Fast food has an irreversible effect on brain function.


Australian scientists have found that even the short-term use of fast food can have a negative effect on a number of functions of the human brain, including the ability to perceive, study, understand and cognize.

The object of study were rodents that were fed with fatty sweet food. As a result, in just one week, the memory of the animals worsened significantly. In rodents who consumed healthy food and drank sweetened water, the same effect was noted.

Margaret Morris, who oversees the study, notes that information about the negative effects of obesity on brain activity has long been known. However, the fact that this happens in such a short period has become a real revelation for scientists. It should be noted: the results of the experiment showed that the damage caused is irreversible - even after the rodents switched to healthy food, their brain activity did not fully recover.

Scientists believe that the experimental data obtained can be extrapolated to people. The specificity of nutrition affects the cognitive abilities of the brain at any age, especially when a person gets older.
