Duck with apples: step-by-step recipes of the rosy beauty! Cooking a juicy, delicious and tasty duck with apples according to step-by-step recipes


Duck and apples are almost a classic combination that will surely delight you with taste! The bird is soaked in fruit juices, beautifully roasted, it becomes incredibly fragrant and juicy. Here are the most delicious step-by-step duck and apple recipes.

It is worth a try!

Duck with apples - general principles of cooking

If the bird is baked whole, then you need to choose a young duck, weighing no more than 2.5 kg. Otherwise, it will be difficult to bring the bird to readiness and softness, but at the same time not to dry it, not to burn the skin. Rinse the carcass before use, cut off the rump, you can remove the extreme phalanges of the wings, since there is no meat on them, and often they burn. Additionally, the wings can be wrapped with foil and the same thing with legs, if the bird is cooked without foil. It is advisable to cook a large duck in pieces.

Apples for baking are preferably used in acidic varieties. They can go as a whole recipe or cut into, lay inside or fit next to the bird.

What else is the duck cooked with:

• prunes, nuts;

• potatoes;

• citruses;

• various other vegetables;

• rice, buckwheat and other cereals.

Often the bird is pickled before baking, this makes the meat tastier and more tender. Different sauces are used: mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce, all kinds of spices and honey. If the duck will lie for a long time, then it must be covered with something, you can put it in a bag or in a large bucket, a container.

For baking, foil, sleeves or special bags are usually used, without coating the bird is easy to dry. On average, a carcass of about 2 kg in the oven will take 2-2.5 hours to cook. You can stew the bird with apples in a slow cooker or in a cauldron on the stove, but these methods are used less often.

Whole duck with apples: a step by step recipe

A classic step by step recipe for a duck with whole apples. This is exactly the version of the dish that can be seen on the tables in old films or on holidays. In order for everything to turn out delicious and beautiful, you need to strictly observe the technology. For the marinade, a mixture of sweet, spicy, salty and spicy ingredients is used.


• duck;

• 5-7 green sour apples;

• 1 tbsp. l honey;

• 2 tbsp. l mustard;

• 1 tsp spices for meat or poultry;

• 0.3 tsp dry basil;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• salt;

• 4-5 cloves of garlic.


1. Rinse, prepare the duck carcass according to all the rules. As written a little higher. If suddenly stumps of feathers remain on the surface, then they must be removed, it will be at least unpleasant and repulsive in the cooked dish. It is convenient to use ordinary cosmetic tweezers. Just take out the pads one at a time.

2. We wash the washed bird with napkins outside and inside. If drops of water remain on the duck, then it will be badly marinated.

3. Make an explosive mixture for the marinade. If honey is candied or just thick, then you need to melt. Often it is not advised to overheat, but in any case, the bird will be baked, so you can not think about preserving vitamins. By the way, instead of honey, you can use a spoonful of brown sugar, the effect will be almost the same.

4. Add chopped or grated cloves of garlic to the honey, lay the mustard. We introduce spices and salt, we throw a little basil. You can take a mixture of Provencal herbs. Rub everything well, then pour two tablespoons of oil. The third is left to grease the form before baking.

5. We rub the bird inside and outside with the prepared aromatic mixture, leave it to marinate for an hour, but it can be longer, if necessary, keep it in the refrigerator for up to two days, the taste will benefit from this.

6. Cut the apples into slices, remove the core, chop the pieces do not need.

7. Part of the apples lay in the duck belly. We pin the hole with toothpicks or sew with a thread. We use an ordinary large-sized sewing needle for this.

8. Lubricate the duck mold, it is advisable to choose a suitable size so that there is not much free space left. You can use the duckweed.

9. Lay out the pieces of apples that remained. We have a duck on top.

10. Cover with foil, send to a heated oven, the temperature for the duck is 190 degrees. Cooking 1.5-2 hours. Periodically gently open the foil, pour the carcass with grease from the bottom of the mold.

11. After 2 hours, you can remove the foil altogether, brown the carcass for 20-30 minutes to a beautiful crust.

12. Before serving, transfer the carcass to a dish, remove toothpicks or threads, depending on what was used. The lower apples, which were placed under the duck, are usually saturated with fat, you can not put them.

Duck with apples: a step by step recipe in slices (with prunes)

A variant of a stunningly juicy and tender bird, which is prepared in pieces. In a step-by-step recipe for duck with apples, prunes are used, but dried apricots can also be taken. It fits perfectly into the dish, gives its aroma and taste. You can use just chopped carcass or selective parts, for example, only legs.


