What spices are suitable for mutton, and which do not combine with it


Some people do not like lamb, others are crazy about this meat. Maybe the first ones just didn't learn how to cook it yet? Lamb is really great when cooked according to the rules and with suitable spices. By the way, they are also suitable for goat meat dishes.

Spices for Braised Lamb

Suitable spices for lamb stews are given here. Various vegetables can be added to the meat, for example, our favorite potato. But in Asian countries they often cook a young lamb with eggplant and bell pepper. Try it, it is very tasty, but with what to season such dishes?

Spices for lamb stew, stew:

  • Red pepper;
  • ground black pepper;
  • allspice peas;
  • coriander seeds;
  • Bay leaf.

And be sure to add greens to stews. The lamb loves her very much. Cilantro is a priority. No need to be afraid of it, even if coriander has been added to the dish before. If you are confused by the abundance of floating herbs in a stewed dish, then you can simply lower the bunches at the end of cooking, leave for half an hour, and then remove.

By the way, lamb is one of the few types of meat that loves mint and lemon balm. You can add fresh or frozen leaves, dried herbs.

Spices for fried lamb

Roasted lamb is cooked quickly if the meat of a young animal is used. If the lamb is already an adult, then no spices will help him. It is better to stew such meat with sauce or send it to the shurpa.

What spices to use for frying:

  • allspice;
  • ground coriander;
  • sweet paprika;
  • dry basil.

You can take the famous seasoning of hops-suneli, it fits perfectly into this dish. If lamb is pickled, then spices can be seasoned right away. If you plan to fry fresh meat, then you need to bring it to a brown crust, and then sprinkle with spices. Chopped greens are added to the finished dish.

By the way, the specific flavor of lamb is easy to remove if you soak pieces of meat in vodka. Sometimes for this purpose, cinnamon sticks or a handful of pine nuts are added during cooking, which can also be done.

Spices for lamb shish kebab

That barbecue is often prepared from lamb. Pieces of meat with bones are used, the pulp is rarely cut. The younger the lamb, the better it is soaked in spices, cook faster. It is recommended to marinate this meat for at least an hour, you can leave it for a day or all night.

What spices to use for lamb shish kebab:

  • Rosemary. You can add whole branches, cut or dried herbs. Lamb respects rosemary very much, and it makes a specific aroma soft and pleasant.
  • Zira. It is better to take whole seeds and grind in a mortar. 0.3 tsp is enough per kilogram of meat.
  • Coriander. If the meat is pickled in advance, then you can even throw whole seeds. Or just crush them with two spoons. If there is no time for pickling, then it is advisable to grind well to a powder state.
  • Red, black, allspice. Sweet chopped paprika can also be added. Mutton loves all this very much.
  • Nutmeg. It is not needed much, but a couple of small pinches will definitely not be superfluous.

As for the foundation, it is optional. You can simply rub the lamb chunks with salt, and then with a mixture of dry spices (not vice versa), add the mashed greens to the juice to the juice. If you want to cook wet marinade, it works much faster, then you can take mineral water, red wine as the basis, ideally obtained with pomegranate juice.

By the way, lamb skewers need not only to season with spices, but also effectively serve. The ideal option is to cover parsley or cilantro around the greens (can be used together), onion rings, and sprinkle with fresh pomegranate seeds on top.

Is lamb cooked?

In fact, lamb can be used not only for barbecue. This meat is also suitable for soups, stews, served in boiled form with side dishes and vegetables. Many people try not to cook it like that because of the smell that appears in the room with prolonged boiling. In order not to spoil your appetite in advance, it is important to add the right ingredients.

What spices to add when cooking lamb:

  • bay leaves;
  • dry or fresh chili pod (you can limit yourself to a slice);
  • allspice peas;
  • a sprig of rosemary;
  • mustard seeds.

In addition to spices, when cooking lamb, you can add vegetables, roots, but preferably not fresh. It is recommended to cut the onions and carrots into large pieces, you can cut them in half lengthwise, on the one hand, fry them well in a pan until brownish, and then add to the lamb.

Lamb shurpa deserves special attention. Many spices are added to it: oregano, pepper, tarragon, thyme, cilantro, dry basil, coriander seeds. It should be a very spicy and spicy dish with lots of onions.

Spices for lamb pilaf

Pilaf with lamb is a classic of the genre. You can use fat tail fat and other meat, but it is better to stock up on a young lamb. And if you also have fat, you get the perfect option. How to season such a dish?

What spices to add to pilaf with lamb:

  • Zira (required);
  • coriander seeds (required);
  • pepper of any kind (to taste);
  • marjoram;
  • thyme;
  • basil, oregano (optional).

Also, do not forget about the head of garlic (2-3 pieces on a large cauldron). In pilaf without him, nothing. But the bay leaf is an optional ingredient that you can forget about in this version of the dish.

What spices should not be added to lamb

This meat is bright and rich in itself. Therefore, it simply eclipses some seasonings with its taste; they are useless in a dish. So, for example, dill does not always fit lamb. Especially it should not be added when cooking. If you want, then it is better to sprinkle with fresh herbs the finished dish or use seeds, umbrellas.

What should not be added to lamb:

  • turmeric
  • horseradish;
  • cloves.

Not every dish fits dried or fresh garlic. Ginger root is not always appropriate in lamb. Sometimes this meat spoils the bay leaf.

This fragrant leaf fits perfectly into soup and shurpa, and in a barbecue or baked lamb gives an incomprehensible perfume aroma and bitterness, it is important to add carefully.


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Steak Marinade. (June 2024).