Lemon Diet - Description and helpful tips. Lemon diet reviews and sample menus.


Lemon Diet - Description and General Principles

Lemon diet is a simple and affordable means for losing weight, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds without serious restrictions on food. It is based on the introduction into the daily diet of a large number of lemons, which are used in the form of juice, pulp and peel.

It should be noted right away that this diet is categorically not suitable for those who have high acidity, because of the risk of heartburn attacks or even the development of an ulcer. Also, people who are allergic to citrus fruits should refrain from it. If you do not have such problems, then you can safely proceed to the lemon diet (without forgetting to consult with your doctor first, as with joining any other diet).

What makes a lemon so good for a figure? First of all, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is able to effectively fight body fat. Due to the acid contained in it, lemon juice is able to slow down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, improve intestinal motility, activate fat burning processes, stimulate the production of gastric juice, and also, which is important for weight loss, remove toxic substances and wastes from the body.

This diet will especially appeal to those who find it difficult to give up the usual foods, as it does not provide for strict dietary restrictions, provided that lemon is included in it. Its essence is simple: in the morning, according to a certain scheme, start with the use of lemon juice, which is diluted with warm water according to a certain scheme, and add lemon to all meals during the day.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in lemon, the lemon diet, unlike others, can be observed even in spring, during a period of weakened immunity.

Lemon Diet - What Foods Can You Eat?

Of course, the most permitted product in the lemon diet is lemon. Moreover, it should be used not only in the form of juice: grated lemon peel, you can season salads, soups; lemon pulp can also be added to various dishes.

The use of fruits and vegetables, which can be consumed up to four to five times a day, is very welcome when observing the lemon diet. Nuts are also useful because of the protein they contain, which helps neutralize the level of sugar contained in fruits. Meat and fish are also recommended as a source of protein, sprinkled with lemon juice before cooking.

Unlike other diets, the lemon diet does not imply the rejection of products containing fats, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. This is especially true for products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as oily fish and nuts.

Lemon Diet - What Products Should Not Be Used

Compared to other diets, with the lemon diet there are no strict prohibitions on the diet. However, there are a number of products that can reduce its effectiveness. First of all, this applies to canned vegetables, fruits, meat, pastes, convenience foods, potatoes, bakery products, polished rice, confectionery. These products can not be completely excluded from the diet, but their use can be minimized.

Perhaps the only strict requirement in the lemon diet is to limit sugar. Moreover, it is recommended to take into account the sugar contained in products that at first glance seem unsweetened. This applies to corn, white rice, white bread and potatoes. Alcohol is also prohibited and smoking is not recommended.

Lemon Diet - Menu Examples

Lemon diet is designed for 14 days. Its essence is that you need not only to add lemon to your dishes, but also every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice. The amount of juice should be consumed according to the accepted scheme, it grows until a certain day, and the amount of water remains the same. So, on the first day we mix water with the juice of half a lemon, and then every day we add half the fruit. It turns out that on the second day we use the juice of a whole lemon, on the third - one and a half, and so on, until the 7th day, when we get to 5 lemons. From this moment on, in the same order as the amount of juice was added, we begin to reduce it (that is, we use half a lemon less to get the juice each day). Of course, we do not drink the juice of five lemons right away, but divide it into several receptions.

Some people use the second version of the diet for weight loss, in which the amount of lemon drink is divided into 3 parts and drink it before breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want the diet to bring maximum effect, then after taking lemon juice you should not eat food for an hour, and then eat protein food in the form of fish, chicken breast, low-fat veal.

Lemon Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

Do not skip meals, try to eat every three to four hours, chewing food thoroughly. Lemon diet sometimes allows you to pamper yourself with goodies. For example, in order to "persuade" your body to easily part with extra pounds, it is not forbidden to eat a small piece of cake or enjoy a bar of chocolate once a week.

In addition to a lemon drink, you should drink up to 2-3 liters of pure water daily. This will help to maintain the body in good shape and more intensively remove toxins.

To prevent lemon juice from damaging tooth enamel, after taking it, rinse your mouth thoroughly with a weak soda solution, or drink the juice through a straw.

When the course of the lemon diet is completed, you do not need to abandon the lemon overnight. Try to use it with tea, use it when cooking meat, fish, salads. This will help not to gain weight.

The reviews of those who have tried the effects of the lemon diet, suggests that it is quite effective and allows you to lose up to 4-5 kilograms of excess weight. Obviously, someone may have less kilograms lost, someone else more, because each organism is individual. Most note a fairly good tolerance of the diet, since it does not require a significant change in the usual diet.


Irina 03/23/2016
Interesting !!!

Anna Siberia 03/22/2016
I can imagine how many girls flip through the pages with diets and look for where you can lose weight and eat tasty food. No, my dears, this does not happen. Here, sit on a lemon diet and you will be happy !!!

Raisa 03/22/2016
And here they write to drink a lot of water. And I don’t like to drink a lot. I feel that it will be difficult for me to return to my previous form. Oh, and so I want to catch admiring glances on myself ...

Anita 03/22/2016
I really see diets that allow you to eat sweets. You’ll sit here for two weeks on a lemon diet and you can eat a slice of the cake two whole times. The main thing is not to get carried away, but a small piece, otherwise everyone has their own vision for this word.

Valentine 03/22/2016
Ltd., so lacking in this budding spring vitamins. And here such a picture, straight refreshing, I want to cheer up, perk up and go to the store for a kilogram of lemons. A good diet for those who love sour ....


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