Diet minus 10 kg - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of a diet minus 10 kg and examples of recipes.


Diet minus 10 kg - description and general principles

The question of losing weight was and remains relevant. How to get rid of 10 unnecessary kilograms? Is it possible to do this in a very short time, for example, in a week? Nobody can give an accurate forecast of the uniformity of weight loss and its timing. It all depends on the initial weight and the characteristics of the body. If someone and your friends lost weight, for example, on an apple diet of 4 kg per week, this does not mean at all that you will lose as many kilograms with such a food system. After all, each person has an individual daily regimen, and therefore the need for calories, and, of course, a different metabolism. Is it possible to significantly lose weight in a short time, while not causing harm to health? Without harm to health is impossible. But the degree of harm can not be accurately determined.

Interesting fact: the easiest way is to lose weight to people who have its obvious surplus (more than 20 kg). This can be done quite quickly, reducing caloric intake. For example, a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle and consumes 3000 kcal. This amount of calories leads to the formation of fat. Growing weight, growing and the volume of the hips, waist, etc. Limiting the number of calories to 1500 per day will lead to a sharp and rapid weight loss. But a woman who is not overweight and consumes fifteen hundred calories per day, can not halve the calorie intake, as it is dangerous to health. Less than 1000 calories is not recommended, fasting in weight loss is not an assistant. With a lack of food, the body stops losing weight. In addition, feeling worse, there is a weakness that does not support the maintenance of physical activity. Also, fasting can provoke dehydration, because not everyone knows that every day you need to consume at least half a liter of liquid.

There are many diets that promise a result of minus 10 kg, both for short lines and for long enough. For example, a diet with celery soup is one of the easiest diets. Boil a special soup, and eat it at any time during the day. Even the number of servings is not regulated - eat as much as you want. For its preparation you will need: a kilogram of cabbage, half a kilo of celery, two carrots (medium size), a few bell peppers, a couple of tomatoes (or tomato paste), a couple of onions. Also to taste mono add greens, spices, garlic. All ingredients need to be cut, pour boiling water. Boil until softened (30-40 minutes). After that, you need to give the soup to insist about half an hour and can be used.

People who have already tried this diet claim that it is not at all difficult to follow it, without much effort it is possible to significantly reduce the volume of the hips and waist. The diet is based on the use of cocoa in brewed form, as well as bitter chocolate. This is one of the most effective diets. Slimming occurs due to such factors: first, cocoa within 3 minutes after consumption gives a feeling of satiety. After that, the body does not require food for about 5 hours. 100 grams of this drink is much more protein than carbohydrates and fats, it is rich in fibers, trace elements and vitamins.

Diet minus 10 kg - what foods you can eat

Consider, for example, the cabbage diet - very effective and fairly fast. It can give a result of minus 10 kg in just 10 days. This diet has a high efficiency, because the main product has a very low calorie content, and in terms of the amount of vitamins and fiber, it will overtake many vegetables and other products. Cabbage has a large number of varieties (kohlrabi, color, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and others) and they all have different energy value. Cabbage diet does not limit the choice of varieties, but the usual white cabbage is preferred, it has the lowest caloric content of all varieties (about 26 kcal). Even less calorie sauerkraut - 19 kcal. Therefore, during the observance of the diet, replace it with a fermented product (once every three days)

Cabbage mono-diet is quite tough. With a heightened sense of hunger, you can eat cabbage leaves as much as you want. Of the beverages allowed in unlimited quantities of tea (green), water is simple and without gas - not less than 1.3 liters per day. Drinking coffee in the morning is a mandatory requirement of many short-term diets. This drink accelerates metabolic processes in the body (1-4%), and is equivalent to additional weight loss.

