Zrazy with an egg in the oven is an ageless classic. A selection of the best recipes zraz with an egg in the oven from meat and fish


Zrazy with egg is a dish that is present in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish and Lithuanian cuisine. It is a patty, or roll with a boiled egg filling.

Zrazy with an egg in the oven - the basic principles of cooking

Traditional zrazy is made from any meat. There are two ways to prepare meat zrazy. In the first case, the meat is twisted into minced meat, a cake is made from it and the centerpiece is stuffed with boiled egg. Then form a round or oval cutlet and bread it in breadcrumbs. In the second case, the fillet is cut into thin slices, beat it slightly and wrap the egg filling in it.

Hard-boiled eggs for boiling. You can put it whole and wrap it with minced meat, or chop it finely. A finely chopped egg for the filling can be combined with onions, mushrooms, cheese or vegetables.

In addition, zrazy can be prepared not only from meat, but also from fish, vegetables and even cereals.

The formed zrazy are fried in hot oil, boiled, and also cooked in steam or in the oven.

Serve zrazy with sauce in the broth in which they were cooked, with a side dish or fresh vegetables.

Recipe 1. Meat zrazy with an egg in the oven


1 kg 500 g pork fillet;

15 ml of vegetable oil;

a dozen eggs;

150 ml of mayonnaise;

100 g of onions;

two bunches of green onions;

150 g of potatoes;

sea ​​salt and freshly ground pepper.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the pork under the tap, dry and cut into pieces. Twist the meat in a meat grinder. Peel potatoes and onions and chop them with a meat grinder. Combine the vegetables and meat in a bowl. Beat the egg and knead well. Pepper, salt and mix again. Leave the minced meat to rest for half an hour.

2. Boil the rest of the eggs hard, cool, peel and crumble finely. Rinse green onions, shake off excess moisture and chop thin rings.

3. Combine the eggs with spring onions. Add mayonnaise and mix.

4. Peel about a spoonful of minced meat. Form a ball from it, and then flatten it into a cake. Put a little stuffing in the middle and connect the edges to form a cutlet.

5. Cover the pan with baking paper and grease it with vegetable oil. Lay out the zrazy and send to the oven for 15 minutes. Cook at 200 C. Then remove the pan, turn the zrazy over and bake for the same amount of time.

Recipe 2. Zrazy with an egg in the oven under a mustard crust


Minced meat

two kilograms of pork;

sea ​​salt;

half a kilo of fat with meat layers;

black pepper;

two large onions;

three eggs;

garlic - five cloves.


four eggs;

200 g of cheese;

50 g butter;

120 g of mustard.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the lard and meat, peel from the films and cut into pieces. Peel the onion and garlic. Twist pork, lard, garlic and onions through a meat grinder. Drive three eggs into the minced meat, pepper, salt and knead well.

2. Cook the eggs for the filling for five minutes, then cool under a stream of cold water, peel and grind on a grater with large holes. Hold the butter for about ten minutes in the freezer. Then grind as well as eggs. Combine butter with eggs, lightly salt and mix.

3. Take a small amount of minced meat and mash in a palm into a flat cake. In the center, put a couple of teaspoons of egg filling and form an eye.

4. Place the zrazy on a baking sheet. Put it in the oven, heating it to 200 C. After half an hour, remove the pan with zrazy and put a teaspoon of mustard on each. Spread the whole surface of the zraza and put it in the oven for another 20 minutes.

5. About five minutes before cooking, put a slice of cheese on each side. Put in the oven and wait until it melts. Serve zrazy with mashed potatoes, garnished with greens.

Recipe 3. Fish zrazy with an egg in the oven


minced fish - half a kilogram;

black pepper;

four eggs;

several branches of parsley;



breadcrumbs - 120 g;

vegetable oil;

three cloves of garlic;

dried basil.

Cooking method

1. Place the eggs in a saucepan, fill with water and cook for ten minutes.

2. Put the minced fish in a cup, pour the breadcrumbs into it and beat the egg. Season with salt and season. Knead the minced meat with your hands and leave it to rest for half an hour.

