Why do you dream of clean water: drink clean water, swim in it? The main interpretations of different dream books - what pure water dreams of


In a dream, you can get to the most unusual places, survive the most unusual events.

Why do you dream of clean water? How to interpret such a dream?

What pure water dreams of - the main interpretation

If you dream that you cannot scoop up clean water in your hand for a long time, such a dream bodes you with many difficulties in everyday life and in the professional sphere. You have long wanted to change the situation of your life, but for various reasons you could not do this. And now life does not give you the opportunity to understand all life situations and draw the right conclusion from them.

To fully interpret the dream, it is important to consider its details:

• Where are you trying to scoop up clean water from?

• Is the water warm?

• Do you bathe in it;

• Who else appears in your dream.

If you dream of a waterfall with clean, clear water in which you wash your entire body, you will soon be able to solve many problems and unleash those situations that have not been solved. You can recover strength after a difficult life period, even figure out old problems that have long haunted you. If the water in the waterfall is cold, you will look with hope to the future and try to solve a difficult problem.

But, the reality of life will be such that you will become more and more disappointed in your inner circle. Your feelings can grow cold, you can look again at people whom you trusted yesterday, who were treated with care and love.

A dream in which you see someone washing with clean water indicates that you will watch someone from the side and you will not like someone’s actions. You can reprehensibly treat another person who until recently seemed to you a friend and your comrade-in-arms. The reason for this situation will be a lack of understanding of their internal needs and conflicts with themselves.

If in a dream you wash yourself with clean water - in reality you will try to figure out a very sensitive business. You will try to find out the truth, at the same time, life will in every way take you from this truth. It may be about the desire to know the true emotions of another person, plans.

If you bathe in the clean, cool water of a pond, enjoy yourself and experience emotions of joy and happiness in a dream - in reality you will enjoy the attention of a loved one, you will be filled with strength and energy. Such a dream can promise you a solution to any issues as soon as possible. You can quickly cope with stress, if until recently something caused it in you.

Dream interpretation promises you the right decisions, new opportunities, if you draw clean water from a well. In reality, you will find a source of new opportunities, a source that will allow you to solve those problems that you have long accumulated.

If you dream that you are drinking clean water from a well - in reality you will receive a rather favorable offer and you will be able to establish your financial sphere. If in a dream you see someone holding out a glass of clean water and offering you a drink, you will receive an advantageous offer from someone you did not expect from. Your dreams come true much faster than you planned.

If you have a dream in which you walk along the ocean and the water in it is clean and clear, you will soon be able to realize everything that was intended, the dream book advises you not to go too deep into dreams so as not to become their hostage. You need to stay living in real life and not try to shift your responsibilities to others, not blame others for not being happy with something, haven’t done something for you, or have done it, but not so.

If in a dream you see someone watering you with clean water, and you feel joy, feel freshness, you are pleased and comfortable - you will soon be able to afford a good rest in the company of close people. A dream in which you see someone pouring clean water on you, but it is cold and you are not comfortable, portends you to minor troubles associated with communicating with people. You will try to restore justice, but all attempts will be futile.

If you dream that the water from the tap flows clean and then becomes cloudy or even rusty - gossip will start spreading about you and you will have to come to terms with the fact that you are not comfortable with someone, that someone does not like you. But you also have to defend your honest name. Do not let gossip spoil your reputation. Stand your ground and then you will succeed.

A dream in which you see clean water in a plate in front of you and circles begin to diverge on it - it promises you problems in matters of work and arrangements. At first they will promise you to fulfill all the conditions of the agreements, then they will ask you to wait a while and delaying decisions can be very long. You will waste your nerves, be upset and will not get the desired result, you will simply be disappointed in everything that surrounds you.

Why dream of clear water according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that pure water dreams of direct and frank conversation. But whether it will be a conversation with oneself, or whether it will be a conversation with some other person, the complete interpretation of the dream will tell. You may be trying for a long time to sort out your feelings if in a dream you splash in clean, cool water.

You will want to relax, solve all problems, solve many accumulated questions, and you will not know how to make sure that no one is offended, so that your plans are fully realized.

If in a dream you bathe in the clear and bubbling water of a waterfall, you will not have the strength to restrain your emotions. They will overwhelm you, and you will not understand how you move on in life, how to build your plans, what to get from life in the end.

The dream in which you swim in a clean reservoir - says that you will enjoy life, enjoy the company of loved ones and will receive a lot of pleasure from what is happening in your life. You will plan new meetings and acquaintances.

If you dream of a flood and you are drowning in clear water, then you will plunge into a routine, but you can eventually get out of everyday problems, you can solve your life situations. A dream in which you see a large number of people rushing into the seething, but clear water of the river - speaks of your desire to know all the temptations of life, says that you are almost ready to radically change your life.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she was seized with clean, bubbling water, such a dream means that she will fall into a kind of non-standard situation, but she will proudly come out of it. She will be able to restore justice and not harm either herself or the child.

What is the dream of pure water in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that pure water dreams when a person begins a period of resolving past problems and new opportunities. A person will be able to cope with almost all the difficulties of his life and adequately get out of these situations.

A dream in which clean water suddenly becomes dirty or muddy - speaks of deception by a loved one. Such a dream can mean truthful words, which are subsequently replaced by lies and rudeness.

If in a dream pure water suddenly becomes bloody - it is important to pay attention to your health and not neglect its condition, otherwise diseases will conquer you constantly. Try to figure out your health and not start it.

What is the dream of clean water for other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that pure water dreams of pure and truthful actions that you will make, the right decisions that will delight you, new and pleasant life events.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that pure water dreams when you can express your thoughts correctly and clearly. You have a clear mind and thanks to this you can make the right and balanced decisions, not stop making decisions, but actively move forward. If you dream that the water becomes muddy and dirty - watch your thoughts, you need peace, you need outside support.

Whatever the dream, you can take his prompts and make the right choice, make the right decision, figure it out pretty quickly and never return to the issues that worried you so much. The main thing is to prioritize and trust intuition. And dreams will give those clues that will help solve many issues.


Watch the video: The Language of Dreams, Water (July 2024).