How much to walk with the puppy daily? Is it possible for an unvaccinated puppy out on the street, how often you need to walk with a small dog


The puppy is a funny, cute pet, delighting its owners with constant attention and sincere devotion. On a par with other pets, it requires a lot of attention and an individual approach. At a young age, the puppy is very mobile and energetic, in connection with which special attention should be paid to his walks.

What time is it to walk with a puppy on his first walk

In order for a puppy to grow strong and healthy, it is necessary to provide it with the best living conditions. The need for daily walks is as follows:

· Pet training to cope with their needs on the street;

· Fresh air;

· Excellent physical condition;

· Development and strengthening of muscles;

· Adaptation to external environmental conditions;

· Communication with other animals.

In addition, walks serve as a good measure of impact for getting closer to the owner in an unfamiliar environment. With the help of walks, the puppy learns the correct behavior with strangers.

The first walk with the puppy can be done no earlier than two weeks after vaccination is completed. It is recommended that you complete the puppy’s full course of vaccination no later than four months of age.

For the first time you should spend no more than half an hour on a walk. In the future, you can devote more time to a walk, gradually increasing it. The next walk should be allocated from an hour to three hours of free time.

How many times a day must walk with a puppy

The puppy is still small and weak and a large amount of time spent on a walk at a time will not do him any good. Every day it is worth walking the puppy at least 5-6 times a day. Due to the fact that the little puppy can’t keep the need in debt, it is worth taking him for a walk as often as possible for a month. At the same time, do not spend a lot of time on the walk itself.

How long can I walk with an unvaccinated puppy?

Experts do not recommend taking an unvaccinated puppy for a walk. It is also not recommended to walk with the puppy immediately after vaccination. During this period, the puppy has a weakened immune system and various infections can easily be picked up by it. Antibodies in the puppy's blood are produced in the two-week period after the vaccination given by the veterinarian. In extreme cases, with the special desire of the owner, the puppy can be taken for a walk lasting no more than 7 minutes. In this case, the weather should be warm, sunny, calm. A prerequisite for such a walk is finding a pet in his arms. In addition, you must protect it from external contacts.

How many basic principles you need to know in order to be able to fully walk with a puppy

There are a number of principles that every owner needs to know before getting a puppy on his first walks.

Walking principles:

1) allow to play with other puppies and forbid to approach adult dogs;

2) walk at the optimum temperature (not higher than 30 degrees of heat and not lower than 10 degrees of cold);

3) the puppy must be accustomed to a leash and know his nickname;

4) to know the command "fu, it is impossible" and "to me";

5) do not feed the puppy tightly before a walk;

6) it is undesirable in the first months to change walking routes;

7) for any ailments, stop walking.

Gradually, you need to train your puppy to a leash and collar. They should be worn at home. Pulling the puppy by the leash is not recommended. The pet can get scared and hurt itself. At the first walk of the puppy, it is better to let go of the leash so that it stretches behind the puppy. Or do not pull it tight. The puppy should feel relaxed while walking. Thus, the puppy will form an opinion, if the owner picked up a leash and a collar, then it's time to walk. At first, all the puppy's attention will be directed only to the street itself. Therefore, taking toys with you is not recommended. Subsequently, the puppy will get comfortable, and get used to the street. When you notice boredom in the behavior of a puppy on a walk, then you need to take toys with you.

Before the walk, the puppy must be able to recognize the owner by smell and voice. To be able to stay close, in order to avoid the loss of a puppy with sudden loud sounds. If during a walk the puppy is afraid, you need to be able to calm him down. The timbre of the voice should be unhurried and quiet. You can stroke the puppy on the head. Calming down the puppy can continue the walk. Do not try to learn all the commands immediately. The puppy quickly gets tired after a walk and at first he can cope with fatigue, and only then learn something new.

Wash the puppy after a walk

In the event that the puppy is very messy during a walk, you need to wash it. For the first time, a softly moistened rag soaked in warm water gently walks through the contaminated areas, using a high-quality specialized shampoo designed for the puppy. Then wipe with a soft towel and comb the hair.

If you can not do without thorough washing the puppy, then you must follow the following rules. Prepare a basin half filled with warm water (the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees). You can measure the degree of water with a special thermometer. Be careful not to let the water get into your pet’s ears. Wash your puppy with smooth movements, but at an accelerated pace. In no case should you scare a puppy with water pressure. Such an event will remain in his memory, and he will negatively relate to subsequent washing. You can not direct a stream of water on the puppy's head.

You should be aware that experts do not recommend washing your puppy more than once a month. Frequent washing adversely affects his coat. In connection with what, a puppy should be washed only in exceptional cases.

Feeding a puppy after a walk

Feed the puppy strictly after a walk. First of all, you should wait until the puppy rests after a walk (about half an hour or an hour). Then a small amount of feed should be put in his bowl. As for water, his bowl should always be filled with it.

Walking brings a lot of positive impressions to the puppy's daily life. It is important for the formation of his personality and physical activity. Try to devote enough time for walking with the puppy.


Watch the video: Puppy Training 101: This is What a Typical Day Should Look Like (July 2024).