Custard sour cream - it’s never more tender! The technology for the preparation of custard sour cream for buttering and cake decorating


Sour cream cream for impregnation of cakes is often used, such creams do not hold shape even after adding oil. There are several ways to help thicken such a cream. One of them is brewing a creamy mass. Did not try? We offer you some tried and tested options.

Custard cream - general principles of preparation

• Sour cream, like all cream masses of this type, is brewed on eggs and flour. But there are recipes that allow you to brew a cream base without these components. At the same time, the initial product is in no way inferior in terms of tenderness and airiness to a cream prepared according to the classical recipe.

• The most fat and natural sour-milk product should be used in the preparation. Poor-quality or low-fat sour cream with prolonged heating can exfoliate. It is worth noting that sour cream should be only the first freshness, otherwise a dessert with such a cream that has stood even for a short time can lead to food poisoning.

• Sour cream can be added to the cream at the end of cooking, when the brewed base has cooled well. Often a fermented milk product is used as the main one, on which the cream mass is brewed. In this case, it is mixed with other components and warmed up at the very minimum heat, although it is even better to use a water bath for this, then the cream is not guaranteed to burn.

• To tint cream or to give it a certain taste, you can add honey, cocoa powder or chocolate to it. With the introduction of cocoa and chocolate, chocolate creams are obtained, with the addition of honey, the mass acquires a light beige hue. An additional creamy taste is given by oil, which is mixed into an already prepared mass.

• Sour cream custard is rarely used to make cakes. But he well permeates any cakes. To decorate the cake, the density is adjusted by adding softened butter.

Thick custard sour cream with eggs and butter

The custard based on this recipe will be cooked on sour cream. To prevent the fermented milk product during heating, take sour cream of the highest fat content. A thick cream, applied in a thick layer on a biscuit, does not spread, even if you put a second biscuit on it.


• white baking flour - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 120 gr. granulated sugar;

• egg;

• a pack of butter;

• fatty 30% sour cream - 300 gr.;

• 20 gr. vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the egg into sugar and rub with a spoon until a pasty white mass is obtained.

2. When sifting, add flour and mash well again. While stirring, add all the sour cream and place the warming bowl in a water bath.

3. While stirring constantly, warm the cream base until thickened. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not come in contact with hot water.

4. Remove the hot mass from the stove, immediately mix in it part of the butter (up to 50 g) and vanilla sugar, cover and set to cool.

5. Cut the remaining oil into slices and transfer to a clean container. After they are well softened - beat. Into the resulting lush oil mass, constantly whisking, enter the cooled sour cream base. To make the cream beat well, add no more than two tablespoons at a time, then beat until smooth.

Creamy custard sour cream in milk

Not only oil gives a characteristic creamy tint to the mass. Thanks to the milk on which the base is brewed, the cream acquires a more delicate taste. To get more fat, it is better to take homemade milk, sour cream is introduced at the end and does not warm up.


• homemade cow's milk - 700 ml;

• three tablespoons of first-class flour;

• a glass of granulated sugar;

• two large eggs;

• 1 gram of powdered vanilla;

• 150 gr. high fat butter;

• a full glass of oily sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Mix half the norm of sugar with flour. Add eggs and beat lightly. Pour in a glass of cold milk and repeat whipping. A homogeneous mixture should be obtained, without sugar crystals and lumps of flour that has gone astray.

2. Combine the remaining milk and granulated sugar. Add the vanilla powder and, having mixed, place on an intense fire.

3. As soon as the sweet milk begins to boil, continuously stirring, immediately pour the egg-milk mass into it and boil on slow heating until thickened. When cooking, constantly mix the cream base, trying to separate it from the bottom as best as possible. Otherwise, the milk mass will burn.

4. Remove the brewed milk base from the stove and set to cool. When cooled, it will become even thicker.

5. To splendor, beat with a mixer soft butter, and then portionwise enter it into a well-cooled brewed base. Add sour cream and cook until well, whisking at medium speed.

Custard Sour Cream Recipe - Chocolate with Cocoa

Cocoa is often used to make chocolate cream. The recipe involves the use of powdered cocoa without sugar, with a pronounced chocolate flavor, rich dark color. Before the introduction of cocoa, it is advisable to reseed. The presence of lumps will prevent the powder from stirring well in sour cream mass.


• five tablespoons of sugar;

• fatty 25% sour cream - 200 gr.;

• 60 gr. sifted flour;

• egg;

• 90 gr. dark cocoa powder;

• vanilla sugar - 10 g.

