Everything you need to know about dietary supplements


Dietary supplements, or dietary supplements - biological substances, which are a concentrated content of vitamins or other substances necessary for the human body. Supplements - not drugs and not a panacea for all diseases. They are conceived as helpers for the body, do they really help or act on the placebo principle?

For a modern person, dietary supplements become a prerequisite for maintaining health, because the body does not receive all the vitamins it needs due to a poor environmental situation, strenuous work and improper, often unhealthy food. To solve this problem, biologically active supplements were developed (hematogen and vitamin C are also dietary supplements).

Dietary supplements are produced in different forms: tablets, drops, powders, biomass. Because of the wide variety of additives on the market, the question arises in their effectiveness. The fact is that for the development of each supplement you need to spend a lot of time and resources, which for many companies is simply not profitable. Therefore, very often supplements bought in pharmacies or other institutions are only chalked in shiny packaging. Thus, dietary supplements give only a placebo effect, and money costs a lot.

In order not to buy a fake, it is better to ask for the advice of a doctor you can trust. Now many doctors do not disdain the promotion of low-quality goods.

The negative assessment of dietary supplements arises from the lack of control over the composition of these additives. In fact, they do not undergo serious clinical studies, so they can contain anything. Often the result of dietary supplements, for example, for weight loss, can be described by the words "no" and "very bad." Doctors have proven that no supplement contributes to weight loss or appetite, therefore dietary supplements are not effective for weight loss. There are cases when supplements included worms that contributed to weight loss, but this practice, in addition to its illegality, is also fraught with disaster for the body.

Food supplements should be taken directly from the food or is part of it. In other cases - it is sand in a jar.

According to statistics, the positive effect of dietary supplements gets only 10% -15% of people, which makes us think about the placebo effect. The market of dietary supplements and vitamins is estimated at billions of dollars. Here it is worthwhile to pay tribute to the theory that the body receives all the vitamins it needs from food, and the so-called "deficiency" of vitamins is simply an invention of cunning businessmen.

Believe it or not believe in the effectiveness of dietary supplements, let them decide for themselves. However, it is worth remembering one important thing: vitamins and food - this is only a small fraction that makes up the general health of a person. It is impossible to be completely healthy, just eating and eating supplements. To be healthy, a person must still move a lot, get enough positive emotions, and also alternate work with rest.

Text: Irina Lev


Kumuma 24.04.2016


Watch the video: Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know (July 2024).