A strawberry muffin is a delicious berry treat. Recipes of fragrant cake with strawberries for a soulful summer tea party


Baking with berries always turns light and fragrant.

She will delight even the most demanding gourmet.

Of course, this delicacy is seasonal: you can decide to spend delicious berries on baking only when there really are a lot of them.

In winter, such a dish with imported strawberries will be too expensive, and this flavor will not work. A frozen berry for a cake with strawberries is not good: it is too liquid and can ruin the baking.

The only thing that can be advised to the hottest fans of such a cake: to prepare strawberries, grated with sugar. It can be kept in the refrigerator for several months in a closed (not tight) jar and used to make drinks and muffins, or you can just knock it down with fat sour cream and a delicious dessert is ready. When using such strawberries, it is necessary, of course, to reduce the amount of sugar, but you can completely add it.

General principles for making strawberry cake

In the dough for a cake with strawberries, you can put cocoa, spices, cottage cheese. The main thing is that various additives do not repel the main taste.

So, for example, strawberry goes well with vanilla, but she likes cinnamon less. However, it is a matter of taste that you add to the cupcake with strawberries: vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon or anise. Just don't overdo it.

Naturally, flour is necessary before sifting a cupcake with strawberries. This should be done even if you are confident in its quality: the flour will become lighter and airier.

If you decide to make a cupcake with strawberries and cottage cheese, you should wipe it through a sieve. And you can cook homemade cottage cheese - baking will be even tastier.

Cupcakes with strawberries are baked at a temperature of from 170 to 190 degrees, with a large cupcake being cooked for about 35 minutes, small ones - 15-20 minutes.

Check their readiness by a wooden splinter (toothpick), piercing the product closer in the middle and looking, dry splinter or in the dough. If dry - the baking is ready, if not - you still need to bake.

Recipe 1. Cake with strawberries and chocolate icing


Strawberry - a half cup

Butter - pack (200 g) + 50 g

Bitter chocolate - 1 piece 100 g

Sugar - a glass or a little more

Flour - 300 g

Eggs - 3 pieces

Baking powder - teaspoon

Cooking method

Preheat the oven in advance to 200 degrees.

Set aside 3-4 large berries for decoration, and chop the rest with, for example, a blender or just a knife.

Melt the butter, but it should not be warm: cool if overheated. Stir in the yolks and sugar, beat well with a whisk or a mixer.

Beat whites separately.

Mix flour with baking powder and gradually, whisking all the time, introduce into the oil mixture. Knead the dough, gently inject whipped proteins into it, and then chopped strawberries. Knead everything very carefully again and put into prepared (smeared and sprinkled with semolina) form. Put prepare for an hour.

Melt chocolate in any way: in the microwave or in a water bath. Cut the butter very finely, put in chocolate and mix until it dissolves. Strawberries cut into 6-8 slices.

Remove the cupcake from the mold, cool slightly and anoint it with chocolate icing, and on top of it, beautifully spread the slices of strawberries.

Recipe 2. Cupcakes with strawberries in molds

For the preparation of these muffins with strawberries, it is better to use a mixer or a combine.


Flour - a glass

Cookies like "Jubilee" - 5-6 cookies

Butter - 200 g

Strawberries - a glass or more + 1 berry per cupcake for decoration

Egg - 1 pc.

Sugar - half a cup

Vanilla sugar, cardamom - a little bit

Baking powder - teaspoon

Cooking method

Put the oil on the table from the refrigerator. When it becomes softer (but not liquid!), Cut into pieces, put in a bowl, cover with sugar and start whipping with a mixer, gradually increasing speed.

After a while, beat in the egg, continue whisking.

Sift flour, mix with baking powder, a drop of cardamom and a little vanilla sugar or vanillin. Knead a little into the dough, still with a mixer.

Rinse strawberries well, cut into medium-sized pieces. Roll cookies with a rolling pin to make large crumbs.

Put the dough in prepared molds to half the volume. Place strawberry slices on top of it. Sprinkle them with crumbs.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Recipe 3. Lean Cupcake with Strawberries and Nuts


Water - half a glass

Flour - one and a half cups

Sugar - 3 tablespoons

Strawberry - a glass

Any nuts - half a cup

Cocoa - 4 teaspoons

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

Vegetable oil - half a cup

Cooking method

Combine oil, water and sugar in one bowl, and flour, cocoa and baking powder in another. Combine both mixtures and knead very carefully.

Rinse strawberries, cut into halves or quarters.

Peel the nuts, put them in one layer on a plate and dry in the microwave at low power for about 7 minutes, making sure that the nuts are not burnt. Then cool them and roll with a rolling pin to grind, but not much. You can chop with a knife.

Stir nuts and strawberries into the dough, put it in a form, which before this should be slightly greased with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (of course, homemade) or semolina.

Bake a cupcake with strawberries at a temperature of 190 degrees 45 minutes.

Recipe 4. Cupcake with strawberries "Surprise"


Eggs - 4 pieces

Margarine or butter - 200 g

Sugar - half a cup

Vanilla Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Peeled almonds - about 100 g

Baking powder - incomplete spoon

Cream 20% - about a third of a glass

Flour - one and a half - two glasses

Strawberry - 15 pieces

Powdered Sugar - 3 - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method

Dry the almonds in the oven or microwave, peel.

