Rosemary oil - its beneficial properties and methods of application. How to apply rosemary essential oil for beauty and health.


"Sea dew" - so romantically called the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast. Useful properties of the shrub have been used since ancient times, but it does not disappear from the list of effective personal care products even now.

How to get rosemary essential oil

As a raw material for the production of essential oil, fresh shoots with flowers and branches with rosemary leaves are used. Miraculous means produced in several ways - pressing, solvent extraction. The main technology is steam distillation.

Essential oils can evaporate (volatilize), mixing with its molecules. Therefore, upon receipt of the product come in one of three ways:

1. The crushed raw material is completely immersed in boiling water.

2. Prepared shoots, leaves, branches are laid out on special grids and hot steam is passed through them.

3. Both variants are combined at once with boiling water and steam.

After such treatment, the gaseous mix from the vapor and the ether enters the so-called cooler, where it cools and condenses (turns into a liquid state). Such a cocktail without any problems is split into individual components by passing through the florentines (separation tubes). The result is immediately two important products: aromatic water and essential oil. Both of them are very widely used, but naturally, oil is more valuable.

The beneficial properties of rosemary oil

The pale yellow product contains:

- lemon;

- pineny;

- borneolinalol;

- bornyl acetate;

- camphor;

- Campine, etc.

Due to the presence of just such a bouquet of nutrients, rosemary essential oil has extremely beneficial effects on the human body:

- diuretic;

- anti-inflammatory;

- antiseptic;

- antioxidant;

- antirheumatic;

- bactericidal;

- wound healing.

Rosemary oil is used in sports, cosmetology, medicine, for the regulation and stabilization of the psycho-emotional sphere.

Rosemary oil - contraindications (and possible harm)

Along with the beneficial properties, rosemary oil has its own contraindications.

1. Pregnancy.

2. Epilepsy or even suspicion of it.

3. Age up to 6 years.

4. Intolerance component.

5. Hypertension.

6. High skin sensitivity.

As a side effect, an allergic reaction can be triggered.

In order not to harm your health, you must comply with certain security measures:

- exclude access of children to the facility;

- to use mainly for external use;

- do not use undiluted;

- prevent rosemary oil from entering the mucous membranes, especially the conjunctiva of the eyes;

- do not use the product after 18 months from the date of manufacture;

- buy only certified product in a pharmacy or specialty store;

- comply with storage conditions - darkening, the optimum temperature in the range of 2-15 ° C.

Rosemary oil - indications and methods of use

Given the qualities of rosemary oil, its use is shown in the following cases:

- problem skin (dryness, fading);

- eels and boils;

- wounds and abscesses;

- burns;

- weakening and loss of hair;

- weakening of memory;

- insomnia and migraines;

- mental fatigue;

- nerve strain;

- decrease in concentration of attention;

- neurosis;

- problems with the cardiovascular system;

- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

- painful menstruation and cycle disorders;

- SARS and colds;

- bronchitis and pneumonia;

- flu and sinusitis;

- gout and arthritis;

- stretching of tendons and / or ligaments.

This is not the whole list of indications for the use of rosemary oil. Knowing that contraindications are possible, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before use, followed exactly by his recommendations.

How to use rosemary oil? Quite a lot of options.

1. Taking a shared bathroom, you can drop 5-8 times into the water. The procedure takes about 1.5-3 hours before bedtime.

2. Ether works very well during the massage, if you add 3-5 drops for every 10 grams to the cream base.

3. When making a compress, on a moistened towel or gauze must be applied in its pure form 3-4 drops, the duration of the procedure - up to 0.5 hour.

4. If an air cap is used, then 1-2 drops are recommended for each 5 m² of area.

5. In order to enrich the cosmetics, you need to add 2-3 drops to a single portion of tonic, cream or shampoo.

6. In aromamedaly can drop 2-3 drops;

7. To perform hot steam inhalation, 4 drops of ether are added to 2 liters of hot water;

8. Before training, the muscles are perfectly heated using 1 tablespoon of almond oil with the addition of 8 drop of rosemary;

9. Carefully, take the oil of rosemary inside: you can add 0.5 coffee spoon of honey with 1-2 drops of the product to half a glass of warm water.

