Paramount Pictures will shoot a film about Lance Armstrong


Paramount Pictures is planning a screen version of the book by Juliette Makur about the legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong, who received a lifelong disqualification for using stimulants. Armstrong himself categorically denied his guilt, but recently a live show of Oprah made a sensational statement, in which he admitted that he still took doping.

In an interview, the famous athlete apologized to his fans, saying that he had betrayed them. Lance Armstrong's career began in the 90s. Six years later, he was named America’s best racer. At the same time, Lance was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Having undergone a difficult course of chemotherapy, Armstrong returned to a great sport with triumph, having achieved outstanding results. Lance managed to become the only cyclist on the planet who won the Tour de France seven times.

This is the second project about Armstrong. The first at one time developed Sony Pictures. Jake Gyllenhaal was to play a major role in biopic. The actor has even begun training, but the scandal around doping has caused Sony to stop the project. Recall that this year is also scheduled to release the documentary film “Lance Armstrong: The Road Back”, which tells about the training of an athlete in 2009, when Lance tried to return to the sport and again win in the Tour de France.


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