Cabbage diet: the basic rules of building a diet for weight loss. The most effective cabbage diet options


The cabbage diet is very popular due to its low calorie content. There are a lot of menu options, each has its own positive and negative sides. Initially, a person must decide how many kilograms he needs to lose, only after that you can begin to choose a method.

The cabbage diet is good because the main product (cabbage) is allowed to be consumed in any quantity, the main thing is to follow the basic recommendations.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the cabbage diet

The diet on cabbage, as on any other product, has its pros and cons. Before you choose the appropriate methodology individually for yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Power System Benefits

1. The body is cleansed and healed.

2. Slag, toxins and excess liquid are removed.

3. There are no strict restrictions on the number of meals.

4. Effective result within the specified period, kilograms are not returned back.

Some disadvantages

1. A low-carb diet promotes rapid weight loss, which may result in decreased performance and concentration.

2. A uniform diet can quickly get bored, which entails a breakdown in the method of losing weight.

The benefits of the cabbage diet and its main features

1. The product contains large amounts of fiber, which gives the body satiety. In addition, cabbage allows you to accelerate the process of fat burning, therefore, it is considered effective for weight loss.

2. The composition also contains carbohydrates, which "make" the body spend the existing body fat.

3. The lowest calorie content in white cabbage. There are only 27 Kcal per 100 grams of product. It is also allowed to include sauerkraut in the menu, calories per 100 grams - 19 Kcal.

4. Few people know that this product contains more vitamin C than any citrus. In addition, the composition also contains folic acid, B vitamins, which play an important role in the normal functioning of all body systems.

5. Cabbage diet effectively cleanses the body, significantly improves the condition of the mucous membranes and the intestines.

Diet on cabbage soup: 7-day menu

This method of weight loss is designed for a week, it can not be repeated more often than 1 time per month. It should be noted that such side effects as headache and weakness, apathy are possible. It is not recommended to follow the system of losing weight to people whose work is associated with constant physical and mental activity.

Ingredients for Low Fat Fat Burning Soup:

• white cabbage - 500 grams;

• green onions - 1 bunch;

• celery stalks - 5 pieces;

• carrots - 2-3 pieces, less is possible;

• bell pepper - 2 pieces;

• brown rice - 100 grams;

• tomatoes - 2 large.

Preparing cabbage diet soup in stages

1. All vegetables are washed well under warm water. Cabbage is chopped, onions are cut into rings. Celery, bell pepper and carrots are cut into strips.

2. Peel the tomato. To make this easier to do, they are previously recommended to be scalded with boiling water.

3. All vegetables are put in a pan, poured with water. After boiling, the container is covered with a lid, the gas is reduced. Vegetables are boiled before they become soft.

4. Brown rice is cooked in a separate bowl. After readiness, he needs to be allowed to infuse in water for 10-15 minutes. After that, it is added to the pot with vegetables.

5. Soup is allowed to salt a little for taste.

Sample menu for 7 days

1. Day 1. You can eat cabbage soup in any quantity, green apples are allowed for a snack.

2. Day 2. Cabbage soup, now only vegetables are used for a snack (preferably cucumbers and tomatoes).

3. Day 3. Repeat the first day.

4. Day 4. In addition to cabbage soup, you need to drink 1 liter of low fat milk.

5. Day 5. In addition to cabbage soup, 100 grams of boiled chicken meat without skin is allowed.

6. Day 6. Cabbage soup and 150 grams of boiled fish (low-fat grade).

7. Day 7. Freshly squeezed fruit juice and cabbage soup.

Despite the fact that the cabbage diet allows the use of soup in any quantity, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of it. The ingredients used quickly saturate the body, which allows for a long time to forget about the feeling of hunger.

Cabbage diet "Express"

The menu is designed for 3 days, you can’t stick to the express diet longer, as the body will begin to get used to and weight loss will not be significant. All food is divided into 6 receptions. The menu is repeated every day, it is advisable to train yourself to eat at the same time. For greater effectiveness, dishes can not be salted.

Approximate daily diet cabbage diet "Express"

1. Morning. Salad made with fresh white cabbage seasoned with olive oil. Tea with the addition of milk (removes excess liquid).

2. Snack number 1. 200 ml of broth from rose hips and 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese.

3. Lunch. 200 ml cabbage soup made from sauerkraut.

4. Snack number 2. 200 ml of tea with milk.

5. Dinner. Boiled fish and sauerkraut - a total portion of 150 grams.

6. 2 hours before going to bed, a glass of kefir is drunk, with a fat content of 1%.

