The general and specific benefits of walnuts for men. In what form to use, can there be harm from walnuts for a man


One of the most popular nuts - walnuts, of course, is useful for both sexes, but for men they reveal special qualities that affect, among other things, the intimate side of life. In order to extract the maximum benefit from nuts, it is useful to know about the features and norms of their use, and about possible contraindications to treating them.

Details of the composition and specific benefits of walnuts for men

Other names of walnuts accepted by us are royal, voloshsky or Greek.

The powerful tree, capable of bearing fruit up to three to four hundred years, was well known in ancient Rome, and was highly valued at the dawn of Tibetan medicine and Avicenna.

Walnuts, consumed in an amount of 10-15 nucleoli daily, are able to provide a person with all their inherent beneficial properties.

It is better to eat them in the morning - so the body will have time to fully digest and assimilate the nuts.

The energy value of walnuts is very high - about 650 kcal per 100 g.

Fats (70%), proteins (20%) and carbohydrates (8%) are distributed (approximately) to the same amount. A handful of nuts can satisfy your hunger and get enough for long hours.

Snacking something with the addition of walnuts can be recommended specifically for men, because they need more calories per day than women.

Pure for health, it is very useful to mix these nuts with honey, dried fruits, sour cream. Baklava sweetness is prepared with them, you can add them to porridge, chopped ones - to a sandwich spread, stew. Very tasty walnut sauce Georgian cuisine - Satsivi. Walnuts are traditionally served along with pear, grapes and honey on a cheese plate.

Proteins of walnuts (and generally all) nuts are in many respects comparable to proteins of animal origin, so it is partly possible to replace meat and dairy products with them.

Walnuts contain vitamins A, K and PP, but others are most fully represented:

· It contributes to the prevention of osteochondrosis and radiculitis, restores muscle tissue, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and, according to a number of recent data, contributes to the treatment of male infertility;

· Improves immunity, improves mood, heals the microflora of the stomach and reduces the level of lead in the body (which is especially important for heavy smokers);

· B1 stabilizes the ventricles of the heart, takes part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and also has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus, which can be especially important for those men who spend many hours driving cars;

· E is necessary for the immune system of men after 50 years, and is also an antioxidant, which is important to reduce the level of free radicals, the amount of which inevitably increases during sports or fitness exercises.

Of the trace elements in walnuts there are copper, selenium and zinc - just the same set that supports male potency at a level that allows you to be proud of yourself.

Walnuts also contain the amino acid arginine, which a person synthesizes only partially, and most of it must be taken with food or special additives.

In addition to participating in metabolic processes, it helps to increase muscle mass, burn excess fat and lower their production.

Professional athletes and men who want to find a figure of Hercules must always ensure that there is no deficiency of this substance in the body.

The regular use of walnuts also manifests itself in the following:

· Normalization of blood pressure and purification, strengthening of blood vessels;

· Improving the functioning of the nervous system, including lowering the level of irritability under the influence of psycho-emotional stress and improving memory;

· Prevention of diseases of the bladder and biliary tract;

· Accelerating the process of cleansing the liver;

· Optimization of hemoglobin synthesis;

· Strengthening bone tissue and accelerating the processes of its regeneration;

· Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The unique benefits of walnuts for men in the intimate sphere

The specific benefits of walnuts for men are determined by a complex of substances:

· Zinc is involved in the formation of the hormone testosterone;

· Arginine is also needed for its synthesis, and in addition, it is involved in the production of a large amount of seminal fluid and contributes to the healthy relaxation of blood vessels, which directly affects the improvement of erection;

Folic acid (vitamin B9) and phosphorus increase the number of viable sperm.

Walnut has always been famous as an aphrodisiac, raising the threshold of excitability, enhancing attraction, prolonging the enjoyment of intimacy.

The regular use of walnuts is a reliable prevention of prostate diseases for men, and if you include these fruits in the diet for the disease itself, you can almost guarantee the minimization of its uncomfortable, painful symptoms and an accelerated healing process.

Walnut oil and green walnuts - benefits for men and an extraordinary taste

Unripe (green) walnuts are so soft that they can be pierced with a toothpick. Under the thin skin hides a dense, but as if gelatinous nucleolus. The taste is bright, astringent and astringent. From walnuts in the milk stage of ripeness, jam is cooked.

By the content of vitamin C, green walnuts are superior to citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants. The iodine content is high in them, but, for the same reason, they are contraindicated in case of its excessive content in the body.

They also contain a natural antibiotic - phytoncid yuglon.

Together with essential oils, this gives them the ability to cleanse the blood and accelerate wound healing. They are effective in diseases affecting the mucous membranes and skin. Of course, more about their benefits can be said almost the same as about the benefits of walnuts in general.

For medicinal purposes, decoctions and tinctures (sometimes alcohol) are prepared from them, and sometimes only from their partitions. You can also chop green nuts, mix with sugar and squeeze the juice. All this is taken orally and applied externally.

Few of the walnut kernels have all their beneficial qualities, but in a concentrated form. It is fragrant, it is added to salads, dishes of Italian cuisine.

After squeezing it, cake remains, which can be further crushed into flour.

Both are valuable nutritional supplements rich in protein (up to 45%) and carbohydrates.

Use them by adding to cereals, smoothies and pastries.

Possible harm to walnuts for men

The first contraindication to the use of walnuts should be called an allergy to nuts, in principle, unfortunately, very common in the world.

For men, the harm of walnuts is inevitable when abused - at least this will manifest itself as a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and abdomen, with frequent overeating - deterioration of the liver, its increase.

Over time, energy value will inevitably affect it - weight gain and obesity. Thus, the obvious harm of walnuts for men who adhere to a low-calorie diet.

With intestinal disorders, gastritis, with diseases of the pancreas or gall bladder, impaired blood coagulation process, walnuts can be harmful to men if they want to not just treat them sometimes, but introduce them into the diet a lot, with medical purposes. Therefore, before this, consultation with the appropriate doctor is necessary.


Watch the video: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count. UCLA Urology - #UCLAMDChat Webinar (June 2024).