Karma of madness


Madness - it can defeat everyone, but not everyone becomes crazy. Many people face this ailment suddenly, for no particular reason. What is the karma of madness? Let's figure it out.

Karma of madness - what is it?

Have you ever encountered families in which several family members suffered from mental illness, some mental disorders, self-flagellation, or suicide? Nowadays, there are a lot of such families and science can sometimes not explain their education.

In some families, the diagnosis of schizophrenia predominates, but scientists have not established the genetic dependence of the disease. It is not always transmitted at the genetic level, it is often acquired, but then, why are crazy people often found in the same genus?

The karma of madness is sometimes very strange. For example, in the same family, all women suffer from certain disorders of perception, mental disorders, borderline conditions.

They may well live fully in society if they regularly monitor their health and undergo a rehabilitation course in time. But doctors will not be able to protect the heirs of such women from mental illness. Indeed, often the problem is karmic in nature and is given to such women to practice karmic debts.

In some families, many relatives go crazy after experiencing global stress, after experiencing a terrible situation, some kind of madness. Why it happens? A similar situation is karmic, and the mental disorder provoked by it is the practice of karma.

For many, karmic craziness manifests itself in the form of obsessions, certain phobias, panic attacks.

Today, more and more people are turning to psychologists and psychiatrists for help. And it may seem that something is wrong with our society. Simply, many people work out their negative karma through illness.

Often, karmic craziness overtakes those who do not want and do not want to realize reality and accept it. Those who protest against the ordinary course of events and try to get away from problems in their world. In the past, such people could actively harm others, disturb their peace, and even destroy their lives, their relationships. In the present, they face a terrible fate. Because of illness, they cannot build their real full world. They value everything through the disease. Sometimes they may even think that death follows in their wake.

Such symptoms are characteristic of those people who, in past lives, harmed the health and energy of others, who tried to equip their happiness due to the suffering and grief of other people.

Panic attacks are characteristic of those who in the past brought tears to loved ones, who intimidated and humiliated others. Yes, the reasons may lie in the family itself. So, for example, if men are very oppressive in the family, then women suffer from mental disorders and even lay hands on themselves.

The conclusion follows from this - to suppress and destroy a loved one - to make negative karma for oneself and one's family. Often women go crazy after losing children. And in this matter the family plays an important role, its support and influence. If a woman is condemned, then she begins to blame herself for the loss and slowly moves to madness.

The most interesting thing is that the karma of madness can be inherent in the family, and not have an impact on the family itself. So, for example, living with a specific man, a woman begins to go crazy, like the mother of this man. But, breaking such a union, a woman begins a completely normal and full life. This is where the working out of karma of madness manifests itself precisely by birth.

In some cases, men of the genus who drink alcohol begin to gradually go crazy and healing occurs when they retire and stop communicating with their relatives, when they change their lifestyle and sometimes even their name. But this is not the only way to get rid of the karma of madness.

Karma of Madness - How to Get Rid

In some cases, getting rid of the karma of madness helps complete remorse for their own actions, which led to nervous tension and fears, phobias. So, for example, men often begin to lose their mind after adultery. They cannot leave the family and cannot leave to their mistress. Gradually, their family life turns into hell, and the perpetrators of treason themselves become crazy.

What to do in this case? Recognize the problem and try to live it. If infidelity is common for men of the family, then it is worth educating your sons in the full understanding that adultery will destroy them from the inside. In some families, children with mental disabilities are born and the whole race begins to take care of them.

Thus, negative karma is worked out, such a child can be healed if his relatives are definitely in love with him, if they know for sure that this child has a future and does everything for its realization. This may sound strange, because each parent wants only the best for his child. But such children are a huge test for all loved ones. They rivet the lives of all relatives and require great attention and care.

If a person has been trying for a long time to recover from a mental disorder, but it has a cyclical nature and still catches up with him - you need to think about what is the cause of this situation. What actions, go thoughts provoke an exacerbation of the disease and eliminate them.

If there are people with mental disabilities in the family, then you first need to think about how to create comfortable living conditions for them so that karma does not pass on further throughout the family. Caring for other sick people will help representatives of the family work out their negative karma, help make their future more joyful.

The karma of madness can also have a single character, a person will have to work with it independently. Thanks to his own willpower and understanding that past actions led to the disease, a person will be able to heal his soul from the disease, reduce its negative consequences for life, enjoy everything that happens in his life.


Watch the video: Meditation Difficulties: Karma, Anger and Madness of your Mind (June 2024).