One of the reasons for low self-esteem is unwillingness to listen to other people.


Scientists have found that if a person is capable of accepting criticism in a positive way, then this can support his self-esteem even in difficult periods of his life.

It turned out that the pessimistic perception of life entails a real chain reaction: a person perceives all life failures as the result of personal insolvency. As a result, people with low self-esteem demanded that their loved ones confirm their worthlessness. The reaction to positive comments was, as a rule, negative. As a result, to encourage such a person, to try to support him turned out to be absolutely unpromising. At the same time, the desire to raise someone’s self-esteem people find quite tedious.

If, nevertheless, it was decided to encourage someone to instill self-esteem, then this should be done, relying on sympathy. It is necessary to recognize the fact of low self-esteem comrade. Experts are convinced that the feeling of low self-esteem is contagious. And openness to comments can improve the situation of a person with low self-esteem.


Watch the video: 10 Mistakes That Make People Use You (July 2024).