Gift Icon: Signs, Church Opinion and Which is Better to Choose


In ancient times, the icon was in every house, it was put in a special place - the Red Corner. The icon was revered, prayed in front of her, asked for help in difficult times, talked. The icon is one of the symbols of faith, holiness, spirituality. It was forbidden to take out of the house, give, sell, it was equated with sin. The icon was a guardian angel of the family and home.

Now the icon can be found in the house of believers. As a rule, it is passed on from generation to generation. However, icons were not always preserved in families.

The question arises: is it possible to present an icon? What is the church’s opinion on this? Are there signs and superstitions regarding the gifting of an icon? How to choose an icon? There are answers to all these questions, we will consider everything in order.

Signs and superstitions

The icon is a special subject, certain rules of acquisition, gift are associated with it, there are signs that have come to us since ancient times. In Russia, it was customary to transmit icons from generation to generation. New images of saints could not be bought for nothing. First, it was necessary to ask the father for advice, to conduct a conversation - the icons appeared in the family on special occasions. Only the households bought them themselves, ordered from the icon painter. Images of saints could not be given to strangers. It was believed that such a gift would bring some troubles, it could cause damage, jinx it. Our ancestors noticed that after the prayer in front of the donated icon, health could worsen.

At the same time, if the icon was given to each other by relatives, this was a good sign.

For example, an icon given to a child helped him throughout his life, he received a blessing. If one of the family members was seriously ill, they could give him an icon with the hope of a speedy healing.

Important: if the person himself painted the icon, made embroidery on the fabric or made it in any other way, it is better to keep it for yourself, and not give it. The holy image could incorporate negative thoughts overcoming the master.

The most important thing is to give the icon only with good intentions, thoughts, sincerely wish all the best to its future owner. When choosing and presenting the icon, there should be a bright heart, thoughts and soul.

Important to pay attention

We should also talk about the conditions when the donation of the icon portends really negative consequences:

  • The icon cannot be given to the waning moon, it will bring the owner and his family only negative.
  • You can not wrap the holy image in dense fabric - It promises severe and prolonged illnesses.
  • The donated icon fell, then the family will face financial problems.
  • Chipped on a frame or glass - quarrels, scandals, conflicts will begin among family members.
  • Spots on the icon itself, frame, glass promise the disease, mainly to children.

After receiving the icon as a gift, you need to periodically inspect it, wipe it from dust. If the holy image has quickly darkened, expect trouble. If the icon often falls and the glass does not break, you or your family members will soon be betrayed.

The image of the saint constantly hangs unevenly, no matter how much you correct him, you have enemies, and they conceived the evil. This sign generally warns the family of serious danger.

It happens that it is not possible to find a place for an icon or not to drive a nail in any way - a powerful negative impact was exerted on a person or his family, for example, spoiling, evil eye or a curse. It is necessary to carry out energy cleaning at home.

Opinion of the church

The ministers of the church are unanimous in their opinion - it is possible and even necessary to give icons. It is believed that such a gift symbolizes the most sincere and good feelings, will become a real amulet for the owner and his family, will help in difficult times. The icon can help to get rid of quarrels, anger, and anger by its presence in the house. The icon helps to find inner balance, strengthen faith, spirit, makes owners calmer and more peaceful.

If it is not possible to purchase an icon in a gold or silver frame, an ordinary wooden one is also suitable - cost does not play any role. The significance of such a gift is determined by the good intentions of the person. The icon in the wooden frame is not inferior in its holiness to the more expensive, framed in gold or silver.

The church approves such a gift, the main thing is to first consult with the priest to choose the right icon suitable for the occasion, then it needs to be sanctified.

Now you need to figure out which icons are suitable for certain events in a person’s life.

For the wedding

An icon can be given for a wedding, especially if it is a believing family. There are several nuances. Firstly, it is better that the parents of the newlyweds do this. If not a new icon is presented, but a family icon, passed from generation to generation, it will be an energetically powerful assistant and defender. It is also appropriate to give the icons to the parents of the newlyweds.

The following images are suitable as a wedding gift:

  • "Our Lady", "Hierarch". They bring harmony to the young family, help to avoid discord and quarrels.
  • "Peter and Fevronia. " This image is known to all believers, symbolizing sincere and pure love, respect and happiness.
  • Theodore Icon of the Mother of God will help young people conceive a healthy baby, bear it and easily give birth.

It is customary to give icons for weddings along with wishes for love, advice, happiness and mutual understanding. After receiving the gift, the newlyweds kiss the images three times, applying their forehead, overshadowing themselves with the sign of the Cross.

For birthday

It is known that on his birthday a person is most vulnerable in terms of energy. It is easy for a birthday boy to expose the evil eye, damage, any negative message will have its effect. That is why the icon presented for a birthday will not only be a manifestation of sincere good intentions, it will also serve as a reliable protector for life.

However, it should be remembered that there are icons that can only be given to women or men.

So, what icon is given to women:

  • Icon of the Virgin "Three-handed" helps the whole family get rid of grief, evil, hostility and any hardships.
  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God heals, brings well-being.
  • Icon Vladimir is a strong helper and protector of women mothers, their prayers for their children have powerful energy.
  • Bethlehem Icon intended for single women, will help to find a strong family.

Icons for men:

  • St. George the Victorious directs to let true, helps in family affairs and work, patronizes the military.
  • The image of St. Nicholas give to travelers.
  • Spas miraculous it is better to give a man who rarely attends church.
  • "Guardian angel" protects from any evil, averts troubles, helps to cope with temptations. We can say that this is a universal icon.

Before choosing an icon for your birthday, talk with the priest, tell us about the person - they will help you decide which holy image is best suited as a gift for life.

To christening

Baptismal rites usually take place in infancy, but it happens that an adult decides to adopt the Orthodox faith. In any case, it is customary to give icons to christening. Usually a name icon is selected corresponding to the name chosen at baptism.

The name for the godson is chosen according to the holy calendar, consistent with the priest. It is he who offers the options, if any.

In the old days, baptized infants were given the so-called dimensional icon - its size corresponded to the height of the child.

Now you can also give such an icon. It is made to order, consecrated and presented after the baptismal ceremony.

If the icon is donated to a child, it is hung or placed at or above the head of the crib. There is a belief that in this way a child involuntarily turns his gaze to the face of a saint, communicates with his guardian angel.

To the wedding

When a married couple decides to pronounce marriage vows before God, to bind themselves for life, a wedding ceremony is performed. After him, in the family there can be no room for quarrels, betrayals, and abuse. At the wedding, it is customary to give icons.

What images of saints are suitable as a gift on this day? It is important to know that only parents can give the following icons: "Prelate", "Our Lady", "Peter and Fevronia." Other relatives, friends, and loved ones may present other icons appropriate to the occasion at their discretion. The main thing is to talk to the priest and consecrate the image before presenting the gift.

There are many images that help in various life situations. For example, when raising children, to help with studies, in military service, as a defender and assistant for women, men, girls and girls, boys and young people, fathers, mothers and so on.

Before deciding on a gift, go to church, tell your father about your intentions and person. Let them be advised of an image suitable for certain protective purposes. The main thing is to sincerely wish good, to have only good thoughts and intentions.


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