Scientists explain why a person does not bite his tongue while eating


The secret that interests both kids and adults, it turns out, lies in the neurons of the brain, coordinating the movement of the jaw and tongue. Scientists said that you can consciously control the process of chewing. If this does not happen, then the brain neurons interconnected take over the controlling function. The process of chewing is a complex, well-coordinated work of the jaw and tongue. Language, placing food between the teeth, in the process of chewing removes it.

For a long time, scientists could not understand exactly which neurons control the movements of the jaw and tongue. To clarify this, special laboratory tests were carried out, during which a special type of rabies was used in laboratory mice, which made it possible to trace the activation of brain neurons during chewing by rodents of food.

As a result, a complex scheme of interaction between various neurons was revealed, some of which were responsible for opening the jaw, the other for the extension of the tongue. The other group of neurons was responsible for directly opposite actions. And special premotor neurons allow you to control the coordinated simultaneous work of many muscles.


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