokia, Elena, Lisa, Jeanne, Ira, Clara, Katerina, Lara, Lydia, Maria, Marina, Nina, Polya, Ulyana and Elvira.

Unfavorable female names when choosing a girl to create family relationships:

Alexandra, Angela, Afanasy, Akulin, Valya, Varvara, Veronika, Vika, Glafira, Dayana, Inna, Inga, Klava, Kristina, Lyudmila, Margarita, Oksana, Olya, Paradise, Rosary, Julia and Yana.

Famous people named Eugene

Evgeny Evstigneev

Actor is a contemporary (1926-1922). All successes in the personal life and work of this contemporary actor appeared due to the simultaneous manifestation of the softness and decisiveness of the character of the actor. Evstigneev was one of the most prominent and famous actors of the time, and earned the love and recognition of many art connoisseurs.

Evgeny Baratynsky

Historian, writer (1800-1844). It was considered one of the most striking and at the same time mysterious personalities. His creations were distinguished by the contradiction of historical progress and spiritual mysteries of the human soul. His work was saturated with knowledge of the aesthetic nature and human consciousness. He was one of the most famous poets and translators of that time.

Evgeny Karnovich

Russian historian and writer of the present (1823-1885). He worked at the Catholic Church of Russia. Expert in historical fiction and genealogy.

Evgeny Lansere

Russian artist and sculptor of small and medium forms. (1848-1886). He had the title of honorary free associate of the Academy of Art of 1876. He was one of the first developers of writing instruments and kitchen sets from 1866 to 1876. He took part in the development of wax models of horses, including himself depicted horses, for which he received recognition in the circles of famous animal painters. In total, he has about 400 works with his participation!


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