Cottage cheese with honey is all about the benefits hidden behind this combination of products. Can cottage cheese with honey harm the figure or help lose weight?


The combination of cottage cheese with honey is to the liking of both adults and children, besides serving this healthy treat does not take much time. Products combine nutrients that can strengthen immunity, replenish protein and give a boost of vigor.

Provided that you follow some simple rules, a combination of products will also help to lose weight and maintain a toned figure.

Honey and curd mass - a storehouse of vitamins

A beekeeping product, like cottage cheese, is considered very valuable for the body, because it contains many carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients.

Cottage cheese is a source of protein, easily absorbed by the human body. A fermented milk product should also be on the children's menu, because it contains a lot of calcium, which is important for strengthening and developing the skeletal system.

In addition, the product is rich in magnesium, vitamins A, B, E, potassium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid and a number of amino acids. Nevertheless, before serving the cottage cheese to the kids, you should get the advice of a specialist (preferably a pediatrician).

Honey is no less famous for its endless source of beneficial elements. He contains:

- antioxidants;

- vitamins A, B, C, PP;

- volatile;

- carbohydrates;

- oligosaccharides;

- potassium, chromium, copper, nickel and so on.

The use of cottage cheese with honey

Cottage cheese with honey is a “duet”, the benefits of which cannot be disputed, because such a combination of products doubles the nutritional value of each of them. Their combination is capable of:

- strengthen immunity;

- improve the digestive tract;

- favorably affect the performance of the kidneys, heart muscle and vital organs of a person;

- replenish the vitamin reserve;

- speed up the metabolism;

- slow down the aging process.

The useful properties that honey and cottage cheese possess can be devoted to an entire article. The dish replaces both breakfast and hearty dinner. Dessert made from cottage cheese and honey before bedtime will give a healthy sleep. This is favored by the lactic acid contained in the composition of the cottage cheese - it allows you to relieve stress, cope with anxiety, and legends have long been said about the sedative properties of honey. After enjoying the treat, you can drink a tea drink from herbs, which will throw an additional wave of vitamins into the body.

Taking care of the figure

The calorie content of the finished dessert depends both on the fat content of the cottage cheese (which is approximately 160 kcal per 100 grams), and on the amount of honey added. The delicacy will be especially appreciated by those losing weight, because if you follow some recommendations, the mix can easily fill the body's need for sweets, which will preserve the shape and not harm it.

To prepare the “right” dessert, it is recommended:

- give preference to low-fat cottage cheese;

- add no more than one tablespoon of honey;

- replace a full breakfast with dessert and even dinner.

If you do not use cheese-honey dessert too often, it will only benefit. Another reason why the delicacy is popular among women who want to lose weight is that it allows you to find a feeling of fullness, which does not leave for a long time. Curd honey treat also:

- allows you to normalize the stomach and intestinal microflora;

- fills with necessary energy;

- restores metabolic processes;

- breaks down body fat;

- Gives a feeling of lightness.

Cottage cheese with honey - what harm can their combination bring?

Before using dessert, you should ask the question "Do I really have no contraindications to the products?"

It is recommended to refrain from treats and give preference to another dessert, if available:

- allergy to dairy products;

- diabetes;

- individual intolerance to beekeeping products;

- obesity of the last degree.

Sometimes, with obesity and diabetes, on the contrary, it is advised from time to time to pamper yourself with a honey-curd mass, because it can be useful. In order to find out exactly how dessert will affect the body, it is worth consulting with an expert. Serving such a dish is recommended only for children over three years old, otherwise there is a risk of allergies.

Who will benefit from the use of cottage cheese with honey?

The products are useful for both adults and children. Especially the use of products is recommended for the following categories of people:

- children over 3 years old. Instead of delighting your child with cakes, sweets and other harmful sweets, it is better to serve a treat made from honey with cottage cheese. It will strengthen bones, support immunity, make up for the lack of vitamins;

- patients who have undergone dangerous diseases and surgical interventions. An incredible amount of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins will quickly restore the body;

- Athletes and people whose activities are associated with heavy physical exertion. The treat will enrich the body with the missing proteins and give a wave of energy;

- for pregnant women - in the absence of allergies, dessert will benefit the fetus only, supplying it with important minerals and vitamins;

- the curd-honey mass will help you to lose weight quickly, while beneficially affecting the digestive and metabolic processes.

For maximum benefit per day, it is enough to consume 100 grams of goodies. The abuse of dessert is undesirable - this can lead to the opposite result.

Methods of "cooking" dessert

To prepare a healthy treat, you need to take a few teaspoons of natural sweetness for every 100 grams of cottage cheese (you can add more if desired). Put the dairy product on a plate and pour it with honey. Then mix the ingredients and enjoy the treat.

Some add variety to dessert, diluting with additives such as:

- frozen or fresh fruits;

- raisins;

- nuts;

- coconut flakes;

- dried apricots;

- dried fruits;

- chocolate.

By adding a few bananas to the products, you can prepare a honey-curd cream. A more accurate recipe indicates that you need to take:

- 100 grams of fermented milk product;

- 2 bananas;

- several tbsp. l honey.

All ingredients (of course, bananas must be peeled) are sent to a blender and brought to a homogeneous mass. Ready cream can be served instead of dessert, replace it with the filling of the cake or grease the cakes.

Some liked another healthy dish - baked apples with cottage cheese. First you need to cut off the tops of the washed apples, carefully getting rid of the core. Mix honey with cottage cheese in the previously indicated recommended proportions and stuff the prepared apples with the curd mass. Allow the oven to warm up to 180 degrees and send fruit into it for half an hour.

Cottage cheese with honey is an unusually healthy and tasty combination of products that everyone should include in their diet.


Watch the video: Best and Worst Keto Sweeteners (July 2024).