How to brew wild rose in a thermos to treat colds. Rules for brewing dried rosehips: live vitamins


Rosehip is an incredibly healthy berry. The people love her for a pleasant sour taste and ability to deal with various ailments. Teas, decoctions and infusions of rose hips are indispensable in the winter, during the period of influenza and SARS. You can cook them in a water bath, a French press, an ordinary teapot, and even in a slow cooker. But the easiest and most popular way is to simply steam the dog rose in a thermos.

What vitamins are in rose hips

Legends can be made about the benefits of a drink based on wild rose berries. By the way, it is the rosehip that disputes the legend that the most useful fruit in terms of vitamin C content is lemon. The fact is that in the rosehips of ascorbic acid is 60 times more than in sour sunny fruit.

There are many other vitamins in rose hip, for example, K, B, A, E, PP, D, as well as a powerful mineral complex (iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, fluorine). In addition, the berries contain pectins, fruit acids, fiber, tannins - a whole army of useful components for improving health.

Not by chance rosehip decoctions in folk medicine are considered almost a panacea for all diseases. Strengthening the immune defense, drinks based on wild healthy berries really have a magical effect on the human body. Judge for yourself:

• rosehip infusions increase vascular elasticity and strengthen the heart, preventing such formidable diseases as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke;

• due to the high content of vitamin K, dogrose stops bleeding (including pulmonary and uterine);

• tincture on rosehip berries helps to cope with colds and flu, cure a sore throat, relieve headache;

• taking brewed rosehips regularly, you can get rid of depression, insomnia, nervous disorders, reduce weight, restore the intestines, liver, kidneys, recover quickly after childbirth;

• rosehip tincture strengthens eyesight, increases potency, treats prostate adenoma;

• for women, it is useful in that it restores thyroid function and normalizes hormonal levels.

Knowing how to brew wild rose in a thermos, you can quickly and effectively help your body, return youth and strength.

Rules for brewing rose hips in a thermos

Why a thermos? Because it is simple, fast, convenient. No need to wrap cans in three layers of warm towels, no need to look for a place for complex construction. Brewing in a thermos helps keep the infusion hot, so you don’t have to heat it to enjoy the sour taste of the aromatic drink.

However, it is important to know how to properly brew dried rosehips in a thermos to preserve all the vitamins. They are the most valuable that is in the berries and for which they are picked.

Here are the basic rules:

• prolonged boiling is unacceptable, it kills vitamins. Therefore, it is more correct to immediately put dried rosehips in a thermos to steam with hot water;

• You can brew both whole dogrose and pre-chopped. But you need to understand that in the second case, the infusion will turn out to be more vitaminic, since more substances will be released into the water;

• boiling water will destroy vitamin C. Scientists believe that when heated above 80 degrees, vitamins are destroyed. Therefore, you need to pour in a thermos not cool boiling water, but boiled water that has cooled down to 80 degrees.

It is also important how the berries intended for brewing were collected and how they were stored. The collection must be completed before the onset of frost, otherwise the vitamins will be destroyed. Keep dried berries away from sunlight, preferably in a cool and dry pantry.

Before brewing wild rose in a thermos, you need to rinse them under running water. Then either send in a thermos whole or grind with a knife, blender or meat grinder.

How to brew dried rosehips in a thermos: two simple recipes

The easiest way is to prepare the rosehip infusion, just pour the berries with water in a certain proportion. It is better to do this in the evening, so that in the morning you can drink the first glass of a healthy drink. In principle, if you need tea from rose hips earlier, you can drink it after 3-4 hours. Especially if the fruits were previously chopped.

How to brew dried rosehips in a thermos to preserve all the vitamins?

Here is the first recipe:

• take 1 tbsp. l dried berries for every glass of water;

• wash and grind in any way;

• fall asleep in a thermos;

• pour lightly cooled boiling water (remove the lid from the kettle and let the boiling water “breathe” for three minutes);

• leave an air gap between the water surface and the thermos lid;

• insist for eight hours;

• strain and drink a glass of drink on an empty stomach.

Careful straining is necessary in order to rid the drink of villi. They are found in the core of dried berries. Once in the stomach, hard villi irritate its walls and lead to severe discomfort. It is especially dangerous to drink unbroken infusion in case of damaged mucous membranes.

How to brew a dogrose in a thermos whole? Same as in the previous recipe. However, it is better to reduce the amount of water, so that the infusion is more concentrated, or increase the amount of dried raw materials. For example, take 2 tbsp. l for every glass. After the rosehip is infused, the berries need to be mashed, returned to the infusion, and then strain and drink half a cup three times a day in order to strengthen immunity and fight against vitamin deficiency.

