Anthill cake at home - a hill of sweets! Recipes of anthill homemade cake: from cookies and not only


Anthill - a cake from childhood. It is not very healthy and low-calorie, but how delicious!

In addition, for the preparation of the cake you will need the most primitive products.

No need to go shopping looking for mascarpone or suitable cream.

What do they say there? I blinded him from what was?

Well, that's about the anthill!

Anthill cake at home - general principles of preparation

The basis for the anthill is sand baking. There are many options for dough for her, you can knead in oil, margarine, sour cream, with and without eggs. After kneading it is passed through a meat grinder to make thin sausages. Billets are laid out on a baking sheet and baked.

Also can be used for anthill:

• any dry cookies;

• the remaining shortcakes for the cake;

• corn sticks.

Everything except corn sticks needs to be chopped, but not into flour. It should be small pieces. They are thrown off in a bowl, combined with cream and laid out a sweet slide in the form of an anthill, make a dessert to your taste.

Which cream can I use? Absolutely any! From condensed milk, sour cream, cream and even custard. But it should not have too much oil, as it will not allow the dessert to soak, and the anthill will be dry.

Recipe 1: Classic Anthill Cake at Home

The most common and famous anthill recipe. A small dessert is made from this quantity of products. If you need to cook a large cake, then all the ingredients are proportionally increased.


• 0.28 kg of flour;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• a pinch of soda and salt;

• 0.3 kg of softened oil;

• 0.1 kg of condensed milk;

• 0.1 kg of white condensed milk;

• 1 can of boiled condensed milk.


1. Halve the butter. In one part, add sour cream with a pinch of soda and salt, add sugar and mix well. We introduce flour and make a cool lump.

2. Pass the dough through a meat grinder, spread in bunches on a baking sheet. We bake the resulting cookies until golden brown, it is better to fry them well, it will be tastier.

3. For the cream, mix a jar of boiled condensed milk with butter and add white milk.

4. Cooled cookies crumble, but not finely. It should be pieces.

5. Pour the crumbs into the cream, mix. It should turn out to be a fairly thick mass, which we put out on a flat plate and slide it into the refrigerator. There the cake will harden, soak and after three hours you can put the kettle on!

Recipe 2: Lazy Anthill Cake at Home from Cookies

It turns out that in order to feast on the Anthill cake, you do not even need to turn on the oven. It can be easily and simply made from shortbread cookies.


• 0.35 kg of cookies;

• 0.18 kg butter;

• 0.4 kg of boiled condensed milk;

• 40 grams of chocolate;

• 70 ml of cream or fat milk.


1. First, prepare the cream. To do this, beat the soft butter with cream, then add a little condensed milk a little. The cream should not be too thick, otherwise it will be bad to soak the cookies. But the liquid mass should not work, otherwise it will drain.

2. We crumble cookies. It is most convenient to lay out on a table and walk a few times with a rolling pin. Do not twist through a meat grinder. Otherwise, it will no longer be an anthill, but a mass for the Potato cake.

3. Combine the cream with the cookies, mix.

4. Put in a plate slide. Three chocolate on top. Better with large chips and let the dessert soak in the refrigerator, it is better to send it there all night.

Recipe 3: Honey Cake "Anthill" at home

Well, a very fragrant version of the Anthill, which you definitely need to try to make. The dough is universal, suitable for other versions of the cake, but the cream is prepared with honey. It is he who is the highlight of this recipe.


• 2 eggs;

• 5 tablespoons of milk;

• flour;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• vinegar for extinction;

• 0.1 kg of oil.


• 0.5 kg of boiled condensed milk;

• 0.1 kg of oil;

• 3 tablespoons of honey.


1. Melt the butter for the dough, let’s cool. Beat eggs with sugar, add milk, mix, then butter, flour and slaked soda. We make a cool and flexible dough.

2. Pass the pieces of dough through a meat grinder, spread the resulting on a baking sheet, bake the "worms" until cooked at 200 degrees. Cooling down.

3. For the cream you just need to combine all the ingredients. If honey is liquid, then it is melted in a water bath or in the microwave.

4. We crumble our preparations, combine with the cooked cream and spread the sweet slide. Decorate to your taste.

Recipe 4: Cake "Anthill" at home with walnuts and poppy seeds

There are no strict rules for this “Anthill” cake at home. You can take any other nuts, for example, peanuts, hazelnuts. It also tastes delicious with sunflower seeds. Experiment and always get a new treat!


• 4.5-5 glasses of flour;

• 0.3 kg of sour cream;

• 0.05 kg of poppy;

• 0.3 kg of margarine;

• 0.25 kg of oil;

• 2 cans of condensed milk;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• a glass of nuts.


1. Get the butter with margarine and other ingredients in advance from the refrigerator. Combine margarine and 100 grams of sugar, beat with a mixer for two minutes.

2. Add the flour, knead and put in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.

3. We twist the frozen dough through a meat grinder, put it on baking sheets and fry until beautiful.

4. While the workpieces cool, you need to prepare the cream. To do this, beat the butter with a mixer. Once it becomes white and lush, add condensed milk. Pour in a little so that the cream does not take up lumps.