Naturally, only the main directions of the use of valuable tools are given, a wider list of procedures can be obtained by consulting your doctor or an aromatherapist.

Rosemary essential oil for hair

Rosemary oil - the most effective way to solve various problems with the hair and scalp. The most stable result is obtained if the means is applied regularly, and not occasionally. This improves the nutrition of cells and provokes the activation of metabolic processes in the hair bulb.

Ether contributes to the cleansing and treatment of the scalp, eliminating fat plugs, excessive glandularity, using dandruff and dead particles. A daily scalp massage with a few drops of a rosemary miracle is a real first aid for a weakened, damaged hair. Hair turns from a solid problem into a source of pride and admiration: they can not but admire, becoming really silky, shiny and elastic. To achieve the desired result, there are various ways to effectively apply.

The most common practice is adding to branded shampoos at the rate of 2-3 drops per procedure. Warm water with 8-9 drops of rosemary is used as a conditioner. Better yet, mix 10 drops of the oil with 5 ml of alcohol (70%) and add the mix to a liter of warm water - an excellent rinse aid is obtained.

Huge recipe for preparing masks for hair at home. Which one to use? It depends on the specific problem for which the solution is needed.

1. To strengthen the hair and give it shine (except for the fat type), mix 20 ml of grape oil, 10 ml of jojoba. To them add 2 drops of rosemary with air and 1 drop of birch and beat. Vigorously, but carefully, putting the resulting fatty base on the tips of the fingers, massage the scalp, five minutes is completely enough. Next, wrap hair with plastic wrap, followed by a towel. After one hour, wash your hair, as always.

2. In order to prevent loss of dry and brittle hair, they take avocado, macadamia and jojoba oils in 10 ml. Mixed with oils of rosemary, calamus, ylang-ylang, taken in 2 drops. Added a drop of oil, birch and chamomile. Apply the resulting mixture over the entire length of the hair after a five-minute massage of the scalp, stimulating the roots. The hair is wrapped in plastic, a towel. Everything is thoroughly washed off after 1 hour.

3. For excessively greasy hair, take care of with the help of 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 5 drops of rosemary. This composition is applied to the scalp, in the hair roots and massage, gently rubbed movements. For an hour, you should wrap your head in a warm one (film plus a towel), then gently wash it off.

4. To solve the sore dandruff problem, a mask is recommended based on 10 ml of one of the fatty oils (olive, cereal, almond). 3 drops of rosemary, lavender, geranium and cedar oils, tea tree are added. Rubbing the resulting cocktail into the scalp, soak, wrapping it completely, about 40 minutes, then rinse in the usual way.

5. When hair falls out, reluctantly panic. The problem is effectively solved with the help of 50 ml of olive oil, enriched with 5 drops of rosemary. Inside the container with the mixture, put a small sprig of rosemary itself, let it stand for 3 weeks in a dark place, then pour it into a bottle of dark glass. Rubbed into the roots of the tool, then applied over the entire length. Keep the mixture on the head under a film and a towel for no more than 0.5 hours.

There are basic rules for the use of rosemary hair masks.

1. For the prevention of possible troubles with hair, masks are used once a week, in the presence of a specific problem - the number should be increased up to two times.

2. Pure rosemary oil is not applied to the skin: a burn is possible.

3. The best effect is usually observed after 15 procedures.

4. Used oil before preparing the composition is better to warm up a little.

5. Important: to carry out a test for the mixture obtained: apply a drop on the elbow bend from the inside or behind the auricle.

If, after 12 hours of the test, no changes have occurred to the skin, then an allergic reaction does not develop, you can safely use the chic and generous gift of nature.


Watch the video: 10 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS. Manifesting, Visualizing, Aromatherapy. Renee Amberg (July 2024).