Medicine from childhood: castor oil. What are the benefits and potential harms of castor oil to the body?


The specific, strong taste reflects the true strength that is found in castor oil. For many, castor oil is associated with unpleasant memories when you grimaced and were forced to swallow a spoonful of castor oil to recover from the disease. Well, if you look at this drug product differently?

What advantages and useful properties does it really have? There are several of them in oil, they have been discovered for a long time and knowledge about them is passed down from generation to generation.

Castor oil is synonymous with health

Castor (ricin) oil is an oil extracted from castor oil seeds. Hundreds of years ago, castor oil seeds and their oil were used as a powerful poison containing the toxic substance ricin. From which, even with small doses, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can be observed. It is these properties, as well as bactericidal, disinfectant and laxatives, that are valued by a person, since they are believed to help fight colds, cough, fever, dyspepsia, and some skin diseases. Since oil can cause vomiting, it used to be the main means of detoxification and the extraction of other poisons from the stomach, as well as the fight against helminths, tapeworms and roundworms.

So what are the real benefits of castor oil? Castor oil is believed to be primarily aimed at the stomach. And used for diseases that begin in the stomach.

Castor Oil Applications

Castor is effective for topical treatment rheumatism, gout and arthritis. Contains fatty acids such as linoleic acid, oleic acid and ricinoleic acid. May be combined with other medicines for more effective treatment.

Used to treat constipation, bowel cleansing before inspection or surgery. Low doses are recommended for the prevention of constipation. In such cases, it is taken on an empty stomach, carefully measuring the necessary dose with a special spoon. You can mix oil, say, with juice to improve the taste. Dosage depends on age, state of health and body reaction. You should not take castor oil more often or increase the dose more than indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor. It may take 6 to 12 hours before the drug takes effect. With abuse, negative effects may occur, but more about them later.

The benefits of castor oil may also include strengthening the functioning of the immune system by improving blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and the overall health of the thymus gland. Helping these functions, the oil has a direct effect on the digestive system and the circulatory system. Detoxifies the intestines.

It can also help. remove rash and rednesscaused by fungal or bacterial infections. Powerful undecylenic acid oil has bactericidal and disinfectant properties. Its natural antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make castor oil for acne and other skin problems a viable solution.

Ricinoleic acid in castor oil can also work as a natural pain reliever during menstruation. Castor balances hormones, which, in turn, promotes good blood circulation. Healthy blood circulation can help prevent PMS symptoms such as mood swings, depression, and fatigue.

In addition, castor oil may work as a natural breast milk production accelerator. Fatty acids in castor oil can increase its amount. Low doses of any form of castor oil are recommended. With special caution, it is necessary to use castor oil for pregnant women, since it has properties that stimulate labor and can cause premature birth. Ricinoleic acid has been reported to stimulate prostanoid receptors in the uterus, causing accelerated contractions. But rubbing oil into the skin of the hips and abdomen can be the prevention of stretch marks.

And ordinary problems with dryness and hair loss can be eliminated using castor oil, which has fungicidal, insecticidal and bactericidal properties. It has ricin and ricinoleic acid, which protect against infections of the scalp and hair follicles. Castor oil can also moisturize the scalp and help fight dandruff.

Castor oil is also effective. for the care of smooth leather shoes. A large amount of oil is applied to the surface of the shoes until it is no longer absorbed. Then the shoes are polished and can be worn. Effectively protects from water and moisturizes the skin of shoes.

Is there any harm from using castor oil?

Although there are many benefits of castor oil, precautions must be taken when consuming this natural remedy. The same oil, which can help treat diseases, was once used in large quantities as a dangerous poison. Some of the unpleasant properties and effects of using castor oil are described below.

Contains ricin. This is a toxic protein that scares away the castor seeds of various insects, birds, etc. Surprisingly, a dose of pure ricin a few grains of salt in size can kill a person. The worst thing is that there is no antidote against ricin.

• For some, using castor oil may damage the stomach. Ricinoleic acid in oil can stimulate gastrointestinal problems causing nausea, which can subsequently lead to severe dehydration and an imbalance of electrolytes, as well as cardiac arrhythmias.

• While castor oil is the main natural laxative for severe constipation, in some cases it can cause severe diarrhea, including diarrhea with blood. In the worst case, if this continues, the liver and kidneys may fail, leading to death.

• Another antagonistic effect of castor oil may be skin rashes caused by an allergic reaction. Before using the oil as a local treatment for skin diseases, it is recommended to check it on a small area of ​​the skin. If you have already done more and a rash has appeared, then one of the good solutions to eliminate the symptoms is to thoroughly clean the affected area with mild soap and water. You can also use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.

• One of the side effects of castor oil is stomach cramps. This can happen even when the oil helps with other abdominal problems. The explanation is ricin. In fact, it is so toxic that even inhaling a small amount of ricin dust can cause seizures.

• The use of castor oil in high doses may cause dizziness.

Castor oil is not recommended for children under 10 years of age. Be careful not to leave castor oil unattended if there are many children in the house. If in doubt, it is better not to keep castor at home at all.

To most herbal medicines, toxic plant species serve as raw materials. Castor oil is a prime example. With small, therapeutic doses, it has an indispensable effect, and with an overdose it can lead to severe poisoning, up to death. Be careful, read the instructions and consult your doctors. If the children are at home - be doubly careful.


Watch the video: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Castor Oil For Your Eyes. How To Take Care Of Your Eyes - Remedies One (July 2024).