Lindsay Lohan revealed the names of her 36 lovers


The list of names of beloved Lindsay Lohan has become known. The list is impressive: Ryan Philippe, Ashton Kutcher, Benicio Del Toro, Orlando Bloom. The list also includes eminent athletes, businessmen, models. The greatest impression was made by the name of Ashton Kutcher, who is known to be engaged to actress Mila Kunis.

According to a person close to the couple, Mila will receive this news without enthusiasm. They may have to reconsider everything that they have so carefully built all this time. According to an insider, Lohan declassified the list without regard to how people who have fallen into it perceive it. She lives, regardless of anyone's opinion.

The list of 36 lovers was compiled by Lindei personally and revealed at a party to friends and girlfriends, in order to seem to amuse them and show off their love successes.


Watch the video: Lindsay Lohan's Sex List Revealed, But She Left Off A Famous Name! (July 2024).