Menstruation during pregnancy (early) - what does it say? Find out if menstruation can go during pregnancy and what to do.


In general, a woman finds out about what she carries a child after four or five weeks from the day of conception. Often, the leading sign of pregnancy is precisely the absence of menstruation. Is it possible that menstruation occurs during pregnancy? What does this mean, and how should one proceed in such a situation?

You just heard about it from your friends or colleagues, because menstruation during pregnancy at an early period is not so rare. Women tell stories in which they learned about their pregnancy only in the fourth or fifth month, and until that moment they didn’t even know about anything, because the menstruation went as usual. Female physiology provides precisely the absence of menstruation after the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, if you have a strange discharge, visit your gynecologist. These secretions do not always indicate malformations or diseases. Often this is a variant of the norm. But it is necessary to visit the doctor in order not to risk his health and the life of the baby.

The causes of bleeding can be many. The culprit in this situation may be the threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, severe emotional stress, hormonal failure, injury or infection. In some rare cases, the body of the fair sex is able to continue the production of eggs after conception. Sometimes the egg just does not reach the final point of its path and does not survive.

Monthly during pregnancy - this is also a reason to visit a gynecologist. A bloody type of discharge during pregnancy may not be the norm, especially when they are accompanied by pain and a feeling of heaviness inside the abdomen. If symptoms worsen, immediately call an ambulance.

Causes of menstruation during pregnancy

Contrary to popular belief, menstruation during pregnancy is not the rarest phenomenon. Fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle and the fertilized egg gets to its destination in 7-15 days. The woman's body does not have time to rebuild in such a short period of time, therefore, the menstruation begins. In that case, hormones return to normal next month.

But it happens that the embryo continues to develop, and menstruation appears against all odds. Such deviations do not lead to a miscarriage, after two or three months the woman’s condition returns to normal. This happens due to a decrease in estrogen levels.

In the gynecology textbooks you can read about the simultaneous maturation of several eggs from different ovaries. One of the eggs can fertilize, and the second is rejected along with the menstrual blood. But such situations are extremely rare.

Remember that bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage. Therefore, in case of any abnormal discharge, contact specialists. If the discharge is accompanied by pain, call an ambulance.

The small life that originates inside a woman drastically changes it. A woman acquires an enhanced instinct of self-preservation. Appear special addictions in food, changing behavior, exacerbated instinct. If a woman is pregnant and suddenly begin menstruation, the excitement is fully justified. You do not need to listen to the stories of friends that menstruation during pregnancy is the norm. In this case, immediate consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory. For the sake of the future baby's health, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, and in case of any changes, seek medical help.

Monthly during pregnancy in the early stages can be a disturbing bell about serious violations in your body. Sometimes the cause of such is a dangerous condition such as hyperandrogenism (a sharp increase in the level of the male hormone). But if such a condition is recognized in time, the problem can be quickly resolved with the help of special drugs. The most important thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Types of menstruation during pregnancy

Monthly in such a fastidious female body the egg matures. If fertilization does not occur, she dies and leaves the female body. The egg cell comes out with blood and pieces of the endometrium (the layer covering the uterus). In the case when the egg is fertilized, the female body begins to rapidly produce progesterone. The hormone accelerates the growth of the endometrium so that the embryo is firmly fixed. Progesterone is called a hormone that protects pregnancy. The normal level of progesterone ensures safe childbearing.

Monthly during pregnancy in the early stages are not quite monthly in the well-known to us. The reason for this condition may be a pathology or a failure in the hormonal sphere. In some cases, this condition indicates rejection of the ovum and a high risk of miscarriage.

A decrease in progesterone level provokes bleeding during pregnancy. Then the gynecologist prescribes hormonal medications to prevent miscarriage.

When several embryos are born at the same time, one of them is rejected. Rejection is accompanied by bleeding. The cause of this condition is the pathology of the fetus.