Cooking method:

1. In an enameled or glass bowl, combine sour cream with all the measured sugar. Stir, achieving a uniform consistency, and then place the bowl to warm in a water bath.

2. Introduce the egg that was previously sprinkled with a whisk, the sifted flour into a warm, non-hot cream base, and continue to warm. For uniform brewing of sour cream, constantly mix and make sure that boiling water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.

3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, immediately insert cocoa into it, stir and reduce heat. The powder intervenes more evenly if you introduce it, sifting through a sieve. Continuing to stir, boil to the desired density and cool at room temperature. Note that after cooling, the mass will thicken even more.

Custard cream on condensed milk with honey (without eggs and flour)

Natural honey makes the cream, in addition to taste, also useful. With prolonged warming with condensed milk, it stains the sweet mass in a delicate color. Sour cream is added last, to the already cooled mass, eggs are not used.


• condensed milk, whole - 350 gr.;

• half a liter of thick sour cream;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• sweet cream butter 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the condensed milk into a thick-walled bowl. Add honey and put on a small fire.

2. Constantly stirring, warm the mixture until the honey is completely dispersed and the mass begins to change color. Remove the mass painted in soft cream color from the heat and set to cool. To speed up the process, you can place the bowl on ice cubes.

3. Put cold sour cream in the cooled base and beat until fluffy, turning on the average speed on the mixer.

Condensed sour cream custard with butter

According to the recipe, in addition to condensed milk, powdered sugar is added. If you do not like too sweet, you can exclude it, the sweetness of condensed milk will be enough. To soak cakes well, put the indicated amount of oil. If you use the mass to decorate the dessert, make it denser by adding more oil.


• one egg;

• 150 gr. unboiled condensed milk;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• icing sugar - 50 g .;

• 200 gr. sour cream, from 20% fat content;

• 1 gram of powdered vanilla;

• pack of oil.

Cooking method:

1. Sieve powdered sugar with flour, beat the egg until foam.

2. Mix sour cream with condensed milk, add an egg, add a mixture of powdered sugar and flour and, slightly whisking, mix all the ingredients.

3. Place the bowl in the water bath so that the bottom does not reach the boiling water and warm up without ceasing to stir. Do not be lazy, do not use open fire, the base will burn and will be damaged.

4. Cook the cream until thickened. Consistency should be thicker than home-made sour cream. When the mass is ready, remove it from the bath, enter the vanilla and leave to cool on the table. Then refrigerate by refrigerating.

5. Beat soft butter with a mixer until fluffy. Then, gradually increasing the speed, add to it, introducing in small portions, a cooled sour cream base. Stop whipping when the cream is dense and uniform enough.

Chocolate custard sour cream recipe with chocolate

When preparing chocolate custard, the base can be painted not only with cocoa powder. For these purposes, dark chocolate is often used. It is broken into small squares and added to the main components before heating. For darker coloring and pronounced chocolate flavor, you should take tiles of bitter 76% chocolate. With a dairy product, the color will be lighter and the taste more tender.


• two glasses of 20% sour cream;

• 100 gr. dark, dark chocolate;

• half a glass of wheat flour;

• pack of natural oil;

• 100 gr. refined sugar;

• four eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Put sour cream in a bowl, add the chocolate divided into square pieces, add sugar. Warm the mixture over the smallest fire or use a water bath until the chocolate and sugar have completely melted and the mass becomes homogeneous.

2. Beat the eggs with flour, after which, with vigorous stirring, pour the hot chocolate base into them and again set to warm. Bring the chocolate mass to a thickening, cool.

3. Beating soft butter with a mixer, add the cooled chocolate base to it. Do not enter all at once; put a maximum of two tablespoons at a time.

4. After the mass becomes visually homogeneous, it will be possible to immediately coat the cakes with it.

Custard Sour Cream - cooking tips and tricks

• For cooking custard, it is better to use thick-walled dishes in which the mass does not burn during prolonged heating. But an even better option for this is a water bath. The process takes longer, but do not worry that the cream will stick to the bottom.

• Oil is added to sour cream not only to tint its creamy taste. This is mainly done so that the mass becomes more magnificent and airy. Therefore, do not neglect its use.

• Ready custard on sour cream can be used not only for layering cakes or as a filling for cakes. Pies, muffins, muffins, buns and many other confectionery products baked with it have a very rich taste.


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