Dandelion root: methods of using a healer. How to apply the beneficial properties of dandelion root, are there any contraindications


In folk medicine, dandelion is a respected plant. Each part of it is used to treat many ailments and benefits the human body. For example, the use of dandelion root relieves diseases of the musculoskeletal system, normalizes digestion and hormonal levels, restores the liver and gall bladder.

Composition of dandelion root

All parts of dandelion are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. By the end of summer, the root of the plant accumulates many useful chemical compounds, for example, selenium, zinc and copper.

The most valuable are the following substances contained in the root system of dandelion:

• inulin, which lowers blood sugar, strengthens the immune system, restores the liver;

• choline, protecting the liver from degeneration, lowering cholesterol;

• triterpene acids with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;

• bitterness, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and bile;

• fatty acids that lower cholesterol;

• sterol, which has a choleretic and diuretic effect, reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, cancer;

• carotenoids, normalizing metabolic processes in the body, improving vision.

The beneficial properties of dandelion root depend on its chemical composition. It contains minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron), vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, organic resins, tannins. Such an abundance of active substances, of course, should be used for their own benefit. But only if there are no contraindications. Dandelion root, like any plant, can provoke an allergic reaction just because of its rich chemical composition.

Useful properties of dandelion root

In folk medicine, dandelion root has a very wide range of applications. Official science confirms the great benefits of herbal “medicines,” including them in basic treatment regimens.

In the list of useful properties of dandelion root are the following:

• antiviral;

• antispasmodic;

• expectorant;

• fungicidal (antifungal);

• anti-tuberculosis;

• antidiabetic;

• anthelmintic;

• anti-sclerotic;

• tonic;

• anti-cancer;

• choleretic.

The use of dandelion root is indicated for general weakness and anemia, infusions for gout and osteochondrosis. The plant helps to solve skin problems: it treats burns, dermatoses, seborrhea, diathesis. You can take decoctions of the root to restore a quiet sleep, with vitamin deficiency, stress, irritability and chronic fatigue.

The beneficial properties of dandelion root can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, a decoction can treat hair that is weakened, spoiled, dull. Dandelion root ointment enhances follicle function and blood flow to the scalp, causing hair to grow faster.

Dandelion root application

Useful properties of dandelion root are manifested in the composition of decoctions, alcohol tinctures, ointments.

A decoction of dandelion roots

There are several ways to prepare a healing broth. First, the root needs to be cleaned and dried well during the day. Then pour 1 table. spoon with a pile of crushed raw materials with two glasses of water and warm for half an hour over boiling water.

Another way is to pour 20 grams of dried root with a glass of cold water for 10-12 hours, then bring to a boil and cool under a lid. You can insist the root in a thermos using the same proportions.

You can take a decoction to increase tone and lower cholesterol (one third of a glass before meals), treat liver and cleanse the blood (a glass before breakfast), including after a course of antibiotics. To cope with hypertension, you can regularly drink on? stack decoction before breakfast, and to forget about insomnia - before going to bed.

What else can you take to use dandelion root in the form of a decoction:

• to restore the liver after prolonged binge. You need to drink 3 times a day in half a glass, a full cleansing course - 10 days;

• for weight loss, as it cleanses the intestines, relieves swelling;

• to improve breast milk production. A decoction of dandelion root contains a substance similar to prolactin - a hormone that regulates lactation. An equal volume of carrot juice should be added to the filtered broth;

• to reduce the insulin dose in diabetes. The broth is mixed with the juice of medicinal plantain and immediately drunk;

• for the treatment of cystitis;

• with severe menstrual pain.

In addition, the decoction helps to cure teenage acne, as it has an antimicrobial effect. You can use it as a regular tonic. If your teeth hurt, prepare a decoction and rinse their mouth.

Dandelion root tincture on alcohol

100 grams of dried and chopped dandelion roots pour 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. The mixture is best prepared in a glass bowl. Remove the bottle in a dark place and leave for 2 weeks to insist. Shake the infusion 3-4 times during this time. Strain, store for a year in the refrigerator.

Since the tincture contains alcohol in a very high concentration, then the drop is taken. A single dose - 30 drops, not more. Take tincture three times a day before meals. The full course of treatment is three weeks or more, until there is a clear improvement.

You can use dandelion root in the form of alcohol tincture for such health problems as diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, toxic poisoning, obesity, and decreased immunity. Drops improve blood circulation, have a diuretic effect, remove toxins, dissolve kidney stones.

Dandelion Root Ointment

Take a raw, recently dug root, grind it to a pulp state, mix with a 30-gram slice of butter. The ointment should be infused for 3 days, then it can be stored in a refrigerator. Use the entire amount of ointment during the week, then it deteriorates.

You need to apply the product to a place affected by a fungal infection, you can use a gauze bandage. Change the bandages two, and preferably three times a day. It is advisable to wear a third bandage overnight.

The tool is also used to treat burns, with inflammation of the joints, dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatosis. There are practically no contraindications to the root of dandelion in the form of an ointment, since the drug is not taken inside.

Dandelion Root Tea

Pour a spoonful of crushed dried root with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for five minutes. Pour into cups and drink like regular tea, sweeten with honey if desired.

The beneficial properties of dandelion roots in such a drink are manifested with course application. Tea has general strengthening properties, tones, relieves colds, lowers temperature, helps with coughing, and disinfects the oral cavity. It can be drunk to prevent vitamin deficiency, flu, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can drink tea at will during the day. But the course of taking such a drink is two weeks. Then you need to take a break for 2-3 months.

Contraindications to the root of dandelion

At the root of the yellow-headed dandelion there are very few contraindications. Of course, in case of an allergic reaction to a plant, you cannot take any traditional medicine based on it. An allergic reaction is indicated by skin rashes, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, itching in the nose, and weakness.

Direct contraindications for dandelion root in the form of a medicine is the presence of the following diseases:

• peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

• blockage of the bile ducts;

• increased acidity of the stomach;

• intestinal disorders.

To improve lactation, use a decoction and infusion, but you can not take alcohol tincture. Babies under the age of five should not be given herbal remedies so as not to provoke an allergy.


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