What will the doctor say if the head is very itchy and the hair falls out? Causes and treatment of an unpleasant symptom: itchy head and hair loss


The problem of hair loss can be attributed to the most relevant at present.

The situation when the hair falls out and the head itches, it can affect a person at any age, arise not only in men, but also in women, and even in children.

Alopecia - hair loss on the head - is an independent disease. The degree of its development and causes are diverse.

If the head is very itchy and the hair falls out, it is necessary to look for the cause and take measures to normalize hair growth. There are many reasons for hair loss, starting with the use of inappropriate shampoos and ending with diseases that require immediate treatment.

Why the head is itching and hair loss - the main reasons

The etiological factor, i.e., the triggering mechanism for hair loss and severely itching head, include shampoos, lotions, masks, the use of a hairdryer, hair injury during combing and styling, stresses, especially chronic, prolonged intoxication, autoimmune processes , hereditary predisposition, hormonal disorders.

Hair growth will resume if the irritant causing the problem ceases to act.

The head is very itchy - stress

Stress is the universal cause of many troubles arising in the human body. After stress, hair begins to fall out after a few months. With chronic stresses, this process is constant.

The head is very itchy - an allergy

Means that are used for hair care contain sodium lauryl sulfate - thanks to it, shampoo, balm or paint is well “soaped”. There are other irritants in varnishes and paints that are strong allergens.

The head is very itchy - seborrhea

The use of a hair dryer, tongs, ploques leads to overdrying of the scalp. It must be remembered that people have different types of body skin and scalp. If the skin of the body is oily, the scalp may be dry and vice versa. With frequent shampooing, dry skin becomes thinner even more, which leads to the appearance of irritation and exfoliation - dandruff (seborrhea). To restore balance, the body intensely secretes sebum. All these processes almost always lead to the fact that the head itches and the hair falls out.

The result is a chronic form of seborrheic dermatitis. Hair looks scruffy, unwashed, greasy, dandruff is constantly visible on the head and shoulders. After washing the hair, the secret is released even more, and the very next day the hair is dirty again.

The head is very itchy - hypovitaminosis

During pregnancy, a woman has a hormonal failure, hypovitaminosis develops, itching appears, accompanied by severe hair loss.

The head is very itchy - fungus

Fungi that affect the scalp belong to the genus Trichophyton and Mycosporum. Mycoses of the scalp are caused by all varieties of fungi, sometimes in the form of an epidemic. Therefore, the symptoms caused by each species vary. Therefore, the treatment of mycoses in each case depends on the type of fungus.

Common manifestations of fungal infections in all cases are hair thinning. At the same time, the head is very itchy. It is difficult to notice the fungus, one can only be suspected by how much the head began to itch and the hair fell out. To establish the presence of the fungus and its appearance will help scraping or sowing, after which you can begin adequate treatment.

The head is very itchy - parasites

Lice and mites, unfortunately, remain a frequent reason that the head is very itchy and hair falls out. Until recently, it was believed that people who do not follow personal hygiene were ill with pediculosis. But studies in recent years have shown that lice love clean skin - it is easier to bite the skin and get to the blood. Therefore, even wealthy people can become infected with head lice.

Demodex is a tick that settles in the hair follicles. The scalp turns red, becomes oily, begins to peel off. If Demodex affects both eyes at the same time, eyelashes fall out, eyelids itch.

Head is very itchy - psoriasis

This is a non-infectious chronic skin disease. It is characterized by the formation of red plaques on the head, causing itching. As they progress, they occupy the entire surface of the head, then spread beyond the hairline, thicken, become covered with scales that fall off when combed. It does not pose a significant threat to health, but because of an unaesthetic appearance it can cause social isolation.

The head is very itchy - neurodermatitis

This is a chronic disease, the second name is atopic dermatitis. Manifested by papular rashes. May be accompanied by hair loss in places of papules. It is characterized by intolerable itching, which intensifies at night.

Another cause of hair loss and itching of the head is diabetes. In this disease, the hair also suffers: they become thinner, grow dull, break, grow poorly.

