What you need for home coziness and comfort of the zodiac signs


Tips for creating a real home where it’s nice, comfortable and cozy - you can find them in fashion magazines about interior design and the work of psychologists, in the menu of coach programs and exercises like Feng Shui. But also these concepts are individual for each person. And it is also true that, under the influence of celestial bodies, each of the signs of the Zodiac in general has some characteristic representations of coziness and comfort.



This sign stands out for its great need for personality. His cozy house is full of exclusive gizmos and the owner can definitely say why everything is done, located just like that, and not otherwise. The comfort of Aries is good lighting and spaciousness, something made by yourself. He thinks for a long time what things correspond to his essence and values ​​them very much. Change of lifestyle, moving to another country - Aries always and everywhere tries to reproduce what surrounded him in the happiest moments of life.



In many ways, he adopts ideas about comfort from his parents or the second half, but this does not mean that Taurus is devoid of personality. It is safe to say that this sign tastes of good quality, strength and durability, a classic without unnecessary frills. His cozy house may seem empty places, but it’s not so - it’s just that there is only the most necessary thing and every thing is in its place. He is also a fan of delicious food. So do not be surprised to find vases with sweets and fruits in his home, as well as Dutch still lifes.



The sign does not think about comfort often - it just lives and once realizes that now the house is a truly native place that cannot be replaced by any spa hotel or palace in the world. Often Gemini cannot breathe freely at home without fresh flowers. And he also helps to relax with picturesque textiles - a patchwork, woolen bedspreads, country-style curtains or Provence.


According to Cancer, you need to live with those who understand you. So, the honorable duty is given to the family to create a home-warming cosiness in the house. And of course - there should be all sorts of memorable little things in sight - the memories for the sign are sometimes brighter than reality. Cancer clearly distinguishes between the outside world and the home. Beyond the threshold of the latter, silence and moderation, even slight boredom, should reign. But this is a tasty assurance of the unwaveringness of the happiness won over from fate. A small mess of Cancer does not interfere, but no one is allowed to destroy the comfort zone by changing the interior without his consent. Often a cat or fish becomes a mandatory attribute in the house of a sign.


a lion

His comfort is impossible without personal space. A soft armchair with a high back and a picturesquely carelessly thrown blanket - only he can relax here. Leo likes bay windows and wide window sills, softly pouring light from floor lamps and jazz sounds. No fuss or mess, please. True, there are Lions - fans of hi-tech, spiritually belonging to the XXII century. But in any case, the sign feels good where everything is familiar to him and everything is under his control. For him, comfort is concluded in general terms and in details. Natural materials - wood, leather. Leo likes the smell of homemade fries and pies no less than delicate aromas from haute couture and floral arrangements.



The comfort for the sign consists not only and not so much of the surrounding things as of certain “rituals” occurring in the home environment. For example, a day off is a leisurely, solid breakfast with freshly squeezed juice, a slice of fritters. And the evening of Friday afternoon should end on the couch, with the cat on your lap and be nice - do not bother to watch your favorite series. Plus, Virgo is one of the most hospitable signs. It becomes “stuffy” and boring if for a long time voices and laughter of relatives and friends do not sound in the walls of a home.



This is not to say that this sign is a blind victim of fashion, but it draws all sorts of novelties from it with an amazing appetite. What do psychologists say about the influence of the color palette on a person? How to equip a bedroom in feng shui? What impressed the audience with the best Atlanta designers this year? In a word, Libra’s views on cosiness are changeable and are often based on ready-made solutions, assembled together like a motley stained-glass window. But the inconstancy surprisingly suits Libra - each time changing something in their home, they again find it “finally perfect” and absolutely satisfying their need for comfort.



This sign adores the rules. His ideal home is divided into zones - to sleep, receive guests, cook and eat ... Beyond the walls of the house Scorpio is a person who is able to work on many tasks in parallel, he easily adapts to everything. But at home he prefers to live measuredly on points A, B, C, and so on. Households can provide him with maximum comfort if they allow Scorpio to live nearby, but also as if exist in parallel and apart. He also likes voluminous, upholstered furniture. Sharp corners and rough objects annoy him.



The sign closest to nature often feels comfortable in a house decorated in the style of Provence or Country. The live fire fascinates Sagittarius, so it often starts an artificial fireplace and dines by candlelight. This sign, by the way, has a subtle artistic taste. Often, he assures himself of the comfort of his home only after a bit of antiques and modern painting are there.



One of the most undemanding signs of the zodiac. In any place, he manages to feel at home in a couple of hours. And the house perceives simply - as a private territory belonging to it, where it is quite convenient to eat, sleep and plan to conquer the world. His concept of maximum comfort can be reduced to the requirement of cleanliness and order, and even, perhaps, let everything be ergonomic.



The comfort for the sign is inextricably linked with cleanliness, so Aquarius is a brilliant master in cleaning. He wants to see his house unlike others. And it should be a reflection of the inner world of the sign, meet its values. Everything is not appropriate - away. For this reason, by the way, getting along with Aquarius is not easy - changes even in the form of a new tablecloth will be stopped in the bud. The sign gravitates to duality in the home - a kitchen with a breakfast bar instead of a dining table, a sofa transforming into a bed.



This sign often focuses on individual details, ignoring the whole picture. For example, he may not care what kind of wallpaper in the bedroom, chest of drawers and wardrobe, but in the choice of bed and bed linen, he will spend more than one sleepless night. For Pisces, the entire dwelling is like an ocean with islands, which play a special role. They are like beacons, concentrate in themselves the essence of the concepts of "comfort and coziness" for this sign. And often this means something soft and airy, bright, but with bright, shiny touches. It is comfortable for the fish where there is a little brocade and a little little thing, symbolizing different countries (cultures, natural areas). But it is difficult to see someone else's gift in Pisces’s house - the sign will politely accept it, but a thing that he didn’t personally choose will break all comfort, like a crack in glass.


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