Spotting during pregnancy requires immediate consultation with a gynecologist and competent examination. Most often this occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Blood can be a sign of rejection of the ovum. Causes of rejection:

• deficiency of progesterone - the hubbub responsible for implantation of a fertilized egg and the preservation of pregnancy;

• genetic pathology of the fetus;

• fetal malformation;

• wrong embryo attachment site;

• rapid growth of male hormone;

• ectopic pregnancy.

Features of menstruation during pregnancy

Monthly after conception of the baby is called color pregnancy. In the first months from the day of conception, women can sometimes have menstrual periods. But then the discharge will be very scanty and do not have a bright red hue - these are what periods during pregnancy can happen without pathology. Feels like they may not differ from the usual menstruation. A woman experiences soreness in the mammary glands, mood swings, hunger, weakness, drowsiness and irritability.

If menstruation has begun, but you have a suspicion of pregnancy, play it safe and do a test. Menstrual flow can not affect the correctness of the test.

The most common cause of bleeding during pregnancy can be a decrease in progesterone levels. In our difficult time, full of stress and environmental disasters, hormones are disturbed in almost all women. For some, this is more pronounced, while for others it is not so intense.

When the embryo is just beginning to develop, a small discharge can flow from the woman's vagina. When an already fertilized egg joins the wall of the uterus, the mucous membrane is a little strained. Such discharge is absolutely normal. Discharges stop quickly and do not create discomfort. Answering the question of whether menstruation may occur during pregnancy, it is immediately worth emphasizing that this happens if you have any disease of the female organs. Erosion or polyps can trigger bleeding.

What do menstruation say during pregnancy

Can menstruation begin directly during the pregnancy itself and what does this tell us:

• Discharge during the first month of pregnancy is a variant of the norm. The egg cell simply does not have time to reach its destination before the start of the next menstruation. To overcome this path, the egg takes about two weeks. For such a short time hormonal background of the future mom does not have time to restructure in the right direction. From here there are such allocations.

• Discharge during the second or third month of pregnancy can be called monthly with great stretch. If the discharge is not large and it does not last long, this is the usual detachment of endometrial particles. As with menstruation, endometrial detachment is accompanied by bloody bleeding.

• Discharges at a later date are very rare. This happens when another egg fertilizes during pregnancy. But such a phenomenon is extremely rare. So visit a gynecologist rather. The reason for discharge may not be dangerous at all, but you should not risk yourself and your baby.

Are menstruations dangerous during pregnancy for a child?

What periods during pregnancy are considered dangerous? Any unusual discharge during pregnancy should be a good reason to visit a doctor. Not all selections are dangerous, but what happens in your particular case, you cannot guess. Therefore, you need to be carefully examined. The danger of discharge is that they can cause a detachment of the placenta, which will lead to the inevitable death of the baby. On days when your period should start, limit physical activity, be less nervous and eat well.

The development of the embryo discharge during pregnancy will not affect. They do not cause defects and defects. Every future mom should be aware that with the slightest change in health, you should immediately contact a specialist. If discharge is accompanied by pain, weakness, or nausea, urgently dial the emergency number. Do not consider your symptom a trifle. It is better to once again disturb the doctor and stay healthy than to be ashamed to ask for help and experience a terrible tragedy. Only an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can judge what type of periods during pregnancy should be considered normal. Correctly assess your condition and the condition of the future baby can only doctor.

For discharge, the doctor will examine you carefully. Especially carefully studied the level of hormones. Do not refuse the examinations assigned to you, this is really important. If, because of your period, you found out about the baby later than a month after conception, act as your heart tells you. If the baby is desired, do not be afraid to continue to bear it - the discharge does not affect the health of the baby. Because of your bleeding, he will not become weak, sick, or underdeveloped. Excretions do not affect the condition of the fetus, do not cause defects or defects. Imbalance of hormones in your body also does not affect the condition of the baby.

It is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of whether menstruation can go during pregnancy. This is not our usual menstruation, but rather unusual discharge that occurs in some women in the position. No matter what discharge you have, it is important to visit the gynecologist on time and tell him about any changes.


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