Hair Loss - Reasons

As a rule, itching of the scalp, arising for some reason, is mainly accompanied by hair loss. The causes that cause a person to have a severely itchy head are also causes of hair loss. Hereditary factors can be added to them. Alopecia is usually inherited according to the recessive type, although sometimes the dominant type also occurs.

The cause of alopecia (hair loss) can be burns, exposure to radiation, some diseases (tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, tumors).

What to do if the head is very itchy and hair falls out

Since itching of the scalp and hair loss are interrelated in order to succeed in restoring hair growth and the disappearance of itching, treatment should be comprehensive.

Efforts should be made to eliminate the causes leading to these unpleasant consequences. And in the future to treat diseases arising from their impact.

If the itching of the head is caused by the use of cosmetics, you need to stop using the wrong shampoo, make some hair masks, and the problem will be resolved. In such cases, special treatment is not prescribed.

In the future, you can use products marked: "For sensitive skin" or baby hypoallergenic shampoos, and make sure that the composition does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

It is recommended to take antihistamines (Cetrin, Erius, Claritin), as well as multivitamins to strengthen hair.

For the treatment of seborrhea it will take more effort. It is necessary to exclude stresses, hormonal imbalances, devote sufficient time to sleep and rest, adjust nutrition, women should pay attention to contraceptives and menstruation.

For stress and hormonal disorders the body reacts with increased release of fat, which leads to the formation of seborrhea. Contraceptives, if not suitable for any parameters, also enhance seborrhea. A balanced diet is one of the components of success in treatment. It is necessary to increase vegetable and sour-milk products in the diet, to minimize fats and, especially, carbohydrates: chocolate, jam, honey, flour products, exclude coffee, smoked meats, marinades, as they are irritating.

With hypovitaminosis multivitamin complexes containing trace elements are prescribed: Vitrum, Complivit, Centrum, Alphabet and many others.

With mycosiswhen the head is very itchy and the hair falls out, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible. The longer the pathogenic fungus is in the hair, the longer the expulsion process will be. Under the influence of the fungus, the skin becomes weaker over time, peeling and flaking of the scales intensifies, and dandruff is more pronounced. In such cases, the trichologist prescribes a course of treatment.

Special anti-fungicidal preparations are used: Griseofulvin, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, and shampoo with selenium Ketoconazal for shampooing.

You need to use shampoos, which include salicylic alcohol or zinc (improve the condition of the skin, dry it, have an antifungal effect). After washing - rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar.

There are many effective drugs for treating pediculosis. ("Nittifor", "Pediculen", "Permethrin", "REED", "Para Plus" and others). Therefore, it makes no sense to use folk remedies (for example, kerosene). After removing lice, it is necessary to get rid of nits: carefully comb out the hair with a thick comb. To carry out prophylaxis: boil and iron on both sides all things, bedding.

Demodecosis Treatment (a disease caused by a demodex tick) - a longer, more complex, special drugs are taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Psoriasis is treated with keratoplastic ointments: ichthyol, naphthalan, mesno-tar. An effective tool is the Solcoderm solution.

Physiotherapy procedures have been successfully used in the complex treatment of itching of the head and hair loss.: cryomassage, Darsonval currents, Ural federal district. They make treatment more effective and reduce treatment time.

Can be used locally red tincture of alcohol, in severe cases - creams with corticosteroids, complex preparations, for example, Regein.

In some cases, you can use the time-tested means of traditional medicine. But only as an addition to the main treatment. If the head is very itchy from dandruff and hair falls out, before going to bed castor oil is applied to the hair. In the morning, everything is washed off with shampoo. The procedure is repeated three times a week.

Efficient use burdock oil: applied to the head and after half an hour washed off with shampoo.

Flaxseed oil gives a wonderful resultt. Taken orally, one teaspoon three basins per day

Grandmothers Recipe - rye bread shampoo. The pulp of rye bread is poured with boiling water for two days, an egg yolk is added before use. The resulting gruel is well rubbed hair. After rinsing with warm water, the hair becomes clean. And so as not to leave an unpleasant odor, the last rinse should be done with water with the addition of dry mustard.


Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).