How to confess to a guy in love is beautiful and correct: tips


Many girls wonder whether the guy should confess in love, or still need to carefully hide their feelings. Love is beautiful by nature, it requires expression and careful attitude.

Often girls are afraid to be rejected and ridiculed, and this fear prevents them from confessing their love first. In society, it has always been considered shameful and inappropriate to talk first about your feelings, because the guy must take the initiative and take the first step. But why such prejudices? After all, one can wait long for a reciprocal feeling, if one does not decide on candid confession herself. It makes no sense to be ashamed of love, because it awakens tenderness and warmth in a person.

In the modern world, most of the fair sex are resolute and boldly take the initiative in their hands. To succeed in this regard, there are a few tips on how to confess your love to a guy if you are embarrassed:

  • Do not be afraid of anything! Ways to declare love - hundreds. If you do not have the courage to speak openly about your feelings, you can try to express them through signs of attention. They can be different, such as compliments. You can praise the guy, support, smile, tell him how wonderful he looks today.
  • Another way to express love is gifts. You can make gifts with their own hands. This could be a postcard or some kind of thing that will hint a guy about your feelings. Often girls give boys various souvenirs in the form of angels and hearts.
  • Since today it has become fashionable to communicate on the Web, you can send him a suggestive song with a love theme.
  • Many can not express their feelings in the open, so express them on paper. Such a love confession will provide an opportunity to convey on paper all their cherished thoughts and experiences. Such a romantic letter can be left on the table, thrown into a briefcase, or in some other way delivered to the addressee.
  • Some admit to the guy in love with the help of gentle touches and hugs. Sometimes a simple touch says a lot more than a word.
    Another great opportunity to express your feelings is to show care and attention. The kindness, tenderness and sympathy that you will show will tell your lover much more than simple words.
  • Another method, more courageous, is to invite a guy for a romantic date, where you can tell him in private that you are in love with him. Usually such moments do not repeat. Time passes, and most of the moments in the past. As they say: "Life is short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid." We must remember that each word has its time and place, so if you have something to say, say.

How to confess to a guy in love that he did not refuse

Fear of failure prevents a girl to confess to a guy in love. She is afraid that her feelings will be non-reciprocal. What to do in this case? How to confess your love without dropping your dignity? If you feel that you like a guy, you should confess your feelings to him, but if you understand that he doesn’t even look in your direction, is apathetic and indifferent, then it’s better not to disclose your love experiences to him, as this can cause you heartache and chagrin.

If you realize that feelings are unresponsive, do not continue to seek attention. The mistake of most girls is that they make excuses for guys. It must be remembered that if a person wants something, he does it.

If you understand that you sympathize with the guy, you can safely take the first step yourself. There is a saying: “Imagine that a man and a woman share twenty steps. So, you have to take your ten steps and stop. If he didn’t meet you there, don’t do the eleventh - then you will need to do the twelfth, thirteenth - and so all your life. Everyone must do their 10 steps. " Take the first step, and then you will understand whether this love is mutual and with this person you want to spend the rest of your life.

How to confess to a guy in love, if he has a girlfriend

It often happens that the guy you like already has a girlfriend, what to do in this case? There is a saying that "a girl is not a wall and can be moved." Many even try to break up already established couples and win the heart of their beloved. The question is whether you need to take on such a sin? Yes, no doubt, you can confess to a guy in love, but you should not destroy a relationship.

Remember that you cannot build your own on someone else’s happiness, and everything in life is boomerang. Yes, of course, you need to fight for happiness, but without harming others. Remember that true love requires no commitment. It does not destroy, it creates, so do not be selfish. If a person is granted to you by fate, he will be with you anyway.

How can you make a guy love yourself

Can you make a guy love yourself? On the Internet, there are so many different ways and tips on how to make a guy love yourself, how to tie him to yourself and so on. If you are intelligent enough, you will understand one simple truth that love is either there or not.

You can not bind a person to yourself. As the saying goes: "you will not be forcefully beaten", and whatever methods are tried, they will not give good results. The only solution is to be yourself. You can confess to a guy in love and express that love. And if this is your man, he will be with you and will love you. However, you can be kinder and more interesting, become better. Start to improve yourself, do not forget, it always attracts.

Is it worth confessing a guy to love if he doesn't love you

If a girl feels that her chosen one does not have special feelings for her, you must think carefully before expressing your love to him. The girl must decide for what purpose she does it. If she understands that if she confesses to a boyfriend in love and this will not change anything in their relationship, then is it necessary to open her soul? You can always become good friends, thereby maintaining a good relationship with a guy.

Sometimes, in order to stop suffering, a person needs to still talk about his feelings, because after that everything falls into place. It's like a quiet breath after a heavy, long breath. Beautiful ladies can only be honest with themselves and understand what they will achieve in the final result.

Original confession of a guy in love - love poems, prose

The most beautiful way for a guy to confess his love is, undoubtedly, love prose and poems. If a girl is talented, she can compose a poem herself, which will very accurately express her entire flow of feelings and experiences. Such a message will not leave your fan indifferent and he will be able to appreciate your skills.

Prose and poems make it possible to better explain what is happening in the heart, because it is not always possible to safely convey orally the stream of feelings that embraces you. If a girl is not strong in poetry, she can use the verses of other authors: from simple classics to modern poetry. Remember that poetry and prose is an incredibly romantic way to express your love feelings. Knowingly, Pushkin’s Tatiana, writing a letter to Onegin, used phrases from the love novels she read.

Romantic words for the recognition of a guy in love

What words are the most romantic and beautiful for a declaration of love? Probably those words that come from the heart and soul. No need to invent and invent. When a person is in love with him, wakes up tenderness and love, which tell him what to say and do. When you look into the eyes of a loved one, the words themselves come to mind. These can be words of praise, admiration, gentle and tender phrases, supported by kisses and hugs. Remember that everything that comes from the heart comes to him!

How to confess to a love guy in prose - love sms

Love sms is an original way to confess to a guy in love and once again remind him that they love him and how much he means. What could be nicer when you receive love sms? A person immediately has a smile on his face and warm joy spreads over his body, because he understands that someone is thinking about him at this moment.

If you are a shy person, you can write a confession anonymously. Sms, like: "Someone loves you", "I love you", "You are the best!" - make the guy for days on end remain mysterious and seek out the addressee. Let it be trivial things, but they are not without some mystery and interest.

How to make a declaration of love for a guy in love - advice

There is plenty of advice on how to make a declaration of love to a guy with your own hands. It can be anything: starting with a simple postcard and ending with some crafts. You can make the most incredible things with your own hands - and this is the original method to confess to a guy in love, while not exposing his soul too much. It is always creative and gives an excellent opportunity to express your creative imagination. You can see how to weave baubles and make a bracelet as a keepsake. Such a gift will be an excellent reminder and display of attention.

At home, you can make a gift of polymer clay in the form of a badge or other object. Find out what is interested in the guy that you like. Relying on his interests, you can easily please with a gift.

Show your skills in cooking, bake some delicious muffins or cakes that you can treat your lover. As you know, the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach, so demonstrate your abilities in this area. Remember, when a girl knows how to make, knows how to cook, develops in different areas - she becomes even more interesting.


Watch the video: Top 7 Love Confession Songs (June 2024).