Disabled children turned out to be victims of a drunken geek


A truly nightmare tragedy occurred on September 22 at Minsk Street in Moscow. Drunk bastard in a foreign car accelerated to a speed of 190 km. at one o'clock flew to a bus stop, where he shot down five children and two adults to death. Three more victims were sent to hospitals.

For a long time, the identity of the dead could not be established, and when law enforcement agencies finally managed to do this, it turned out that the poor dead children were disabled orphans from the orphanage N7.

Just an hour before the terrible death, the children took part in the awards ceremony for the VI Moscow festival of applied art and handicrafts “We are together”, which is held for children and youth with disabilities. The ceremony took place on Poklonnaya Hill in the Museum of Glory. At the ceremony, they were accompanied by teacher Olga Shirshova and her husband Sergey Shirshov - both also died on the spot.

These children were disabled from birth, their parents abandoned them, and now they were killed by some drunk geek, it just does not fit into the head! - eyewitnesses do not hide emotions.

The bastard (whose drunk face you can see in the photo) who killed children was previously deprived of his rights for speeding and was subjected to various fines six times for violating traffic rules. According to eyewitnesses, he could hardly stand on his feet, tried to break out of the hands of the police who accompanied him, and threatened to break the video camera.

The Women's Opinion portal will follow developments.


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