5 female habits that prevent live


Remember how many times lately you complained about fate and considered yourself a victim of circumstances? But, probably, never suspected that in an event there is also your fault. Many women do not even imagine what influence psychological habits have on their lives. Let's look at the most common ones.

1. Strive to please everyone. The desire to be good for everyone often leads us to surrender ourselves in some ways, pushing our own interests into the background. After all, it is impossible to adapt equally to everyone without changing yourself. This desire is due to low self-esteem and the need to receive recognition from others. This habit is very difficult in life, because you depend on the opinions of others and are afraid to disappoint them. First of all, you should like yourself, then your loved one, and as for the rest, they have the right to accept you or not, depending on their desire.

2. Feel sorry for yourself. The position of the victim will never lead you to solve problems. Therefore, blaming your troubles husband, boss, country, fate, and other circumstances, you risk even more bogged down in a swamp of failures. No matter how difficult the situation seems, it is extremely important to learn how to look at it from the outside and analyze it. Give yourself a little time to accept the situation, and then start thinking constructively. Ask yourself the questions: "What can be done in these circumstances? What directly depends on me? What positive things can be seen in the current situation?" It is not so simple, but this approach directs thinking in the right direction and gives you the strength to move forward.

3. Compare yourself with others. Another bad habit that causes a lot of trouble. Comparing ourselves with those who are better than us in something, we get upset, and thinking about those who are worse, we are trying to assert ourselves. These unnecessary comparisons take a lot of effort and energy, but do not provide anything useful. The only thing that can advance your development is a comparison with itself. comparison of yours. This will help diary self-development, where you can record and track your own success, personal qualities, skills and achievements.

4. Mentally scroll through problems. The habit of endlessly scrolling in the head is one and the same characteristic of many women. This is when we mentally try to change a problem situation that has already occurred, constantly grinding it from different angles. We think that it would be possible to say or do differently, to experience what happened from different sides. Of course, this does not lead to anything good, but only wastes power.

The following ways will help to get rid of such a “mental chewing gum”: write down the problems that are troubling you and the ways to solve them, speak them with someone to take off significance. And a radical way: as soon as you notice the appearance of unproductive thoughts, immediately begin to do active physical exercises. This will help you switch to another wave and get rid of the bad habit.

5. Discuss others. This addiction is also not uncommon in our women. We like to talk with friends about other friends, with colleagues about the boss, to discuss with the neighbors' husband. We are following with interest the turbulent life of celebrities and stars of show business. Why do we do this? Because of the desire to increase their own value at the expense of others. Sometimes it seems that compared to others, we behave more intelligently or have higher moral qualities. But this is just an illusion.

The habit of discussing others speaks about the psychological immaturity of a person and also about the fact that he simply has nothing else to do. For those who are passionate about their business, there is simply no time for gossip and discussion. Such a person focuses on their own development and on progress in the chosen activity. His life itself is rich and interesting, and therefore does not require additional incentives.

If you find yourself in these habits - it does not mean that you are hopeless. This suggests that you are able to see your shortcomings and are ready to work on them. I wish you success in your self-improvement!


Watch the video: 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You (July 2024).