Which of the information about the benefits of raw eggs on an empty stomach is a myth and who really needs them. What is special about their composition and whether raw eggs can cause harm on an empty stomach


A raw fasting egg is an unusual but extremely healthy breakfast. No other product is characterized in this way and it is enough to eat in such a style for only 1-2 weeks to feel, notice positive changes.

What is the secret of the benefits of raw eggs on an empty stomach

Many people prefer breakfast with egg dishes, they are remarkably tasty and varied, easily digested and energized for the whole day, they contain proteins, B vitamins, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and calcium.

With all the diversity of poultry, only chicken and quail eggs are widely used, interchangeable in all recipes at the rate of 1 chicken egg or 4-5 quail eggs.

But a separate, special place is given to the use of raw eggs on an empty stomach with benefits, the importance of which for a simply healthy and dietary nutrition cannot be overestimated.

The use of something (water with turmeric, fruit salad, yogurt, etc.) is an empty stomach in dietetics has a special meaning:

· In the morning hours, the body only changes its “settings” from sleep to wakefulness and in this regard, it especially and strongly perceives incoming substances;

· Before the first meal of the day, the stomach is not loaded with anything, digestive enzymes are produced as they are, not brought down, for example, by either an excess of sweets or unnecessarily spicy foods.

It is well known that heat treatment reduces the beneficial properties of many products, they can even be absorbed worse, as a result of it vitamins are destroyed ...

Chicken or quail eggs are no exception. Only in raw form are they most useful and in this form they have the maximum positive effect on the body.

But a raw egg is a specific product, it just might not be to your taste.

In this case, it’s worth trying to make something delicious from eggs, for example, mogogol, that is, you can mix eggs with milk, honey, cocoa, fruit or vegetable juice, seasonings (cinnamon, vanillin, nutmeg) ...

And someone likes a simple whipped, but slightly salted egg.

The norm of consumption can be considered 1-2 raw chicken eggs per day, or 4-6 raw quail eggs.

Eggs of the diet category (laid no later than 7 days ago), and not the canteen (older than 7 days), are of the greatest value.

To verify the freshness of the egg, you can check it the old fashioned way - by dropping it into a glass of cold water - the fresh one will sink to the bottom.

It is absolutely wonderful if you managed to get farm eggs, and not from industrial laying hens, but, of course, there must be confidence in the impeccable quality of eco-products.

It is recommended to drink eggs 15-30 minutes before breakfast, but - it is very undesirable to skip a meal and, moreover, do it systematically.

Firstly, raw eggs are not worse than water on an empty stomach, they stimulate appetite and it can manifest itself unchecked during the day, which will lead to overeating. Secondly, a beaten egg stimulates the production of gastric juice and it is unhealthy to leave the stomach wasted.

A pleasant bonus can be the fact that due to the property of eggs to gently envelop the walls of the stomach and relieve irritation of the mucous membranes, spicy, moderately spicy and sour foods can be consumed for breakfast and during the day without fear of unpleasant sensations, if previously they were disturbed.

But of course, a raw egg cannot make foods that are contraindicated in case of serious stomach problems (like gastritis and ulcers) safe.

How Protein and Yolk Composition Benefits Raw Fasting Eggs

The energy value of a chicken egg is 157 kcal per 100 g, so on average one piece (weighing 50 g) contains 75 kcal, of which 50 are yolks.

One quail egg (again without a shell) weighs about 12 g and is approximately equivalent in calories.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, often they are included in large quantities in their diet by athletes and those who want to change their shape, building muscle mass.

True, in this case, not only raw eggs are useful, but also egg dishes, the same omelets.

Only 1 chicken egg provides 10% of the daily requirement for protein, and we repeat - raw protein with its unchanged structure is absorbed much better.

It is important to note that fears due to the use of eggs to significantly increase blood cholesterol levels are essentially groundless for a number of reasons:

· Eggs contain "good" cholesterol;

· Thanks to vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid), the eggs have the property to positively affect blood formation, in particular, to purify blood from “bad” cholesterol;

· The effect of nutrition on increasing cholesterol is somewhat exaggerated and it is often more important not to worry about the menu that increases it, but to introduce products that normalize this indicator into the diet.

But still it’s worth clarifying that if you compare the eggs of hens and quails, the cholesterol content in the latter is 1.2-1.5 times higher.

If we compare the ratio of vitamins, minerals and other substances, then both varieties of eggs are almost identical in this regard, the differences are small, although quail eggs are almost twice as large as quail eggs.

Egg yolk contains biotin (vitamin H), which contributes to weight loss, as it is involved in the breakdown and healthy absorption of fats that come with food.

Choline (vitamin B4) contained in the yolk is responsible in the body for the transmission of nerve impulses between cells and supports the functioning of the heart.

The value of lecithin is also great - full-fledged brain activity, respiratory health and the normal functioning of the pancreas.

Other important components - the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are necessary for good vision and the prevention of diseases such as cataracts in old age.

How else can you benefit from raw eggs on an empty stomach

There is a legend about the benefits of raw chicken eggs on an empty stomach that many opera singers and singers cannot do without them. The truth is a pinch.

No matter how good this product is, it is not able to radically affect the voice, magically improve it. But a beaten raw egg has a softening and healing effect on the vocal cords and the throat itself, prevents its irritation during singing, when the breathing process is at a difficult peak of activity.

It is no coincidence that the Mogul-mogul has always been a very popular treat for those who have a cold, have a sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, exhausted by dry cough and a sore throat.

The effect of the mixture, for example, from beaten eggs, warm milk, honey and butter, does not have to wait long. Moreover, a tasty medicine will work no worse if you take only the yolks from the eggs.

Raw eggs, as already mentioned, are useful for the stomach and the list of their properties in this regard can be continued:

· Proteins contain the enzyme lysozyme, a natural antibacterial agent against pathogenic pathogens of diseases of the stomach, for example, infectious gastritis;

· For a long time, eggs lower the acidity of gastric juice.

What could be the harm from raw eggs on an empty stomach

Raw eggs can be allergic (such a reaction is extremely rare for quail eggs). And sometimes there is no allergy, but after eating raw eggs on an empty stomach, their harm is expressed in discomfort, discomfort in the stomach, and nausea.

If the body does not accept, the harm of raw eggs on an empty stomach will outweigh their benefits, do not force yourself, let it be better to have less nutrients, but in your favorite egg dishes.

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than 2-3 chicken eggs per day, moreover, in total, both in the form of raw, and as part of salads, egg dishes, pastries.

Quail eggs in a similar way for an adult are allowed to consume 6-10 pieces per day.

Frequent neglect of this leads to an excess of protein in the body, and this is fraught with:

Violation of water balance;

· Development of bone fragility;

· Excess weight gain.

With caution and only after consulting a doctor, you can sometimes eat raw eggs without harm on an empty stomach with diseases of the liver and kidneys, diabetes mellitus.


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