Proper care for thin hair: recipes for home masks. How to ensure proper care for thin hair


When the hair is weakened and devoid of a healthy shine - it does not bring joy.

Beautiful curls are considered the wealth of the beautiful half of humanity, it is not surprising that every lady dreams of a magnificent hairstyle.

However, you can not argue with nature - thin hair is an urgent problem.

How to care for them at home to give more volume and shine?

Knowing a few simple but useful secrets, a woman can get as close to realizing her dream.

Proper care for thin hair: home masks

Thin hair needs proper nutrition. At home, you can cook effective masks according to folk recipes that strengthen the structure of curls and give them volume.

Gelatin mask

Few people know that gelatin is used not only for cooking. This natural component works real miracles with hair - gives them volume, gives a healthy shine, strengthens the structure from the roots.

Step by step recipe

1. In a convenient container, gelatin (2 tablespoons) is poured with mineral plain water. The mixture must be allowed to stand for 15 minutes.

2. The capacity is placed on the stove on a slow fire. Stir the contents until a homogeneous liquid forms.

3. Fresh aloe juice (1 tablespoon) is added to the resulting mixture.

4. The mask must be applied to clean, slightly damp hair, cover with a cap and wrap with a towel.

5. After 45-60 minutes, the mask is washed off well with warm water.

Gelatin is sold at any grocery store. This is an affordable tool, with which you can return their volume to thin hair.

Oil mask

Vegetable oils are a component that nourishes hair with important trace elements, thickens its structure and protects against negative natural factors. Olive oil, almond, burdock or coconut is best for making a mask.

Step by step recipe

1. Almond oil is heated in a water bath (2 tablespoons). And depending on the length of the hair, you can use a larger amount of product.

2. One yolk is added to the container with oil, everything mixes well.

3. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, a cap is tied on top (if not, a plastic bag is taken), the head is wrapped with a towel. This will allow the oil to better impregnate the structure of curls.

4. After 40 minutes, the mixture is washed off. So that the head does not seem dirty, you can rinse your hair with shampoo several times.

If desired, you can add other essential oils, which will contribute to giving the curls a shine and a healthy appearance.

Vitamin based mask

Proper care for thin hair must include vitamin masks. Without these trace elements, the curls will be dull without a healthy glow. All vitamins for the mask below can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Step by step recipe

1. First you need to prepare the ingredients. You will need one kiwi fruit, aloe juice, vitamin A and E.

2. All components are thoroughly mixed together. Kiwi is mashed into a smoothie and added to the overall capacity.

3. The mask is rubbed first into the scalp, then with a thin comb is distributed along the length of the curls.

4. Covering the head is not necessary. After 40 minutes, the mask is washed off with shampoo and warm water.

Thin Oily Hair Mask

If the curls are not only thin, but also fat, then a special approach is needed.

Step by step recipe

1. In a convenient container, the following components are mixed into a homogeneous mass - blue clay (1 teaspoon), half a glass of low-fat kefir, potato starch (2 tablespoons).

2. By massaging movements, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp. After that, the residues are distributed along the length of the hair and after 40 minutes everything is washed off.

Such a mask is recommended to be done at least twice a week. Only in this case will it be possible to really achieve an effective result. It is very useful to rub the egg yolk into the scalp 20 minutes before the shower. It impregnates the root structure of curls, makes the hair more voluminous and more attractive.

Proper care for thin hair: rinsing

Few girls think that it is important not only to choose the right shampoo, but also rinse your hair carefully. Normal tap water is now hard, it severely damages the structure of curls.

It is best to prepare soft rinse water yourself. To do this, you need a bottle with a capacity of 5 liters. It is filled with water and cleaned in the freezer. After ice formation, the liquid must be thawed back.

Fruit acids help to soften water very well. In boiled water (3 liters) is added apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons) or lemon juice (from half the fruit). We rinse the hair with this water last, so that it is not only thick, but also shiny.

Strengthening the structure of curls will help rinsing with a decoction of herbs. It can be a mixture of sage, calendula and chamomile. Everything is mixed in a convenient container in equal proportions, poured with boiling water, covered with a lid. The broth is filtered - the hair rinse is ready.

Proper care for thin hair: useful tips and important nuances

1. To ensure proper care for thin hair at home, you need to learn how to choose shampoos and other cosmetics. You can not buy shampoos 2 in 1. Any additive glues curls and thins them. Before washing your hair, hair must be combed.

2. When purchasing specialized products designed for hair care, it is important to look at the composition. It should not be fat. The best care product will be where there is keratin, protein. These components add extra volume to thin hair.

3. A woman with thin hair should minimize the use of curling irons and hair dryers. Exposure to heat weakens the structure with a curl. If there is a need to do styling, mousse or a special foam is applied to dry hair, this approach will allow the hairstyle to hold perfectly.

4. Thin hair categorically "dislikes" combs made of metal or plastic, after which they are highly electrified. It is best to purchase a comb made of wood or with natural bristles.

Proper care for thin hair: choosing a hairstyle

Proper haircut and styling will quickly solve the problem of thin hair, make the hair volumetric, beautiful and light. Each girl herself must choose what form she wants to give her curls. However, those whose hair is thinned are advised to follow these helpful tips.

1. Multilevel haircuts. “Torn” edges, roughness and layering are the main factors that visually give the hairstyle more volume.

2. For girls with thin hair, stylists recommend doing a haircut to the shoulders. Too much length visually thins the curls even more than they actually are.

3. Tinted shampoos or rare highlights give the hair a healthy appearance and a larger volume.

4. Three-dimensional highlighting is a fairly new procedure that has already managed to prove itself from the best side. She will be a real "salvation" for the fair sex with a "rare" hair.

Proper care for thin hair: nutrition principles

It is no secret that nutrition affects the appearance of a woman - on her nails, hair, skin color. To maintain its attractiveness and femininity, you need to monitor what products the lady consumes every day.

Proper care for thin hair begins from within the body.

It is important to include the following foods in your diet:

• a fish;

• lamb and beef;

• carrot;

• green salad;

• seasonal fruits and vegetables.

By including the listed products in the diet, a woman will be able to provide a daily vitamin balance for her curls.

Proper care for thin hair is a complex process. If a woman really wants to achieve a good result, return her hair to a healthy shine and attractive appearance, you need to choose the right care products, use a hairdryer as little as possible and regularly monitor the diet.


Watch the video: I Went from Thin to Thick Hair in Just a Week (July 2024).