In the diet of most diets allowed the use of green tea in unlimited quantities. This is due to the fact that the drink contributes to weight loss. It contains vitamin A, which controls the condition of the mucous membranes and the B vitamins that regulate the functioning of the nervous system. It is also rich in riboflavin, which maintains skin condition, and pantothenic acid, normalizing digestion. In addition, the composition of green tea includes a huge amount of antioxidants. On the way to harmony, the drink provides three services: firstly, thanks to biologically active compounds, the work of the enzyme amylase, which breaks down and removes starch in an unchanged form, is blocked to a certain extent. Secondly, the rate of metabolic processes increases, and this allows the body to get rid of fat faster. Thirdly, along with weight loss, green tea improves the condition of the skin thanks to riboflavin and catechins. These substances do not allow the destruction of collagen molecules that support skin elasticity.

Diet minus 10 kg - which foods should not be consumed

Diet severely limits the consumption of sugar and salt. Salt retains liquid, and this prevents the body from getting rid of unwanted pounds. You can not use any pastry and flour products. With strict compliance with the recommendations of the diet for all 10 days, you can throw up to 10 kg, depending on the number of extra pounds, settled in your body. Repeat the diet is recommended not earlier than 2 months. Alcohol is prohibited in all its forms. Receiving the addition of calories from alcohol, the body stops spending its own reserves. These calories burn faster nutrients from food. Therefore, getting energy from alcohol, the body sends in reserve all the rest. In addition, alcohol increases appetite.

Diet minus 10 kg - menu examples

Classic cabbage diet menu for 10 days

For breakfast: coffee (not sweetened), green tea, non-carbonated water.
For lunch, chop finely fresh cabbage and season the salad with vegetable oil, it is best to use olive oil. Chicken, boiled beef or lean fish (no more than 200 grams).
For dinner: either half chicken or small quail egg, cabbage salad, apple (or any other fruit, except bananas).
Not later than 2 hours before bedtime, you need to drink a glass of nonfat kefir (1%).

Cabbage salad can be replaced with a special cabbage soup. It is prepared as follows: take a pound of white cabbage, carrot roots (5 pieces), onions (5 pieces), Bulgarian pepper (2 pieces), tomatoes (2 pieces), celery stalks (4 pieces). Cook these vegetables in a small amount of liquid (30 minutes). Add a spoonful of butter, but do not salt.

Diet minus 10 kg - tips

If you really decided to get rid of 10 kilograms and want the result to stay with you for a long time, then the surest option is to think about how to do it not in a short time, but in a longer, about 2 months. This is the most optimal time. Food should remain balanced, the products must contain both proteins and fats, and carbohydrates. For weight loss, you only need to reduce the calorie content of your diet, exclude some foods and cooking methods.

In addition, you need to abandon the use of sweet, flour products, bakery products, fatty meat, animal fats, fried, smoked. It is necessary to minimize the amount of salt. Food should be eaten raw or steamed whenever possible. In addition to vegetables and fruits raw, oddly enough, you can eat buckwheat. It does not necessarily boil, it is enough to fill it with water at night. In the morning, a dietary and healthy product is ready to eat. Accelerate the process of losing weight will help increased physical activity, physical activity.


Zinka 03/22/2016
Oh, and why so little ration was given in the example, the diet interested and I would like to see more examples, well, for every day. So as not to bother to make nutrition for a week)

Merlin 03.22.2016
But the words about exercise should have been highlighted. Unfortunately, many are mistaken, thinking that since they are on a diet, it is not worth bothering the body with additional loads. But no, it is not so ...

Christie 03/22/2016
Thank you for developing for us, who want to get rid of extra pounds, a few effective recipes. Now everyone can find a diet to their liking and we will be happy !!!

Anika 03/22/2016
What is it that if I weigh 55 and I want to lose 4 kilograms, then I will lose weight later than a person who weighs 80 - 90 kg. Ay, where's the justice ??

Tatyana 03/22/2016
I completely agree that if one has lost weight thanks to one diet, then it’s not a fact that the second will lose weight. Everyone has their own nuances. You need to look for your recipe for happiness.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Low-carb diet findings and cautions (June 2024).