Stewed plums and grapes are a healthy drink all year round. There is not much aromatic compote from plums and grapes


Sweet compote made from plums and grapes is one of the most delicious drinks. It can be prepared for the winter, and enjoy during the ripening of fruits and berries.

After all, both plums and grapes ripen almost simultaneously.

It is worth letting go of your culinary fantasy, and it will help to prepare many goodies.

Compote our body will take with pleasure. There are no additives or preservatives in it, the drink is prepared only from natural products.

True, there is a small drawback - a significant amount of sugar, which increases the calorie content of canned compote.

It can be reduced, but it is dangerous to completely manage - the drink will deteriorate ahead of time.

One of the compromise options is to freeze more fruits. Of them at any time get a good fresh kompotik.

Stewed plums and grapes - general principles of preparation

Stewed plums and grapes are equally tasty both chilled and warm. They are stocked up for future use and used as a dessert.

Summer compote is made from fresh fruits. In the cold, previously frozen plums and grapes or preservation will do. The latter is considered the best fruit and berry preparation, because thanks to the recipe it is stored for at least a year and does not lose its taste and usefulness.

Compote is a dish that is prepared much easier than a variety of jams, jams or jams. Drinking a drink is a thankful task on all sides:

  • fruits do not disappear and are processed with benefit;

  • all year round a healthy drink is at hand, successfully replacing soda and store juices;

  • plums and grapes from compote conveniently move into desserts and milk porridges.

A company of two delicious ingredients can be replenished with other fruits.

You can make a drink with pasteurization of cans, and without it.

Fresh compote is prepared from any grapes and plums. But for seaming more suitable:

  • Sabbath;

  • Cardinal;

  • Moldova;

  • Muscat of Alexandria;

  • Isabella and others.

First you need to prepare berries and fruits: sort, rinse and shake off water. If the compote is stored, it is better to remove the seeds from the plums - they contain harmful substances that can get into the drink. Grapes are most often separated from twigs. Small clusters with small fruits can be washed additionally and sent to the dishes as a whole.

Fruit for compote must be ripe with dense pulp. They are placed in dishes so as to occupy a third of its volume.

When preserving compote, plums and grapes in a jar, you need to squeeze it tight.

Filled glass containers are poured with sugar syrup. Its most optimal concentration is 30%, that is, in one liter contains 0.7 ml of water and 0.3 kg of sweet ingredient. The amount of sugar is regulated depending on how acidic the fruits are added.

The syrup is heated to 45 degrees, which protects the berries from bursting.

Cans are covered with sterilized lids and pasteurized in a wide pan with hot water. After boiling the liquid, the process lasts from ten minutes (containers in half a liter) to half an hour (three-liter containers).

In a large volume container, it is rational to pour the syrup in a boiling state, since it is inconvenient to pasteurize it.

Banks with ready-made compote are hermetically sealed or curled, turned over and slightly covered with a towel.

After cooling, the compote is cleaned in a dark and cool room: pantry, basement, cellar, refrigerator.

Compote, cooked not for the future, should be infused after boiling for about five minutes. It can be boiled without sugar, and add a little honey to the cup.

Orange or lemon peels, mint will improve the taste of compote. They are put during cooking, and then removed from the cooled drink.

Recipe 1. Stewed plums and grapes "It's time to relax"


• two hundred grams of plums;

• half a kilogram of Isabella grapes;

• 300 ml of water;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• sprig of thyme;

• five leaves of mint;

• three juniper berries.

Cooking method:

Plums and berry clusters thoroughly rinse and shake off the water.

Separate the grapes from the twigs and place in a separate saucepan.

Remove the seeds from the plums (but you can leave them). Put them in the same saucepan. We send the container to the stove.

Pour fruit and berries with hot water, add sugar.

Throw in a compote a sprig of thyme, juniper berries and mint leaves.

When the water in the saucepan boils, remove it from the heat.

Mint leaves are removed.

In a sterilized container, pour a little compote.

We shift plums and grapes into cans, pour the remains of compote.

Hermetically close the glass container. We put it on one towel and cover it with another.

After cooling, we hide the cans in the pantry or in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Stewed plums and grapes "Emerald"


Container 3 liters:

• 1/3 cans of green grapes;

• five plums;

• 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid;

• two liters of water;

• 0.4 kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

We sterilize a glass container and a cover.

We wash and dry the grapes and plums.

Boil water in a clean pan.

In the jar we put grape berries, torn from the branches. Throw the plums in their entire form (with seeds).

