Why you can not hang a mirror in front of the front door


When we create the atmosphere in our home, we rarely think about various signs, the teachings of Feng Shui and the like. However, when arranging a house or apartment, all the nuances must be taken into account. For example, often mirrors are hung in this way in the hallway, in principle, this is convenient. Once dressed, you can quickly check your appearance, or planning involves such an arrangement of the subject. Russian folk signs and the teachings of Feng Shui strongly do not recommend hanging a mirror in front of the front door. It is believed that this arrangement has a negative impact on the energy of the whole house and all residents. Let's see why.

Doors, sills, mirrors - features

Mirrors are considered a magical and mystical object since ancient times, are used in rituals, ceremonies. There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

  • The reflective nature of mirrors allows you to split the image, creates two parallel existing realities.
  • Previously, the natural reflective surface was water, then mirrors appeared that took in the power of this element.
  • Mirrors accumulate in themselves any energy surrounding them.

A large number of signs are associated with mirrors. For example, it is believed that the mirror is the boundary between the worldstherefore, in the house where the person died and is still there, all the mirrors are hung. Otherwise, the soul may not find a way into the twilight world, and will remain in our world.

Another sign that, by the way, many observe today, is the baby cannot see himself in the mirror. This prohibition is lifted after baptism or a certain age. As mentioned above, mirrors are used in many magical rites and rituals.

Doors and thresholds are also not simple objects of planning and interior design, with which no less than signs and superstitions are associated. For example, it is not customary to transmit something over the threshold, say hello and say goodbye. If a person wants to protect his house with a talisman, he hangs it above the threshold. There are talismans that are placed not only above the threshold of the house, but also between the rooms in the house. Protective rituals and rituals are also performed on the threshold. The threshold of the house is the protective border of the house, protecting all households, not allowing detractors to get inside or harm from afar.

The mirror not only reflects the person, it stores and accumulates in itself the energy of all who look at it, of the whole house as a whole.

That is why the location of the mirror in the house is an important aspect that needs attention.

However, skeptics do not believe in superstitions, designers use mirrors for various purposes, for example, to make a room brighter, by reflecting light, they expand the space.

Reasons for the ban

Immediately, there are many of them, they all find their origins in various cultures. It is believed that the mirror especially absorbs the energy coming from the entrance to the home. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, when you open the front door, the mirror reflects what is behind it. The view is not always aesthetic, but it negatively affects the energy of the whole house. Superstitions are similar, and it's not just that.

Psychologists, who are usually skeptics, also do not support the idea of ​​such an arrangement of the subject. The explanation is quite simple - often we see ourselves tired, for example, returning after work. It turns out that, having come home, the first thing we see is a tired, tortured self. This spoils the mood, worsens the energy, and the mirror absorbs it all.

Psychologists recommend that you first go in, undress, feel the atmosphere of your home, and only then look in the mirror.

Everything is simple and logical.

Also, Feng Shui does not recommend placing mirrors to reflect the bed in the bedroom, opposite the shower cubicle in the bathroom. During sleep and taking water procedures, a person will lose energy protection. It is highly discouraged to hang mirrors in front of long corridors. The energy circulating in the house will never get into living rooms.

If the front door is iron, Feng Shui strongly advises against hanging a mirror in front of you. The door is made of artificial material, unnecessary stagnant energy will accumulate on it, and the mirror will absorb everything in itself, and will store it.

Russian folk signs

Here the issue is complex, signs and superstitions, at times, are ambiguous. Let's look in more detail.

If you consider the good and good signs regarding mirrors and the front door, you need to know the following:

  • A mirror may reflect a negative effect, such as damage or evil eye. If an adversary entering the house immediately sees himself, his evil message will be neutralized or will be returned to him.
  • Previously, wealthy, wealthy, noble people could afford mirrors. They hung the mirror to attract wealth to the house.
  • If you have forgotten something when leaving home and returned, immediately look at your reflection in order to neutralize the sign of weight. Of course, this is convenient to do if the mirror hangs directly opposite the entrance.

Negative signs associated with the location of the mirrors:

  • The mirror opposite the door will cause household members to quarrel often and without much reason.
  • In this arrangement, the mirror will take the vitality of those who look at it.
  • Enemies, unwanted guests will often visit the house.
  • Troubles and misfortunes will happen more often than usual.
  • Dim or apartment was not consecrated, while the front door is reflected in the mirror, households risk seeing a dead man who once lived in this house.

As can be seen, signs associated with the negative impact of such a mirror arrangement are greater. In addition, these are far from all the most famous objects. However, it is worth listening to them.

Where better to hang a mirror

We are talking specifically about the entrance hall or corridor at the entrance to the house. The ideal place is on the side of the entrance. Thus, we will allow good energy to enter the house, and negative to go out. The mirror will reflect insignificant, not bearing in itself, from the point of view of esotericism, no importance.

It is also recommended to place a talisman or amulet near the mirror. This will help provide reliable protection for your home.

Rules for storing mirrors in the house

There are moments requiring attention in order to protect yourself from the negative effects. Do not accept mirrors as gifts, especially from neighbors. If the mirror breaks, you should immediately remove the fragments from the house. At the same time, collecting them, they can not be touched with bare hands. It is better to throw it in water or bury it in the ground.

You can’t cry in front of the mirror, make grimaces, and do not look good in a bad mood.

The mirror accumulates negativity, remembers everything that happened before him. Do not let anyone look in your personal mirror, especially those who do not live with you in the same house. You can be jinxed, even unintentionally. Do not let someone else's energy in your personal mirror, it can harm you. Also put a small personal mirror with the reflecting surface down.

Even if you are not a particularly superstitious person, believe the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. Protect the energy of the house, believe me, much depends on it in our life and well-being.


Watch the video: Feng Shui Mirror Facing The Front Door: The Truth & Myth Explained (July 2024).