3. Peel and chop the onion into thin slices. Pour it into a frying pan with heated oil and fry until golden brown. Add the garlic passed through the press and literally minute. Cool. Add the roast to the minced meat and mix until smooth.

4. Peel the boiled eggs, and cut each into four parts.

5. Form a loaf of minced fish. In the middle, place a quarter of the egg and connect the edges. Give the zraza an oval shape. So do the rest of the zrazas.

6. Cover the deco with parchment. Lightly oil it and lay out zrazy. Bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Serve zrazy with garnish or fresh vegetables.

Recipe 4. Zrazy with an egg and cabbage in the oven


400 g of pork and ground beef;


two onions;


two eggs;

300 g of white cabbage;

clove of garlic;

freshly ground pepper.

Cooking method

1. Chop cabbage into thin strips. Finely chop one peeled onion. Put the cabbage in a preheated pan with oil and fry until soft. Then add the onion and continue to fry until golden brown.

2. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and chop finely. Add them to the fried cabbage and mix.

3. Chop the second peeled onion and garlic as finely as possible. Add to the minced meat, pepper, salt and pour 100 ml of ice water. Mix everything quickly until smooth.

4. Divide the minced meat into equal parts. Mash each on a palm in a tortilla. In the middle, put a little egg-cabbage filling. Gently fasten the edges, form oval cutlets, breaded in flour and fry until brown on both sides.

5. Put the fried zrazy in a heat-resistant form, pour in the oil in which they were fried, cover with foil and put in the oven for half an hour. Tomite at 150 degrees.

Recipe 5. Zrazy with an egg in the oven with mushrooms


800 g of mixed meat;

loaf of loaf;


30 g flour;

two thirds of a glass of dried mushrooms;

5 ml of tomato sauce;

boiled egg;

100 g of sour cream;


vegetable oil;

5 g of sweet paprika;

70 g butter;

8 g of black pepper;


Cooking method

1. Peel and finely chop the onion. In the minced meat, add a loaf soaked in water, two tablespoons of sour cream and chopped onions. Salt, season with paprika and black pepper. Knead the minced meat thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

2. Wash dried mushrooms and boil for half an hour. Throw the mushrooms on a sieve. Pour the broth into a glass and set aside. Finely chop the boiled mushrooms.

3. Grind the boiled egg into small crumbs. Melt the butter in a pan, put the mushrooms and egg crumbs in it. Warm the mixture well over low heat and lightly salt.

4. Form a mince cake with a diameter of ten centimeters. Put some egg and mushroom filling in the middle. Connect the edges of the cake as a pie. Bread the resulting snack in breadcrumbs.

5. Put the finished zrazy in a deep baking dish. In a separate bowl, combine two tablespoons of sour cream with tomato sauce. Salt, pepper and season with spices. Shuffle. Add flour and vegetable oil. Shuffle again. Now add mushroom broth and shake.

6. Pour the zrazy sauce and place in the oven to bake for forty minutes. At the end, turn on the grill so that the zrazy are browned.

Recipe 6. Zrazy with an egg in the Don oven


kg of fish fillet;

black pepper;

four onions;


four eggs;


a slice of butter;

three slices of bread;

half a glass of wheat flour;

½ stack. breadcrumbs.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the fish fillet, soak it in napkins and cut into wide slices. Lightly beat with a hammer and salt.

2. Peel and fry the onion in butter until golden brown, stirring constantly.

3. Boil eggs, peel and chop finely.

4. Soak the bread in milk. Chop greens. Combine all the ingredients, pepper, salt and mix.

5. Put a spoonful of the filling on the chipped piece of fish fillet. Roll in flour immediately, then dip in beaten eggs and breaded in breadcrumbs.

6. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper. Put breaded zrazy on it and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees.

Zrazy with an egg in the oven - tips and tricks

  • Knead the minced meat thoroughly and beat to make it sticky.
  • To make the filling dense and not crumble, add butter to the eggs.
  • Zrazy will turn out to be juicy, if lard is added to the minced meat, twisted to the state of paste.
  • Zrazy in the oven can not only be baked, but also languished in sauce.
  • Serve zrazy with sauce, garnish or vegetable salad.


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