Top 8 Relationship Killing Phrases


The influence of words cannot be overemphasized. With their help, you can both cheer, make happy, so injure. They are more effective than actions, it is important to understand this at the beginning of a relationship, and then you will build a strong marriage, and also avoid fatal mistakes.

Offensive words hurt, deeply hurt, undermine self-esteem and doom even the most ideal couples to failure. Someone is offended by one, someone by another, but there are taboo words that can never be said.

Oh, that phrase ... Everyone loves her without exception, but you will agree that the benefits of it are by no means small. Everyone has mistakes and you need to understand that in such situations, men more than ever need support and understanding. You should not humiliate and remind him of mistakes, he already knows that he was mistaken.

In addition, by saying this, women, without realizing it, destroy the masculinity of their partner. As a result, sooner or later they may find themselves next to a non-initiative person who is not able to make a decision on his own.

Say better: "Next time we will do it differently." So you once again prove your reliability and prudence.

Do not say this even under a cannon shot. A man is a male, an egoist, a hunter, and for him, to realize that someone is better is a blow below the waist. Just think, with one phrase, you humiliate a partner, shook his self-esteem and self-confidence.

After this, there is nothing to think about where love, mutual understanding, respect and passion have vanished. In addition, with this behavior, you will “awaken” a man’s jealousy, and this feeling is one of the most insidious for a successful union.

No one ruled out the human factor, and we are all not perfect. To fall in love with all the flaws is what true love is all about.

At first glance, this is a harmless statement, what is bad here?

Many stories are known where a woman herself doomed relationships, sparing and protecting a man. "But what? He’s tired, he makes money, and his temperature is 37.2. I’ll quickly manage it myself," say the compassionate beauties.

As a result, imperceptibly and gradually, all household chores go over to “strong” female shoulders. Sooner or later, discontent and quarrels arise.

So, if you want to be a happy wife, not a horse - become weak. Let the man pamper you, show your skills, dexterity. Helping you out, he not only makes your life easier, but also develops his masculine beginning.

This is often said when they want to draw attention to themselves, to stimulate certain actions, but the realities of life show that this method is ineffective.

Such phrases cause the opposite effect: the man begins to get angry, wonder what they want from him, then closes and stops expressing his feelings. And why, if no one notices them, and even reproaches them in addition? The male brain requires specific desires and explanations, not vague hints, such is their psychology, what can you do.

Each has his own methods of expressing love, this must be understood. Respect every action of your beloved, and if something is missing for you, a heart-to-heart talk will be the best solution. Tell us specifically about your desires and what do you expect from the family, what in your understanding is love and how to express it.

Each pair has quarrels, and this is normal. When there are disagreements, it is important to be able to express a point of view and discontent, but there are cases when both partners do not want to communicate and even see each other. If you look, then this is a kind of “disconnect” and the first alarm bell. As a result, it turns out that a man and a woman, not understanding each other, continue to spend time on resentment, and not solve the problem.

In such cases, the only way out is to talk. Communicating with each other, you not only talk about the reasons for your resentment, but also recognize the partner. Act as psychologists advise: do not accumulate resentment, be a wise woman and take the first step.

There are various modifications to this phrase:

  • it would be better if we did not meet;
  • I used to live better;
  • let's get out;

There may be many options, but the meaning remains the same - the man is to blame for everything. But it is known that happiness depends on both, and if there are problems, then this is a couple’s shortcoming. Do not say such words with every chagrin (all the more so if you don’t think so), this will not make the problem go away, it will only get worse. And who knows, perhaps by doing this you are pushing the man to the point that he himself will want to disperse.

In such cases, it will be much better to contact a specialist who will give valuable advice on improving relations.

Another phrase is an indicator that divorce is just around the corner. Under the guise of "indifference" there is usually a spiritual cry, a thirst for manipulation or an unwillingness to adapt.

Perhaps this image will bear fruit, but certainly not for long. Therefore, it is better to reach out to your beloved through conversation. If it will be held in high tones, it's okay, because it, on the contrary, will save both of you from the negative. After that, there will be a real chance to be heard, as well as look at the relationship from the side.

Are you making comments for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Congratulations, you have a new addiction - criticism. When you rush to a partner with and without him, you destroy him as a person.

Criticism is a powerful weapon against any relationship, it reduces self-esteem, creates self-doubt and complexes, after that trust, mutual understanding and ... love disappear. Unhealthy atmosphere makes you want to leave, as well as console yourself on the side. What family can be after that?

Make a list of the best qualities of a man (because you love him for something), focus on this, and praise instead of criticism.

Love is the purest and most pleasant emotion on earth, it is not a given, but an investment of each of the partners. Take care of each other, respect and be happy!


Watch the video: 12 Phrases Emotionally Intelligent People Don't Use (June 2024).