Grind it in a coffee grinder.

Mix flour with baking powder. In a separate container, beat heavily softened butter with sugar. Without ceasing to beat the mixture with a mixer, beat the egg in there. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, beat in the second egg, also mix until smooth, and do so with all four eggs.

Stir in vanilla sugar in the cream until dissolved and pour into the egg-oil mixture.

Stir in almond flour and beat lightly with a mixer again.

Add a little flour (in this recipe it is difficult to calculate its amount, so you need to check the consistency of the dough all the time: it should be thicker than for pancakes, but still slightly able to flow).

Rinse strawberries well and thoroughly, drain with a napkin. Pour the icing sugar in the saucer and dip the berries in it so that they are covered with a thin layer of icing.

Take and oil the molds (or use paper: they can not be oiled). Put in them a spoon with the top of the dough. On top of it put the berry in icing sugar and cover with dough too.

Bake muffins with a strawberry surprise for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 175-180 degrees.

Recipe 5. Chocolate cake with strawberries


Bitter Chocolate - 1 bar 100 g

Eggs - 2 pieces

Vegetable oil - a glass

Strawberries - a glass - one and a half

Sugar - ¾ cup

Baking powder - a teaspoon

Milk - ¾ cup

Salt - a pinch

Flour - one and a half cups

Cooking method

Put chocolate in the refrigerator.

Beat the eggs with a mixer. Without ceasing to beat, add sugar, and then vegetable oil.

When the mixture becomes completely uniform in appearance, add milk, add baking powder, salt, beat and begin to add flour. Flour may need more or less than indicated in the list of ingredients. The dough should resemble a sparse dough for fritters.

Rinse the strawberries thoroughly, dry them a bit and cut them with a knife arbitrarily, but not too finely.

Remove the chocolate from the fridge and grate it on a coarse grater, interfering in small portions in the dough so that it does not have time to melt and stick together.

Put the dough with chocolate in a mold, anointed with butter in advance, and lay the chopped strawberries on top.

Bake for 40 minutes in an oven that is heated to 170 degrees.

Recipe 6. Cake with strawberries and cottage cheese


Cottage cheese - 250 g

Kefir - a glass

Sour cream - a pack (200 g)

Flour - 2 - 2.5 cups

Cocoa - a tablespoon with top

Soda - or baking powder - an incomplete teaspoon

Eggs - 2 large pieces

Sugar - a glass

Vanilla Sugar - tablespoon

Strawberry - a glass

Cooking method

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and beat with a blender with sugar (a third cup), sour cream and vanilla sugar. Devide into two parts.

Rinse the strawberries with great attention, peel the sepals and dry a little with paper towels.

Beat one part of the cottage cheese with strawberries (you can, if you want the pieces of strawberries to be larger, beat the curd filling separately and mix the berries cut into arbitrary pieces with a knife into it).

Add cocoa to another part.

Mix flour with baking powder or soda.

In another bowl, beat the kefir with eggs with a mixer or whisk. Add vegetable oil and beat again. Then add granulated sugar and beat the mixture again.

Combine the flour with the baking powder and the egg-kefir mixture, and add the dry ingredients little by little, interfering each part until uniform.

In the prepared form (it is better to line it with paper or use a paper (cardboard) form for baking a cupcake, in extreme cases - silicone) put a part of the dough. On it, lay two fillings with two longitudinal stripes butt: curd-strawberry and curd-chocolate.

Cover with the remaining dough.

Bake 40 minutes in the oven at 170 degrees.

Recipe 7. Oatmeal Cupcake


Strawberry - about a glass

Oatmeal (Hercules) - glass

Sugar - half a cup

Flour - a glass

Baking powder - teaspoon

Salt - a pinch

Milk - a glass

Butter - melted half a cup

The egg is one

Vanilla Sugar - tablespoon

Cooking method

Beat eggs with a whisk until lightly foaming, add milk and melted butter, mix.

Mix flour with oats, sugar, salt, baking powder and vanilla sugar.

Carefully pour the dry mixture into the liquid and intervene in parts, knead the dough.

Rinse the strawberries well and cut into small pieces of any shape. Stir the berries into the dough.

Put the cupcake in a paper-lined form and bake for 30 - 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cool to a warm state in the form and only then remove it.

Strawberry Cupcake Tips & Tricks

To choose a good strawberry for sale, go only to those trays that come with a strong strawberry flavor. Then look at the color of the berries: it should be bright red. If the berries are white, they are not ripe, very dark - overripe, maybe slightly spoiled, or they have a lot of nitrates. These should not be taken for a cake with strawberries. And you can also look at the leaves: they must be fresh and green. It is these berries that will allow your cake with strawberries to please you with taste and aroma.

Strawberries must be washed thoroughly. First, tear off the sepals and dip the berries for 5 minutes in a bowl of water. Carefully remove the berries in a colander and rinse under a stream of cold water. If you still have doubts, rinse the strawberries with the weakest (slightly pinkish) solution of potassium permanganate, and then again with water.


Watch the video: Easy Breakfast Recipes: Very Berry Muffins for Kids - Weelicious (July 2024).