25% of men dream of sending their wives for plastic surgery


A new study on love and marriage (partnership) revealed a very interesting fact: a quarter of men expressed a desire for their partners to improve their appearance through plastic surgery. The undisputed leader in male preferences was liposuction (57% of the vote). Men gave the second place to breast plastic surgery, the third - to surgical dentistry.

The survey involved more than a thousand men who were asked one single question: “Would they like to improve the appearance of the partner?”. 24% gave an affirmative answer, 19% doubted the answer, 19% said they did not want to risk the health of the woman they loved.

Sociologists were interested in another question: “Will men ever tell their partners that after plastic surgery they will look much more attractive?” 10% of men said they would do it. 76% meanwhile said that this would not affect the appearance of the partners, since they still would not decide on plastic. 52% of men said they did not want to upset their loved ones. 23% admitted that they are simply afraid of the quarrel that follows.

Experts who conducted the survey claim that men who constantly repeat their wives about the need for plastic surgery are either fools or desperate brave men.

Here is the “rating” of male addictions in terms of plastic surgery:
First place - liposuction (57%)
Second place - bust increase (49%)
Third place - surgical dentistry (42%)
Fourth place - rhinoplasty (38%)
Fifth place - Botox (34%)

Despite the fact that most men are satisfied with the appearance of their partners, they still would like to see how plastic surgery will transform their appearance.


Watch the video: "ADDICTED TO PLASTIC SURGERY!" (June 2024).