• 1.5 kg of duck;

• 3 apples;

• 130 g of prunes;

• 70 g of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of nuts;

• spices.


1. Wash the pieces of duck and wipe thoroughly on all sides with napkins; it is important to dry the bird so that it is well browned. But if you wish, before preliminary roasting, you can roll the pieces in ordinary wheat flour, they will quickly be crusted. We don’t do small pieces, you can just cut the duck into joints.

2. Heat any oil in a large pan, you can even take butter. It’s good to warm the bird to not release juices.

3. Spread the pieces in pieces, fry until golden brown, first on one side, then also on the second. If the whole duck does not fit at a time, then cook in two steps. You can lay out the prepared bird immediately in a baking dish.

4. Rinse the prunes. If it is dry, then hold it a little in warm water, the same can be done with dried apricots, if it is used.

5. Wash the apples, cut into large pieces, remove the stubs with seeds.

6. Chop nuts, but you can cook without them. Sprinkle with apples, mix, add prunes or dried apricots.

7. Now spices. The duck has not yet been salted, not pepper, but it is already fried. Therefore, spices should be mixed with something liquid, you can use soy sauce as a base, take a little apple juice or just water. Dilute the salt and pepper, but just a little bit, you can add any seasonings at your discretion. Grate the fried pieces, return everything to shape.

8. Between the duck lay pieces of apples with prunes and nuts. If something remains, then just pour it on top.

9. Pull a piece of regular aluminum foil onto the mold.

10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, you do not need to do a higher temperature.

11. Put the form with duck and fruit, cook for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. You can leave longer. During this time, the bird is well stewed, saturated with juices, it will turn out to be unusually tender and aromatic.

12. The finished dish is served with fresh vegetables, complemented with side dishes of rice or buckwheat.

Duck with apples: a step-by-step recipe with potatoes

Another great step-by-step recipe for duck with apples, in which the whole bird is cooked. Additionally used potatoes. In order not to cut it, choose the same size and even tubers. A very tasty dish is obtained with young potatoes.


• a small duck;

• 5 small apples;

• 100 g sour cream;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard (optional);

• 8-10 potatoes;

• salt, pepper, other seasonings;

• 2 tbsp. l oils.


1. Peel the cloves of garlic, chop and combine with sour cream, add mustard for pungency, or simply sprinkle pepper, season it all with salt, and grind thoroughly.

2. Rinse the duck carcass, cut off all the excess, dry and grate with sour cream. You can also use mayonnaise, it also perfectly soaks the bird. But the dish may turn out to be too fat. Do not forget to grate.

3. Leave the duck to marinate for at least an hour. From time to time, you can rub sour cream on the surface so that it penetrates better with spices.

4. On the apples that remain, make a few punctures. They are needed so that the fruits do not burst in unexpected places.

5. Two apples cut into slices, they are needed to fill the bird. We lay inside. In principle, you can not sew up the hole, but it is better to stab the skin with a pair of toothpicks.

6. Peel the potatoes, grate with salt and pepper, add the remaining apples to them and pour in the vegetable oil. Stir well.

7. Put the duck in a greased form, scatter apples and potatoes around. You can put all this in a baking sleeve. Or cover with a piece of foil.

8. Send to the oven, cook exactly two hours. We set the temperature for the duck in the region of 190-200 degrees.

9. After two hours, you need to get the form. We remove the foil. At the bottom there will be fat and juice with spices, water the duck.

10. The potato on the bottom is well saturated; it needs to be turned over.

11. Now we add the temperature in the oven to 210-220 degrees, send the duck with apples and potatoes again to the oven.

12. Cook for about half an hour, achieving a delicious crust on the bird. So that it does not dry out, you can periodically pour juices from the bottom of the form.

Duck with apples - useful tips and tricks

• The main fat of duck is under thick skin, it is difficult for it to melt. Before baking, you can make shallow cuts on the surface of the carcass to speed up the process.

• The liver, heart and other offal can be shoved back inside the duck carcass after washing and processing, let them cook together with apples.

• To prevent the duck from sticking to the mold and not floating in the fat, you can lay it on a layer of apples, onions or carrots, potatoes.

• In many step-by-step recipes, ducks with apples are simply marked with spices. You can take mixtures for meat, chicken, minced meat, all of them are great.

• If the carcass needs to be covered with foil, then on the most protruding part put a piece of meat, lard, you can cut the wing. The coating will not touch the bird, does not stick, does not spoil the skin.


Watch the video: How to Make an Edible Apple Swan! (June 2024).