Gooseberry - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Gingerbread Man - General Description

It is an annual plant with a strong erect, branched, grayish-green stem. The plant can also be recognized by large heart-shaped, round, slightly pubescent, rough leaves. In the axils of the leaves are spike-like small yellow inflorescences. Subtle flowering of the plant occurs from July to August. As a result of flowering, ellipsoid spiny capsules are formed, inside of which there are seeds. Their maturation occurs in September.

The fruit tree contains many useful substances and minerals. It contains flavonoids, sterols, fatty acids, alkaloids, vitamins, ascorbic acid, essential oils, saponins, resins. A particularly valuable element of the cocklebur is iodine, which is very much in all parts of the plant.

Gooseberry - species and places of growth

In total, the genus Strawberry includes more than twenty species of plants. But, only two types have healing properties:
- an ordinary fruit cock,
- a thorny thorn, which is popularly known as the golden thorn, fear thistle, nechipai-zilla. This species is rarer and less and less every year. Its height is about 50 cm, the lower side of the leaves is white-milk. Near the base of the leaves are long golden needles.

Both species are very similar in their chemical composition and healing properties.

Gingerbread man can be found throughout the CIS. The plant prefers forest-steppe, forest and steppe zones. It can also be found in wastelands, weedy places, near housing.

Gooseberry - healing properties

Since in all parts of the plant contains a lot of iodine, it is used to treat diseases of the thyroid gland. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, blood-purifying agent.

Traditional medicine recommends using a cocklebur in order to relieve spasms of the airways that slow down breathing as a result of asthmatic manifestations.

Decoction decoction is effective in treating intestinal colic, cramping, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, and skin diseases.

Thymus tuberculosis and laryngeal cancer are treated with the help of the seeds of the fruit cock.

Dressing gadgets treat articular rheumatism and hemorrhoids. The plant is also used to treat inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, and edema.

Ointments, lotions, and basilica baths effectively fight skin diseases such as scrofula, urticaria, eczema, lichen, skin cancer, acne, rashes, fungal diseases, scabies.

The gingerbread man also kills tumor cells and therefore it is used in the treatment of cancer of the lungs, stomach, and skin.
Juice from fresh fruit of a fruit-tree fruit treats eczema, itching, scabies, insect bites, and malignant tumors.

Gooseberry - dosage forms

The healing properties are grass, roots and seeds of the plant. The aerial part of the plant is cut off at the beginning of the leaves. You need to do this during the flowering period of the fruit. The roots are harvested in the fall, and the seeds as soon as they ripen. Broths, tinctures, ointments are prepared from the raw fruit of a fruit cock. For medicinal purposes also use the juice and seeds of the plant.

Gooseberry - recipes

In order to prepare a soothing, antitumor decoction from the fruit tree, it is necessary to pour one teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. You need to use the broth several times a day.

Infusion for the treatment of kidney stone disease is prepared by mixing 1 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Use several times a day.

In order to cure eczema, neurodermatitis, tonsillitis, acne, lichen, furunculosis, asthma, it is necessary to mix the fruit tree juice in half with vodka. Take thirty drops three times a day.

For the treatment of thyroid diseases, an infusion is prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water.
Impotence is treated with the help of a gingerbread infusion. To do this, 2 teaspoons of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for one hour.

Gingerbread Man - contraindications

Due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, you need to be very careful with its dosage. It is also not recommended for pregnant women, people with an acute stomach ulcer. Decoctions from the roots and seeds have a bonding effect, so it is not recommended to use it in case of constipation.


Polina 04/21/2016
I wonder if this plant is used against cancer even in traditional medicine, or only by grandmothers? If used by doctors, then something is not very effective. And if not applicable - why? It seems that everything is known about the plant world, but no sense.

Oksana 04/21/2016
And treats eczema, and acne, and lichen ... And most importantly, you need to do tincture with vodka, and drink inside!))) Just the perfect treatment))) But seriously, the list of healing properties is really impressive!

Inna 04/21/2016
Well, the fact that he has such a name, in my opinion, is not surprising. The appearance of this plant, frankly, is not very pleasant. Although, with such medicinal properties, this is not important. I was also surprised that it can cure throat cancer and tuberculosis.

Tom 04/21/2016
I have already read so many articles about the benefits of various plants! And every time I am surprised at their healing properties! Here is this plant - it grows with us everywhere! That his name is a cockatiel, I hear for the first time. And he even cures blood cancer !!!

Elena 04/21/2016
Something I can’t remember such a plant on our territory ... Maybe it’s just a close-up shot ... Surely, it is growing somewhere. How many medicinal properties are suitable for me !!! Only I am afraid to use new tools without consultation.


Watch the video: Amla Indian Gooseberry- Benefits, Uses, Dosage & Side Effects- Amla Supplements Manufacturer (July 2024).