Pour sugar and citric acid onto the surface of berries and fruits.

When the water boils, carefully pour it into a jar. Cover and roll up.

To help the sugar dissolve, gently and carefully shake the jar.

Turn over and cover with a towel. We leave the compote for a day, then send to the place where it will live until it returns to the dining space.

Recipe 3. Stewed plums and grapes with juice


• one liter of grape juice;

• 250 grams of sugar;

• 300 grams of grapes;

• 150 grams of plums.

Cooking method:

We wash the grape brushes with water and put in liter jars.

We free plums, throw on berries.

Boil the juice and add sugar. When the sweet ingredient has dissolved, pour the liquid into the jars.

We cover the glass containers with lids, place in a wide pan with hot water and pasteurize for 15 minutes.

We turn the hot compote in the jars, cover with something warm and after a day we hide in the pantry.

Recipe 4. Stewed plums and grapes


• one liter of water;

• 0.45 kg of sugar;

• 0.25 kg of grapes;

• five plums.

Cooking method:

We fill the banks with halves of plums.

Grapes are immersed in water and washed several times. Separate the berries from the branches and place them in a jar.

Fill with fruits and berries no more than half of the jar.

We boil water and fill cans with it. Cover with a lid. We drain the water in about ten minutes.

The second time, pour boiling water over fruits and berries. Pour it into a saucepan after it cools down a little.

It's time to make syrup. The amount of water will tell you how much sugar to add.

Pour the sweet ingredient, mix and bring the liquid to a boil.

Pour the syrup into the glass containers to the top and roll up.

Turn over and wrap.

After cooling, we place the container in a dark and cool room. It remains to endure until the winter, so that the compote is infused and turned into a fragrant and vitamin drink.

Recipe 5. Compote of plums and grapes "Fragrant dessert"


• one and a half liters of water;

• 0.5 kg of grapes;

• 200 gr. drain;

• orange peel;

• five spoons Art. Sahara.

Cooking method:

Separate the grapes from the branches. Wash in several waters and dry.

We clear plums from stones.

Pour some water into a deep saucepan, heat until it boils. We load grapes and plums.

Cook for three minutes and pour the sweet ingredient. Stir, boil again and cook another five minutes on low heat.

Before cooking, add finely chopped orange zest.

Remove the compote from the stove and insist for at least half an hour.

Recipe 6. Stewed plums and grapes with wine


• half a kilogram of grapes;

• 300 gr. drain;

• two tablespoons of Art. Sahara;

• 100 ml of sweet red wine;

• two liters of purified water.

Cooking method:

Rinse the fruit thoroughly.

Free the plums and cut into four.

We leave grapes in bunches.

Fruits are sent to a three-liter saucepan, poured with water and sent to the fire.

After boiling, cook for five minutes.

Turn off the fire, but do not remove from the stove. Pour sugar, pour wine and cover the saucepan.

Stewed plums and grapes should be infused for about an hour.

Recipe 7. Stewed plums and grapes "Mix"


• six glasses of water;

• 500 gr. Sahara;

• two clove buds;

• 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon;

• 20 gr. lemon zest;

• one art. a spoon of rum;

• 300 gr. plums and grapes.

Cooking method:

We heat the water to 100 degrees, then pour sugar into it. After another boiling syrup, cook for five or seven minutes.

Washing fruits. Cut the plums in half and free from the stones. Grape berries are torn from the branches.

Dip the fruits in boiling syrup and cook for three minutes. Add cloves with cinnamon, pieces of lemon zest. Cook for another minute and set the compote to cool.

Add rum.

After the drink has cooled, take out the lemon zest.

Stewed plums and grapes - tricks and tips

  • To make the drink a success, it is better not to use tap water, but stock up with key or filtered water.

  • Frozen fruits are put in cold water, because they need time to defrost and swell.

  • Fresh plums and grapes are not recommended to be loaded in boiling water. They will collapse before they can give vitamins and juice.

  • Compote can only be slightly boiled and the heating turned off. The drink should be infused for several hours, then the vitamins in it will be preserved almost completely.

  • Citric acid will not only help keep the compote longer, but also improve its color: make it brighter.

  • To improve the taste, rum, port or madeira is added to the drink: five or ten ml per serving.

  • If the amount of grapes is significant, it can be placed in a large basin or bath and filled with water. Gradually, all the bugs and spiders that hide among the twigs will surface on the surface.


Watch the video: Nutrition & Diets : About Bananas & Gout (June 2024).