The three-day menu is balanced in such a way that a person will not experience hunger. In this case, the intestines will be effectively cleaned of excess fluid, toxins and toxins.

Cabbage diet: 30 days menu

Known that the shorter the diet, the more likely the return of lost kilograms. You need to resort to "express" methods only as a last resort, if 2-3 kg of weight interferes, for example, to fit into a festive dress. The cabbage diet for 30 days is designed so that weight loss is gradual, without harm to the body. For a month following the procedure, you can get rid of 4-5 kg, it all depends on the individual indicators of a person.

The menu is presented for 7 days, every week it is repeated. It is recommended to start losing weight from Monday, so that later it is easier to navigate.


1. Morning. Sauerkraut salad with green peas (canned) - 150 grams, green tea without sugar.

2. Snack number 1. 2 large green apples.

3. Lunch. Vegetable broth (150 ml) and a glass of dried fruit compote.

4. Snack number 2. A glass of kefir (200 ml), a spoonful of cinnamon is added there to speed up the fat burning process.

5. Dinner. Green tea without sugar and 150 grams of boiled low-fat fish fillet.


1. Morning. 100 grams of fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil, green tea without sugar.

2. Snack number 1. Unsweetened green apple compote - 1 cup.

3. Lunch. 150 grams of chicken stewed in cabbage with sour cream.

4. Snack number 2. Apple unsweetened compote - 1 cup.

5. Dinner. 100 grams of boiled fish and 1 large grapefruit.


1. Morning. One boiled egg and 100 ml of natural black coffee without sugar.

2. Snack number 1. 2 large green apples, can be baked.

3. Lunch. 1 large orange and 150 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

4. Snack number 2. 100 grams of vinaigrette with sauerkraut, season with a spoon of olive oil.

5. Dinner. Apple unsweetened compote - 1 cup.


1. Morning. 2 crackers with raisins, a glass of kefir with a fat content of 1%.

2. Snack number 1. Cabbage and Cucumber Salad - 150 grams.

3. Lunch. Vegetable broth and tea with milk.

4. Snack number 2. One large grapefruit.

5. Dinner. A piece of boiled fish fillet - 150 grams.


1. Morning. 100 ml of natural coffee and 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

2. Snack number 1. 100 grams of sauerkraut.

3. Lunch. Fresh cabbage salad with green peas - 150 grams.

4. Snack number 2. One boiled egg.

5. Dinner. 150 grams of boiled lean meat.


1. Morning. Sauerkraut - 100 grams, tea with milk.

2. Snack number 1. One large orange and tea with milk.

3. Lunch. Cabbage soup with sauerkraut - 200 ml.

4. Snack number 2. Dried fruit compote - 200 ml.

5. Dinner. Boiled low-fat fish - 150 grams, green tea.


1. Morning. 100 grams of buckwheat porridge and 50 grams of sauerkraut.

2. Snack number 1. 1 large grapefruit, tea with milk without sugar.

3. Lunch. A salad of fresh cabbage, carrots and green peas - a portion of 150 grams.

4. Snack number 2. Compote of their prunes - 200 ml.

5. Dinner. Low-fat boiled fish and sauerkraut - a total portion of 200 grams.

Important points of the organization of human nutrition on a cabbage diet

Regardless of the chosen method of losing weight, there are several important nuances that you need to know. Cabbage diet will give the desired result only if you follow all the basic rules.

1. Strong physical activity is prohibited, you can only afford morning exercises for 15 minutes.

2. Regardless of the chosen version of the cabbage diet, you must always observe the water balance. A person needs to drink 2 liters of liquid per day for normal functioning of the body, and 1.5 is pure water, the rest is green tea and juices.

3. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet any canned foods, confectionery and flour products. These are empty calories that provoke the formation of subcutaneous fat.

4. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks, as they slow down the metabolic processes.

5. To avoid dizziness, apathy and fatigue, it is additionally recommended to drink multivitamin complexes.

All cabbage diet options are good in their own way. It is necessary to choose a technique based on the desired result. The main thing is to strictly follow the presented menu, so that after the expiration of the period of following the weight loss system, you can enjoy the achieved result.


Watch the video: The Mediterranean Diet Plan, Explained by Rachael Ray (July 2024).