Gestosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Gestosis - These are complications during pregnancy, which are caused by a disorder of various functions of vital organs, especially the bloodstream and vascular system.

Gestosis - symptoms (signs)

The first signs of gestosis are the appearance of various edema, which is called dropsy of pregnant women. First, legs and hands begin to swell. More serious symptoms include an increase in blood pressure, as well as the appearance of protein in the urine.

If these signs appear, it is imperative to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, since this complication can adversely affect the development of the child. The treatment of this disease is carried out only in a hospital setting, in contrast to the lung form, which can be treated at home.

Depending on the manifestations, gestosis is divided into eclampsia, edema of pregnant women and preeclampsia. Edema is divided into explicit and secretive. In the early stages of gestosis, latent edema may appear, which is associated with a delay in fluid tissues.

An attempt at self-medication with diuretics will not reduce the volume of edema and worsen the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman. It should also be remembered that not all edema during pregnancy is associated with this disease. And do not be scared ahead of time, and be sure to consult your doctor.

The manifestation of preeclampsia can be very different: from low-symptom forms stretched for months, to lightning-fast and catastrophic in their consequences.

Gestosis - diagnosis

The diagnosis of this disease can be made on the basis of various laboratory and clinical data. For the early diagnosis of this disease, timely registration in a antenatal clinic is required, and it is also necessary to attend regular scheduled examinations by a gynecologist and specialists, to whom you can be sent for a consultation. If your doctor has suspected preeclampsia, then you will need:

• take a general blood test to determine the number of platelets and red blood cells;
• undergo biochemical blood tests to determine the concentration of protein, electrolytes, creatinine and urea nitrogen;
• undergo coagulation and fluidity tests;
• take urine tests to determine the amount of protein excreted;
• control diuresis;
• take blood pressure measurements on both hands, since there may be a big difference in the readings, which indicates the depth of the violations;
• maintain constant control of body weight;
• conduct an examination of the fundus;
• undergo ultrasound examination and dopplerometry of the fetus;
• Get advice from a physician, neurologist and nephrologist.

Gestosis - treatment

Modern medicine is not yet able to completely cure this disease, but in many cases it is possible to control this condition. Proper and modern treatment will contribute to the prevention of severe forms of the disease. Self-medication in no case is unacceptable, since without professional and individual treatment even greater complications are possible, which will lead to a deterioration of the fetus and the pregnant woman.

With this treatable disease, doctors will not stimulate preterm labor. Since premature delivery can be carried out only if the treatment is ineffective or if the condition of the child and the pregnant woman worsen. Treatment of preeclampsia should be individual, and timely and proper initiation of treatment can prevent the development of the most serious complications.

If your doctor has prescribed treatment, then you must quickly and disciplinedly carry out all his appointments, as this can lead to recovery. DO NOT DO YOURSELF!


Watch the video: Preeclampsia & eclampsia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).