Together with wild rose in a thermos during brewing, you can throw a handful of raisins, 3-4 pcs. dried apricots, dried apples or pears. This will enhance the benefits of the drink, give it new shades of taste and aroma. Sweeten sour infusion very well with natural honey, although you can use regular sugar. You need to put them after infusion of the drink, that is, in your own cup.

If there is no thermos, you can replace it with a glass jar. After brewing, you need to wrap it in a warm towel and additionally wrap it. You can put the jar in the pillows or attach in a hot battery. The infusion time is the same: at least 8 hours.

An important detail: after 11-12 hours, vitamins will begin to break down, and the drink will become completely useless. So you need to drink rosehip infusion during the day, and the next day to steam a new portion.

How to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos

If the hostess has fresh berries of wild rose, you need to use this and prepare the most valuable vitamin infusion. If there is also a currant leaf - excellent! It will not only give the rosehip a wonderful aroma, but also enhance the benefits.

Before brewing berries, they need to be cut and choose the center - seeds and villi. The resulting raw materials are folded into a thermos, add a few blackcurrant leaves and pour boiling water overnight at the rate of 1 tbsp. l for one glass of boiling water. The infusion time is from 4 to 5 hours. It remains to pour the miracle drink into cups, add honey, a slice of lemon and enjoy a healthy infusion.

How else can I brew a dogrose in a thermos?

Not only currant leaf can become the second component in brewing wild rose fruits. Ginger, anise, cloves, cinnamon, hawthorn, blackcurrant or chokeberry can be added to the broth. A delicious and healthy infusion will help to cope with seasonal colds, restore metabolic processes, start the process of losing weight, saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

With ginger

Burning fragrant ginger successfully combines with a light sourness of wild rose. It turns out a delightful duet - a drink that will tone, strengthen the immune defense, help get rid of stress and fatigue accumulated during the day. In addition, the well-known benefits of ginger to stimulate the breakdown of fat cells. So girls who want to lose weight and at the same time need a vitamin charge should pay special attention to this version of the drink.

How to brew dried rosehips in a thermos to preserve all the vitamins and healthy berries, and burning ginger root?


• two handfuls of dried rosehip berries;

• a piece of fresh ginger root about five centimeters long;

• one and a half liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Peel the ginger root and grate it (can be cut into thin slices).

Wash the berries, ceiling with a rolling pin or mortar (you can just chop).

Dried rosehip berries and grated ginger in a thermos.

Pour everything with boiling water, cooled to a temperature of 80 degrees.

Insist for two or three hours.

Filter and drink a glass before meals.

You can sweeten to taste, and when brewing add spices (anise, cloves, a pinch of cinnamon).

With hawthorn

A true healing bomb can be called an infusion of dogrose and hawthorn, taken in equal proportions. Hawthorn has a unique ability to heal a sick heart (for example, relieve symptoms of arrhythmia, tachycarditis). In combination with rose hips, it increases its useful power. However, those who suffer from low blood pressure can not take hawthorn infusions, as they reduce pressure. How to brew wild rose in a thermos according to this recipe?


• a handful of dried rose hips (about three tablespoons);

• two tablespoons of dried hawthorn;

• two liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Wash the berries, slightly mash with the end of the blender or leave whole.

Pour into a thermos, carefully pour boiling water.

Grind for 8 hours.

Drink the infusion filtered, adding to taste sugar, lemon, honey.

Infusion strengthens the heart muscle, restores strength, increases efficiency, protects against viral attacks.

With chokeberry

A similar infusion is prepared from rose hips and aronia berries. They can be replaced with ice cream or fresh black currants.


• two tablespoons of dried rose hips;

• two tablespoons of chokeberry berries;

• two liters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Wash the berries under running water.

Fold in a bowl and mash a little to break the integrity of the shell.

Fold the raw materials in a thermos and pour boiling water at the desired temperature.

Insist all night (at least eight hours).

In the morning, once again crush the berries with a crush to saturate the infusion.

Strain and drink half a cup three times a day.

There is another option for making such a drink. Before sending the berries in a thermos, they must be boiled for fifteen minutes with a slow boil. The total infusion time does not change: eight hours. However, boiling will destroy vitamins, so the method of languishing mountain ash and wild rose on a fire is doubtful in terms of the benefits of the drink. This is hardly a successful answer to the question of how to brew dried rosehips in a thermos in order to preserve all the vitamins.


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