Fiber for weight loss: what to eat to get rid of extra pounds. How to use fiber for weight loss


To lose weight, the first thing to do is to clean your intestines well. Fiber for weight loss will help.

What is fiber and how does it affect the body

Fiber is a dietary fiber found in plant foods. For example, if you make freshly squeezed juice, the remainder of fruits and vegetables will be fiber. Dietary fibers are of two types:

• insoluble;

• soluble.

Soluble fiber passing through the body, "collect" the accumulation of salts of heavy metals and excess cholesterol. Insoluble is also very important. They normalize intestinal motility, accelerate the process of emptying and reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the colon.

There is no doubt that fiber for weight loss is extremely useful, it will not only lose a few pounds, but also cleanse the body. The main thing is that both insoluble and soluble fibers are included in the diet in an even amount.

Varieties of plant fiber: what it is, and in which products it contains

Before you start losing weight, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of plant fiber. It is also important to know which foods can give the body the required daily amount of dietary fiber.

Types of fiber for weight loss

1. Cellulose. This substance is found in large quantities in all types of cabbage, in the peel of cucumbers, in bran, carrots and apples. Cellulose allows you to slightly expand the walls of the intestine, which will speed up the process of exit of feces.

2. Lignin. It is mainly found in strawberries, peas, bran and cereals. This type of fiber for weight loss is extremely important. Lignin lowers cholesterol in the blood, satisfies hunger for a long time, which eliminates the risk of excess snacks.

3. Hemicellulose - this is beets, bran, Brussels sprouts. The substance removes excess water, toxins and waste from the intestines.

4. Pectin. A lot of substance in apples, cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, carrots. This type of fiber is soluble. Pectin allows you to absorb salts of heavy metals and slag, remove them along with feces. In addition, the substance contributes to the overall strengthening of the immune system.

Benefits of Using Fiber for Weight Loss

The main advantage of fiber is that this substance has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs of the digestive tract. When all the systems in the body work fine, the person feels excellent, improves his appearance and the signs of fatigue disappear.

Positive aspects of eating fiber for weight loss

1. Lowers blood cholesterol. Studies have been conducted, the results of which have confirmed the benefits of eating plant foods. In people who do not neglect it, cholesterol is always normal.

2. Fiber regularly removes from the intestines accumulations of toxins, salts of heavy metals and toxins.

3. Prevents the formation of gallstones.

4. Improves intestinal motility, prevents the development of many diseases. This is very important for human health. Fiber envelops the intestines with special mucus that heals wounds and even relieves inflammation.

5. Suppresses appetite. Eating plant foods reduces the risk of overeating. When fiber enters the stomach, it swells instantly, absorbs excess fluid into itself, due to which there is a feeling of satiety.

6. By adding 30% more plant foods to your diet than usual, a person will gradually lose those extra pounds.

7. Effectively cleanses the intestines, "pushes" stagnation of feces from it.

8. Allows you to break down sugar, so that does not have time to form a fatty layer.

Fiber Options

Fiber is indispensable for those who want to cleanse their body and forget about what excess weight is. If there are several options for effective diets, from which it will be very easy to choose the most suitable for yourself.

Sparing diet

If a person does not have the opportunity to adhere to a strict diet, this diet option will appeal to him. All that needs to be done is to eat so that 70% of the consumed foods contain a lot of fiber. In this mode, 4-5 kilograms per month naturally go away.

Strict diet

Fiber for weight loss can be used in a strict diet, designed for 14 days. To do this, you will need to purchase a pharmacy product. Siberian fiber is sold in a large jar, which contains everything you need to help you lose weight.

Within two weeks, you need to clearly follow a simple diet. Fiber is used every 4 hours (2 tablespoons of the dried product are mixed in kefir or water). In this case, it is desirable to completely eliminate the use of sweet, fried and salty.

Fasting day

For a day you need to buy 1 liter of low fat kefir and divide the contents of the package into 4 equal parts. You need to drink them during the day, 1.5 tablespoons of Siberian fiber are added to each glass.

Daily dietary fiber:

• men under 50 years old - 40 grams;

• women under the age of 50 - 30 grams;

• women and men who are older than 50 years old - no more than 20 grams.

Important points in the organization of the diet

Regardless of what type of plant fiber a person has included in his diet, if you want to lose weight, you need to know several important nuances.

Rules for the use of fiber for weight loss

1. The product will work only if a person consumes a sufficient amount of liquid. It must be taken into account that fiber absorbs water, therefore, not 2, but 2.5-3 liters of pure still water should be drunk per day.

2. It is best to eat fiber 30 minutes before meals. This will help prevent overeating and prepare the digestive system for the upcoming “work.”

3. Do not use the product in larger quantities than the daily allowance allows.

4. Even if a person has acquired Siberian fiber for himself in a pharmacy, in any case you need to eat foods rich in plant fibers. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals must be present in the diet.

5. Faster to lose weight will help physical activity. You need to give simple exercises 40-50 minutes. It can be running, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, jumping rope. You can also use hula hoop. If you have time to visit the gym, this opportunity should definitely be taken.

6. Fiber will not help lose weight if you eat chocolate cookies and fried potatoes daily with kilograms. All "empty" calories from the diet are categorically excluded. Eat only natural products.

Damage to fiber for weight loss

Before taking fiber for weight loss, regardless of its type, be sure to consult your doctor in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the body.

The product is not recommended in the following cases:

• for diseases of the gallbladder and liver;

• with an ulcer and gastritis during an exacerbation;

• in the presence of individual intolerance to the product (it happens extremely rarely, but it happens);

• during pregnancy;

• with diarrhea;

• during lactation.

It is impossible to abuse fiber, an overdose will lead to the fact that the body will not be able to absorb all the nutrients and vitamins entering it. As a result, bloating, headaches.

The effectiveness of fiber for weight loss is beyond doubt. However, do not forget that everything is useful in moderation. When using Siberian fiber, you need to take a break. For example, include a product in the diet for 2 weeks, then forget about it for 1 week. In order to consolidate the result and keep yourself in good shape, it is recommended to devote time every day to the simplest physical exercises and drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gases.


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