Why is the parrot dreaming? The main interpretations of different dream books - what parrots dreamed about


Not every night a person dreams colored, filled with the meaning of dreams. But what if, day after day, a dream repeats itself?

Why is the parrot dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What does a parrot dream of - the main interpretation

If you dream of a huge parrot - you should not rejoice that in your life something will change for the better. Rather, on the contrary, in your life everything will not just remain unchanged, you will encounter a new problem. Gossips and ill-wishers can become it, who will begin to spoil your life, build intrigues against you, and prevent you from fully engaging in your work.

A huge multi-colored parrot in a dream should alert you. Especially if you experience genuine fear when you see him. So you really anticipate something wrong. Something that will make you nervous and worry even more. You may feel pressure from colleagues or people you know. It will not give you opportunities to think soundly and quickly resolve issues.

But how to interpret the dream of a parrot correctly? It is important to consider all of it, even minor points:

• Where did the parrot come from in your dream;

• Did the bird talk?

• What color did the parrot have plumage;

• Who else was present in your dream;

• What feelings have you experienced.

If you dream that a parrot sits on a branch and looks out the window towards you - such a dream bodes unnecessary attention to you from outsiders. If in a dream you do not feel discomfort, are not interested in a bird that sits on a branch and looks at you, then in reality you will not betray this special significance.

If you are concerned about the fact that the bird is looking at you through the window and you feel discomfort, then in reality you will experience discomfort from what you saw or heard. Someone will watch you closely and this will cause you to feel anxious.

If you see that several multi-colored parrots are sitting on a branch and looking out your window, you have several ill-wishers who breed gossip about you. Try to stop this and do not let too much information leak out about you. Try to keep everything to yourself, do not start those things that may compromise you.

If you see in a dream how several parrots fall from a branch to the ground and break up - try not to rush in making decisions. Keep calm, keep restraint, then you will not have to be upset about trifles. Troubles will recede and those who tried to harm you yesterday will leave you alone today.

If you see a dream in which a bird rushes around the house, trying to find a way out, trying to fly out the window - try to concentrate on an important matter and not get sprayed on trifles. Keep calm and integrity. Do not rush about making decisions yourself, be cool and steady in your thoughts.

If you dream that a parrot is pecking your hand, someone close will be very unfavorable to you. You will hope for a good attitude from this person, but he will only ridicule your desire for attention from him. Try not to be disappointed or discouraged. It is not always good that you have done that comes from the same source.

If it seems to you that you saw a parrot in your apartment but cannot find it in any way, very unpleasant rumors will come to you that you will try to stop, not pay attention to them. You will try not to think about what he said about you, what consequences such words may have for you.

If in a dream a bird spins on a branch, makes a mass revolution around itself, then you will have to come to terms with the fact that troubles will be repeated and repeated, you will be more and more confident that they will not end.

The dream interpretation urges you not to despair, but simply to trust the course of events and try your luck in other endeavors. Such a dream can also portend accumulated problems at work. You will become more and more tired of the incredible work schedule and will not know what to do in reality.

If the parrot is talking to you - listen to his words, maybe they have some truth in them, maybe you will see yourself in the parrot and you can solve many of your problems. If a parrot yells at you, you create conflict situations from scratch. It is time to stop doing this and take care of your moral calm, psychological balance.

If you see a dream, how a parrot eats from your hand, you will make useful acquaintances, make the necessary connections, be able to actively engage in those matters that you have long forgotten and did not plan to deal with them until a certain point. In some cases, such a dream may indicate that you will be able to agree with the person who has long been denying you attention.

If you dream that the parrot is sitting in the nest, you will have to wake up at home and do nothing, do nothing. These will be the most correct actions on your part. You will soon learn to distinguish between more important and less important matters.

Why dream of a parrot on Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the parrot is dreaming as a symbol of problems, minor deviations in solving the situation. That is, everything planned by you will soon be canceled, by itself. If you see a white parrot in a dream, you will soon find out the good news, but it will also bring you some trouble.

The dream in which you see a black parrot attacking you means that past relationships will bring you a lot of trouble. You will try to exclude the problem from your life, but it will be very bad for you. Try not to delay decision-making and not provoke anyone to thoughtless actions.

If you dream that a parrot is biting you - do not try to get away from clarifying the relationship, most likely, it is very important for you now. You will be able to agree with a partner, you will be able to find out what did not suit you so much in you that prevented him from building smooth, good relations with you.

If you dream that there are several parrots and they rush about in a cage - in reality you will also rush around, not knowing who to choose, not knowing what to do next. It will seem to you that soon the situation will be resolved on its own, but this is not so. You will become more immersed in everyday problems and domestic difficulties.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is talking with a parrot - she will in reality ask for advice from a loved one, she will very much rely on him. This will lead only to a quarrel and frustration, since the response of a loved one will not suit her.

What is the dream of a parrot in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that to kill a parrot is a dream of victory over your fears and weaknesses. You will be at your best, you will quickly solve all your problems and quickly achieve what you want to not be told.

If in a dream you yourself turn into a parrot - you will create a lot of trouble for others, and they will not know how to solve all the accumulated problems with you. We can talk about solving family troubles, solving working problems.

If in a dream you kiss a parrot - such a dream means that you will wish for some new sensations in life, you will strive to experience something incredible and you will succeed. If in a dream a parrot bites you forehead - you will learn something that was carefully hidden from you. You can also say a lot in the eyes after such a dream. Do not be afraid of this, it can do you good.

What is the dream of a parrot in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the parrot is dreaming of notoriety. You yourself can dishonor yourself, even if you don’t want to. Try to make all possible attempts to avoid such a situation. Then you will see how sharply your life is getting better. The dream in which you release the parrot from the cage promises you freedom from prejudice. You will stop negatively thinking about a person and will be devoted to your work.

What is the dream of the parrot by Aesop's dream book. This is a very double dream, which can promise both new beginnings and new troubles that are almost impossible to avoid. So, if you dream that a parrot is knocking at your window with its beak - you can enjoy your vacation, but not without minor troubles.

If you see a dream in which the parrot is sick - your enemies will finally lag behind you and you can calmly solve your problems, you will feel that now you yourself are the master of your life and no one is stopping you from growing and developing.


Watch the video: What does parrots dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).