A conspiracy to love a husband for his wife


The extinguished fire of love, you need to kindle with embers ...

If relations in the family have cooled, the husband does not show his former feelings, or there are suspicions of treason, you should resort to the proven old method - conspiracy to love. Since ancient times, women resorted to tricks to return a husband or to awaken former passion and turned to white magicians for help.and.

What are the conspiracies that my husband loved?

Love, passion, respect, care, trust are important components of marriage. It’s bad if one of the components is missing, but when there is no love, the result can be sad. A wife should not ignore the problem and, if necessary, can use conspiracies if her husband lost interest or went to another woman.

A conspiracy for the husband to appreciate, in his arms he wore, can be read at home, without resorting to the services of witches and sorcerers. The most popular and effective ceremonies are:

  • On the water
  • In the full moon
  • On the hair,
  • In the period of the new moon,
  • On the pin.

Rituals with a photo are used more often for love spells and replies from the wilderness woman. Choosing a conspiracy should also be done with extreme caution, and white magic is recommended. Dark magic can harm both the wife and the husband.

On the water

Plots on the love of a husband for his wife to read at home is more convenient and easier on the water. The most common love slander is to drink at the full moon or during the growing moon. On Thursday, early in the morning, you need to take a glass of water and say in a quiet, calm voice:

"I will go early in search of water, I will speak it up and bring it home to drink my husband, awaken love again. Let my heart melt, call out to me alone, and keep only my name in my soul. May it attract the family back like a magnet ".

Conspired water husband must drink. Therefore, it is possible to brew tea or coffee from it. A simple conspiracy to drink, which must be carried out daily for three weeks, will be fairly effective. In the morning you need to secretly start talking to her husband's drink, sipping three sips from his glass. After each sip you need to repeat the magic words:

"I drink the first, and you drink up. From now on you will not be with anyone else."

Drink should be submitted to her husband, without warning about the conspiracy. It is important that the beloved not guess anything. Thus, the impact of a hex will gain more power and influence.

At full moon

Full moon magnifies magic plots by half, so the strongest rites can be used on the full moon. The chance to return the second half in this period increases significantly. The result of the rituals performed on the full moon is guaranteed.

Considered the most effective conspiracy in the photo. There is no need to be afraid - this is white magic without imposing its will on the person. For the ritual, take a photograph of the person of interest and the church candle. At midnight, go to the window, turn the image to the sky, and place the lit candle on your side. Drive the candle in circular motions clockwise behind the photo card, silently speaking:

"Light to light, the moon to the sky, (the name of the man) come to me. I inspire thoughts to see my image everywhere: in every pedestrian, in the mirror and on the water surface, behind my back and next to me. Let him not calm down until He will find it and will not be near him. I implore you on love and loyalty. Amen! "

Hide the photo under the pillow and go to bed. The next 9 days you wear it closer to your heart, you can in the inner pocket of your clothes or wallet. Mentally tune in your loved one and your union.

To the new moon

New moon - a period of increasing and increasing magical energy. In the period of the new moon, it is convenient and effective to conduct ceremonies for love, so feelings will grow with the night star. The ideal option would be to conspire on the thing, which later will be used by the beloved man.

Buy a suitable gift and at night, looking at the moon, cast a spell:

"Accept the gift and lose peace, do not forget my image. As this moon grows, your heart will draw you to me."

Give the thing to your lover as a sign of attention, but do not demand or expect anything in return. The gift must come from a pure heart and sincerely, otherwise the rite will not work. For the return of the man to the family, it is recommended to use a strong conspiracy to love her husband in the new moon. To perform the ritual at home, you will need the following:

  1. Three candles.
  2. A glass of purified water.
  3. Recently used victim item.

At midnight, light the candles, placing a triangle, and in the center put the thing you love. Dip your fingers in charged water and sprinkle an object on the table, repeating:

"I entreat you with water, fire and your thing, (the name of a man). Without me, as without light, wander in darkness. Just search for me, as if life-giving moisture in the heat. without looking at others. So be it! "

Keep the enchanted item under the bed. The plot has a powerful energy and soon the beloved will return.

Spell on hair

Bind her husband to yourself will allow the spell on the hair, and you will need a few hairs of the faithful. With the help of a conspiracy on the hair, you can awaken love and craving. There are a lot of rituals with hair, so it’s worthwhile carefully and responsibly to choose the right one. Some conspiracies are harmless, others have serious negative consequences.

The rite based on white magic is done on the night of the rising moon after midnight. Prepare a white or red candle in advance and light it. In complete silence and solitude, take the hair of your loved one, hold it in your palm, presenting its image. Cut or tear off the same amount of hairs from your head and add to your husband's hair, saying:

"I am in you, and you in me - woven forever by fate."

Hairs should be carefully set on fire from the flame of a candle, saying the words:

"Our bodies and souls will be one, as the ashes fall to ashes, like a hair to a hair. No one can be separated from us, not separated, and the union of loving hearts cannot be destroyed."

Candle leave to burn until the morning, then it must be removed from the house. Also this plot is useful, so that the husband does not look at other women.

How to talk a pin on her husband's love?

A common ritual for an ordinary pin. New, just bought a pin should be worn for 3 days, attaching down the head. At the expiration of the term, you need to read the conspiracy:

"Nose, do not lose, do not forget your wife.
(Name of the wife) love, and drive the others.
Be faithful, forget the rest.
I attach a pin, I attract to myself.
Love (husband's name) come back to me! "

The pin must be attached to the clothes of a loved one from the inside with the head down. In the near future, the revival of the senses is ensured and, moreover, the pin will be an excellent talisman that can protect from the evil eye, damage and even a love spell from the side.


Watch the video: Florida widow gets life for conspiracy, murder of husband once feared eaten by alligators (July 2024).