Men called the worst gifts on February 23


The most undesirable gifts on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian men consider pants and socks. This is evidenced by the data of a sociological survey, which conducted on the eve of February 23 research holding Romir. The survey involved 1000 respondents (age group 18-60 years), living in 8 federal districts, in cities with a population of 100 thousand people.

Mobile phones (8%), money (6%) and tablets / laptops (6%) lead in the ranking of the best gifts. In 7% of cases, men would be pleased to go on a romantic date and dine with his beloved by candlelight. 4% would be very happy with wristwatches, 2% - tourist trips, 3% - with shaving accessories.

The men also mentioned the following gifts: car, perfume, knives, motorcycle, construction and repair tools, guns, books and cameras. In isolated cases, the representatives of the stronger sex called the crossbow, hockey form, repairs in the apartment and acquaintance with the future spouse.

In the first place in the ranking of the worst gifts were socks. In 13% of men surveyed, they cause irritation. Also, the Russian defenders of the Fatherland do not like greeting cards (5%), panties (2%) and flowers (4%).

If we talk about the strangest and most ridiculous gifts on February 23, then 22% of respondents said they never received such gifts. Among the incidents were named: pan, punch, enema, teddy bear, ashtray for quitting smoking and a pipe for non-smokers. Two men remembered that they once gave women perfume. The saddest gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day was recognized as the unfortunate hamster, who could not live to see the holiday.

In parallel, the portal "Women's Opinion" conducted a survey designed to find out that in modern men women value above all else. It turned out that women consider good manners as the most important manhood. In second place was the ability to make good money and provide for the family. Third place went to high intelligence. But the man's strength and beauty today turned out to be completely unclaimed.


Watch the video: Ridiculous PEOPLE OF WALMART 2 (July 2024).