Mikhail Shatz got rid of his wife by sending Tatyana Lazareva to Spain


The married couple of Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shatz seemed very strong. But recently, unpleasant details of the personal life of the family, in particular, the head of the family, have become known. Friends say that Michael openly cheats on his wife. He sent Tatyana with his youngest daughter to live in Spain, so that they would not interfere with his life as a bachelor.

Tatyana and Mikhail persistently deny that a breakdown in relations has matured in their family, but the facts speak differently. For two years now, the artist has been living in Spain with her 11-year-old daughter Antonina. Her husband continues to work and star in humorous programs on television. According to the couple, their relationship is still good.

But in one of the Telegram channels there was interesting news. According to the author, Mikhail forbade his wife to go to work and inspired her with the idea that she was mentally ill. In addition, he does not hide his many betrayals from the spouse herself and their friends. Lazareva himself forbade even to communicate with friends. By this, he brought Tatyana to a nervous breakdown and sent her to rest in Spain. But the woman’s vacation had already dragged on for two years. In addition, the same channel said that Michael limits his spouse in funds and allocates her only 1.5 thousand euros per month.

Outside Russia, Tatyana has come to her senses and is enjoying her pastime. She brings up her daughter, does household work, and recently found a new hobby - gardening. A photo regularly appears in her microblog where she shows off her plants.

Lazareva in all interviews says that moving to another country was her decision, since she had long wanted to move to warmer climes.

She said that her career stopped on the spot, as there were no proposals for filming in new projects. She also mentioned that she and Misha live each their own separate lives. But Tatyana categorically denies the rumors about the unfaithfulness of her husband. If she found out about cheating, she would leave her husband.

But Michael is more and more busy with his career growth. On Instagram, he uploads pictures with his star friends and invites guests to his performances.

FEMALE OPINION: In the life of each couple, a critical moment comes when it is necessary to make a choice - whether the spouses go further hand in hand or each goes on an independent voyage. The couple Schatz chose the second option. Two of their children are already old enough to not need parental care. The youngest daughter stays with her mother. In 2012, the STS channel terminated the contract with both presenters. Both Mikhail and Tatyana were not hired by other television channels in their projects. Therefore, Shatz had to engage in a solo career, devoting himself to a stand-up. Most likely, such difficulties became the cause of the disorder in the couple. Let everything be fine with them, no matter what!


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