Diet (rules of nutrition) against cellulite


Argued that the appearance of cellulite - a signal of the development of serious diseases or disorders.

For example, cellulite indicates a metabolic disorder, so it’s not the disease that should be treated, but the disease itself, which provokes the appearance of an orange peel. Is cellulite - a symptom of ailments overcoming a woman's body?

Nutritionists claim that the "orange peel" is a faithful friend of a hunger strike or a stupid diet and most often it appears as a result of a lack of protein in the body. Maintaining muscle mass, as well as protein balance in a woman’s body, is very important. Imagine fat cells placed randomly or in rows, between which connective tissue strands with a protein structure are located.

Their task is to retain lipocytes. Above the lipocytes and strands is a layer of skin that contains small fat cells. When the protein balance is disturbed, the body tries to replenish its reserves due to the connective tissue, as a result of which the cords weaken and the fat cells show up. If at the same time the layer of subcutaneous fat is thinned, the cellulite begins to show through in all its glory.

With the development of cellulite, blood vessels are squeezed, which leads to disruption of the microcirculation and even greater growth of the "orange peel".

Of course, tyazh also thinning due to hormonal disruptions. Experts claim that even stress, poor environment can lead to the development of cellulite. But, nevertheless, in the opinion of nutritionists, the main reason for its manifestation is the mentioned hunger strikes and unhealthy diet.

A number of cosmetologists and doctors do not get tired of proving that cellulite cannot be called "an illness of fat people," because this is just a hormonal problem. If the cellular structure appears under the skin only during its clamping, then it is considered normal for the female body. After all, adipose tissue, which is deposited on the stomach and thighs of girls, is designed to protect the intended pregnancy. It turns out that cellulite is an estrogenic problem. But this does not mean at all that it is not worth fighting with the “orange peel”, especially if you see it with the naked eye.

A few steps to the thighs without pits

To neutralize the manifestations of cellulite, firstly, you need to remove excess fluid from the body to reduce swelling. That is, you should use less salt, which exacerbates the problem under discussion, retaining fluid in the body.

In addition, it is necessary to balance the diet and improve the trophism of tissues, in which regular massages will help you to thoroughly knead the problem areas. Do not forget about the contrast soul.

Nutrition rules against cellulite

We have already touched on the topic that to reduce the appearance of cellulite will help a special diet. It is also capable of completely preventing the occurrence of an orange peel. What kind of diet should be followed? Anti-cellulite nutrition rules:

1. Eat after 18:00. It is not only possible to eat in the evening, but definitely necessary. In the fight against obesity or cellulite, no one will be helped by a mini-hunger strike lasting 12-14 hours (from 6:00 pm to 06: 00–08: 00). In fact, it is allowed in the evening and at night. The main thing is to know what to put in your mouth. And this is far from fruit, as nutritionists often advise - an evening carbohydrate intake is useless. Eat protein foods such as boiled meat, eggs, etc. The development of cellulite due to lack of protein was written above. If you fast in the evening, at night you will destroy yourself, splitting the cells necessary for the body to build the missing protein.

In addition, if you have not eaten for more than 10 hours in a row, the body begins to produce a special enzyme that transforms all the food eaten the next day into fats. It turns out that the body after experiencing stress, simply begins to make stocks, which in speed will be visible on the thighs. As for the evening intake of carbohydrate food, such food leads to the release of insulin. It blocks the hormone responsible for active fat burning.

It turns out that the late intake of protein foods does not destroy the body and contributes to proper night weight loss. In this case, fat burning occurs in the early morning. Based on this, we can distinguish another rule: "Do not force yourself to have breakfast if there is no such desire." Give your body the opportunity to get rid of excess.

2. Refuse from the use of strong drinks. Otherwise, alcohol will affect the work of the liver, which can not properly perform its functions. As a result, strong drinks will slow down the utilization of fats, and this leads to their accumulation in adipose tissue.

Attention: Alcohol is not the only bad habit that gives rise to orange peel. For example, smoking negatively affects the state of the vessels, provokes their spasm, worsens microcirculation.

3. Do not follow a strict diet, eat a balanced diet. The consequences of malnutrition are described in the first paragraph. Include more vegetables in your diet, eat fruits (but not overnight), lean meat should be on the menu at least 3 times / week, don't forget about fish, eat foods rich in fiber, choose whole-grain bread. Do not eat semi-finished products, canned food, do not drink coffee and carbonated drinks. Normal water - 2 l / day.

4. Salt food in moderation. The body harms as a rejection of salt, and its excessive use. As already mentioned, the abuse of salt manifests itself in the form of edema, which is due to the binding of an excess amount of fluid located in the extracellular substance. And the rejection of it leads to the accumulation of fluid directly inside the cell. Both actions are wrong and lead to the appearance of cellulite.


And, of course, if you want to keep your body in shape, do not neglect regular exercise. The main thing is not to give up, because the easiest way to convince yourself is that the cause of the development of cellulite is a genetic predisposition with which to do nothing.

By the way: many loving men claim that they adore every bump and dent in the body of their women, and do not consider cellulite something unaesthetic.


Watch the video: How I Reduced My CELLULITE. Tips, Food, Exercises & What Actually Works! (June 2024).