5. Nuts need to be fried and drained, but not into flour, visible lumps should remain. The third part is left for registration.

6. Combine crumbled cookies, nuts and cream. We make our anthill, sprinkle with nuts and hold back at least 3 hours so as not to try this miracle.

Recipe 5: Cake "Anthill" at home from corn sticks with toffee

Another simplified version of the Anthill cake, for which you will need ordinary corn sticks. It is better to take small items. Also needed are ordinary toffee type "Golden Key", "Iris kitty-kitty." There are two options for assembling the cake. The first is simple and fast, and the second is more neat and beautiful.


• 0.2 kg of sticks;

• 0.2 kg of oil;

• 0.5 kg toffee;

• nuts or chocolate for decoration.


1. We take a large saucepan of stainless steel, put in it oil and toffee, freed from wrappers. We put on a slow fire and melt the mass, stir regularly. It should become liquid, and the ingredients combine into a cream.

2. Remove from heat and pour corn sticks into toffee with butter, mix with a large spoon or spatula.

3. The first version of the assembly. The mass will begin to cool, take it with your hands and lay the sweet slide on the dish.

4. The second version of the assembly. Dip each stick and spread in neat layers alternately on the dish. If the cream begins to harden, then you need to warm it up.

5. Sprinkle anthill with grated chocolate or nuts. And you can both. Also, chocolate can melt and pour the dessert with liquid glaze.

Recipe 6: Cake "Anthill" at home on sour cream

Both the dough and cream for this anthill are prepared on the basis of sour cream. A healthy and tasty dessert made from available products. But you can bake the base for the anthill and any other recipe.


• 0.1 kg of oil;

• 0.6 kg of sour cream;

• 0.15 kg of boiled condensed milk;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 3.5 cups flour;

• 0.2 kg of margarine;

• salt and soda.


1. Grind the soft margarine with flour, add half the sugar, 200 grams of sour cream. Mix well. Put a pinch of salt, add half a small spoonful of soda, which must be quenched with vinegar. Pour flour and knead the dough.

2. Form cookies by passing the dough through a meat grinder. Bake and cool.

3. Beat butter with sugar and condensed milk. If there is, then instead of sugar you can use powder, it will be easier.

4. Add 400 ml of sour cream to the cream, stir.

5. Cooled prefabricated crumbs, mix with cream.

6. We put an anthill of any shape on the dish, decorate or leave it like that, let it soak.

Recipe 7: Royal Anthill Cake at Home

Despite the fact that dessert is prepared in a simplified way from cookies, it can not be called simple. The cake is very beautiful, rich and unusual. And he will find his place even on the festive table. In addition to the main components, you will need a little marshmallow, marmalade and one banana.


• 0.5 kg of sour cream;

• 0.5 kg of cookies;

• 1 banana;

• 70 grams of powder;

• 100 grams of marshmallows;

• 30 grams of oil;

• 1 spoon of cocoa;

• 100 grams of marmalade;

• 70 grams of chocolate.


1. For cream, beat sour cream with powder, add cocoa to make the mass darker. In an adult cake, you can put a little instant coffee, pour a spoonful of cognac.

2. Peel a banana, cut lengthwise into 2 parts. Then, each piece of 0.5 centimeter. Grind is not necessary.

3. Marshmallows and marmalade are cut in the same slices as a banana. But don't mix anything. Beautiful pieces can be immediately put aside to decorate the cake.

4. We take part of the cookie, put it in the first layer on the dish, grease with cream.

5. The remaining cookies are crumbled, mixed with cream and allowed to stand for 20 minutes, so that the mass swells and becomes thicker.

6. On the cookies that we have laid out, lay out a layer of bananas and cover with a mass of cream, it should take a third. Fruits should leave everything, do not regret it, they will not work for decoration anyway, since the pieces quickly turn black and the anthill needs to be allowed to soak.

7. We spread a layer of marshmallows on it, again cover it with a mass of cookies with cream. One more part has to go.

8. Now we spread the marmalade and again the cookies with cream. We form the slide with our hands and for an hour in the refrigerator.

9. Melt chocolate with butter. You can just send it in the microwave.

10. We get the anthill, water it from above. In the meantime, the icing does not harden, stick sticks of marshmallow, marmalade.

Cake anthill at home - useful tips and tricks

• If the mass for the Anthill turned out to be dry, then you do not need to form a hill, the cake will still not be tender and juicy. It is better to immediately add more cream or just condensed milk, milk, cream or at least a little jam, you can syrup.

• Prepare an anthill for a children's party? Then do not collect it in the usual way, but make small cakes according to the number of guests. And every little sweet tooth will become the proud owner of its own dessert.

• If you let the mass of cookies with cream stand for some time, then it will become more convenient in work and it will be easier to sculpt. From it you can form a wide variety of figures for a tight fit with mastic. Just remember to align the base with oil cream and then cool it well.
