August 2: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 2.


Holidays august 2

Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day)

People living on the principle of "Nobody but us!" - this is what Blue Berets say about themselves. Airborne troops appeared in the distant 30s of the last century. It was on this day in 1930 that the first exercises began, during which a detachment of 12 people was parachuted. The theoretical foundations were backed up by practice, and in the troops it became possible to get a huge advantage - to cover the enemy from the air. At the very beginning of World War II, five airborne corps were formed, and today they are fulfilling their peacekeeping mission, always at the forefront.

Azerbaijan National Cinema Day

The President of the Republic issued a Decree on the organization of cinema day in 2000. The date was timed to coincide with the appearance of the first Azerbaijani film "In the Power of Oil and Millions" in 1916 (the first moving pictures were taken by Azerbaijanis at the end of the 19th century, only three years after the invention of the Lumiere brothers). On August 2, at the first public screening, one could see movies from the life of the native capital of Azerbaijan.

Angel Day

In the city of Cartago, there is a figure of the Angelic Virgin - the miraculous patroness of Costa Rica. On this day, people try to come here on foot, even if they have to go for three or four days. Some days get on bicycles, rollers. True believers last meters walk on their knees. This is really mysticism - a column of people walks at night, they adjoin it from other roads. Along the line are many traders offering food, snacks, water, and toilets.

At equal intervals, there are points of the Red Cross, where they give a massage to those who feel sick, measure the pressure and give medications if necessary. This walk is fun, people rejoice, go with jokes and jokes, many take their children with them, even kids in wheelchairs. They spend the night in tents, and in the morning the service begins, near the sacred stone and statuette, which the poor Indian girl Juan found. The Virgin grants with her mercy the worshipers - heals the disease and helps in many problems. On the wall you can see the results of this help - golden miniature figures, as a memory of the miracles of healing.

Fringe Art Festival Edinburgh

In 2013, on August 2, the beginning of the largest festival of world art "Fringe" in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, falls. For a nominal fee, for two to three weeks, viewers can see 32 thousand performances at more than 250 venues located throughout the city. The festival is very popular all over the world, at this time a stream of tourists and artists rushes here - both famous performers and student and amateur groups, in one of the translation options fringe means small and experimental theaters.

August 2 on the folk calendar

Ilyin day

Russian people stopped swimming in Ilya, besides this they honored the prophet Ilya, who lived in the 9th century BC. He vehemently denounced idolatry and other wickedness. The shrines of Judea were violated, for example, the wife of the ruler of Ahab established a cult of a pagan deity. The prophet Elijah had a special gift, he sent a hunger lasting three years for the wicked, executed several priests who dared to make a sacrifice on Mount Carmel.
Chariots of fire brought Elijah to heaven, and Ilya also received the nickname Ilya the Thunderer.

It is believed that it is he who shoots fire arrows in the sky when his chariot rumbles, rushing through the sky. Rainwater collected in Ilya eliminates the evil eye and eye diseases. Autumn begins on Ilyin’s day: “On Ilyin’s day, the night is long and the water is cold,” “Peter and Paul reduced the hour, and Ilya the Prophet took two hours off. The first bread was baked from the new crop, and a cup of rice was put out of the gate. On this day, they watched the cattle and did not let it out of the gate so that reptiles (snakes, predators) would not harm her.

Historical events of August 2

August 2, 1931 - the White Sea-Baltic Canal named after Stalin was opened, resembling from the White Sea to Lake Onega.

More than 280 thousand prisoners worked with wheelbarrows, sledgehammers, axes. The most modern mechanism was considered a wooden crane. Secret construction progressed at a tremendous pace under the leadership of the NKVD, the canal was laid in record time. Such canals were built for decades, and the White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in 1 year and 9 months, while it was at least a third longer. The country got the opportunity to exploit the forest and mineral ore resources of the Northern Soviet Territory.

October 2, 1945 - the meeting of Churchill, Truman, Stalin, known as the Big Three conference, ended.

It was on it that the most important decisions were made on the division and arrangement of defeated Germany. In the east, the country's borders were shifted towards the west, the territory decreased by 25%. In the east, the territories were mostly agricultural, and Upper Silesia turned out to be the center of German heavy industry. A third of East Prussia became part of the USSR, with its capital in what is now Kaliningrad. It was also decided and confirmed that after the surrender of Germany, Russia would declare war on Japan no later than three months.

More events:

August 2, 1930 At exactly 9 o'clock the first parachute landing in the amount of 12 people was dropped from the sky.

On August 2, 1946, the International Non-Governmental Organization (UNFAS) was founded, which brings together UN non-governmental organizations. The World Federation of UN Assistance Associations brought together 22 organizations of the world at a conference in Luxembourg.

August 2, 1865 saw the light of the first edition of Lewis Carroll's book "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland."

Born on August 2

George Movsesyan (1945-2011) - the famous Soviet composer, who wrote many songs, people's artist of the USSR.

Georgy Viktorovich Movsesyan wrote a lot of songs (among them “My Years - My Wealth”, “Seeing Off Love”, “Birch”, etc.), which have become beloved and popular among the people. Most often, poets Robert Rozhdestvensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Igor Shaferan performed in tandem with him.

Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678), follower and student of Rembrandt, Dutch artist.

Van Hogstraten became famous for paintings on biblical subjects, portraits and still lifes. At this time, optical instruments were actively invented, and the artist is interested in a telescope, complex spatial constructions, and writes interiors. He also made "Magic Boxes", which inside a cardboard box made it possible to see colonnades, home scenes, windows, and a garden. The London National Gallery has such a box.

Mirna Loy (1905 -1993), American actress, Queen of Hollywood of her time.

From childhood, Mirna Loy participated in theatrical productions, made her first film debut in the movie "What is the price of beauty." Her role is the roles of fateful oriental beauties, exotic women, and only after the "Manhattan melodrama" with Clark Gable did she become really popular. Together with Clark Gable, they became King and Queen of Hollywood.

Also born on this day:

Anne Dvorak (1912-1979), American film actress, silent movie star of the early 20th century.
Leonid Linnik (1930-2008) - Soviet ophthalmologist, an outstanding scientist, creator and developer of a new generation of intraocular lenses.

Name day 2 august

Alexander, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Alexey, Athanasius, George, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Alexander, Alexey, George, Efim, Ivan, Leonty, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor.


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