Pea soup step-by-step recipe with a photo - a budget option for the whole family


Pea soup ... Immediately I remember the kindergarten and such a long-awaited time for lunch, because today this hearty first one often appears on our tables. Due to its low cost, all products for cooking this dish are inexpensive and can be found at home with any hostess.

The only minus of pea soup is that peas are its basis, you need to cook for a long time. This process takes at least 1.5-2 hours, but our production is developing rapidly by leaps and bounds and, therefore, those who work or are busy are offered options of pea soup in briquettes - they cook for about 15-20 minutes.

But we still talk about this pea soup, made from the usual store peas. At cost, such a first will come out even cheaper than the purchased briquette, and much more useful, because there will not be any food additives in it.

Step 1: Prepare 4 servings of soup (see photo below):

- 350 g peas;

- 1 large or 2 medium potatoes;

- 2 carrots;

- 1 onion;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 1 tsp. dried greens;

- 1 bunch of fresh greens;

- 1 pinch of soda.

Step 2: Since peas are cooked a considerable amount of time, this process can be accelerated, knowing a few culinary secrets of its preparation. Planning to create this tasty first tomorrow, soak the peas for the night in warm water - by morning it will absorb water and swell, which will significantly shorten the cooking time.

Step 3: Pour the prepared peas into a saucepan or container and immediately add the vegetable oil, dried herbs and salt. Do not forget about soda - it will be the catalyst to speed up the preparation. Soda will soften the hard shell of peas and the soup will cook faster, though the foam will be twice as large. Fill all with hot water and cook for about 40-60 minutes. If you have a multicooker available, then cook with it - such an assistant is simply indispensable at home, when you need to create a vacuum mode for accelerated cooking.

Step 4: As soon as this time passes, start cutting vegetables: carrots and onions into small cubes, and potatoes - large ones. Although, you can chop them as you please your darling - at will!

Step 5: Then pour all the vegetables into a container where the peas are boiled and stew everything for about 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Make sure that there is enough liquid in the soup, otherwise the whole pea will sink to the bottom and your soup will burn. If it is very thick - pour boiling water into the container.

Step 6: 5 minutes before the end of cooking, chop the greens and add it to the boiling soup. Green parsley or dill sounds best in such a hearty ground, but celery and wild garlic also make a light, juicy touch to the cooked dish.

Step 7: Turn off the heat and sprinkle pea soup into deep a la carte plates and invite everyone to lunch, do not forget to sprinkle hot liquid dish with croutons, which you can easily dry at home. Enjoy your meal!

By the way, pea soup is very budget - let's calculate:

- 350 g of peas - 10 rubles. ;

- 1 potato - 2 rub .;

- 2 carrots - 3 rub .;

- 1 onion - 2 rubles .;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil - 5 rubles;

- 1 bunch of fresh greens - 5 rubles.

Total: for 27 rubles, you can easily feed your entire family with delicious and fragrant pea soup and, at the same time, you will get it no worse than that of professional chefs! Cook with us and you will be surprised that tasty and juicy dishes on your table can also be inexpensive. That's all - thanks to our recipes on the site!


Watch the video: How To Meal Prep: Healthy Salisbury Steak Recipe. A Sweet Pea Chef (June 2024).